Topic: save america | |
not isolationism... supporting local/ in country business plus a level playing field for imports. ITS MATH THATS WORKED SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME, Whats changed? ans. people being brainwashed in our liberal/commie colleges. THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN AND WILL ALWAYS BE TRADE BETWEEN NATIONS. Until now, these countries have always charged a tarriff. now we are trying to compete against companies which have no EPA, OSHA, ECT to deal with. A level playing field is apparantly not an option anymore, so i say buy from a company who employes americans. why is that so hard to understand? As for the electronics guy, why do we NEED any electronics abnyway? We survived just fine for millineia without them, and i know i can survive without a tv, ect. Can you or are you so dependant on technology you are helpless without it? wHAT WE WANT AND WHAT WE NEED ARE TWO DIFFERENT ANIMALS. Buy american or do without is my new policy. do you have the stones to follow suit? Who needs electronics? You gonna give up your computer? How long will we stand while going backward by giving up electronics? You said earlier if a part isn't made in america have it custom made, must be nice to have money to throw away but most of us can barely afford what we've got now. After giving up technology, you better pray we don't go into any more wars, because without it we don't stand a chance. Go ahead, you go do without & the rest of us will stay here seeing as you won't be on the site anymore;^] |
wHAT WE WANT AND WHAT WE NEED ARE TWO DIFFERENT ANIMALS. Buy american or do without is my new policy. do you have the stones to follow suit? If you truly meant this.. you and I would be talking via 70's vintage shortwave.. or two Dixie cups and a string!
Can you or are you so dependant on technology you are helpless without it?
Whether I have the stones, huh? I've lived off the grid for months at a time. For years.. It was my job. No T.V... no computers.. no cars.. no house... My electronics were limited to a solar collector and two sets of ni-cad batteries for a weather radio and flashlight. My mode of transport was my two feet, a horse and several pack mules. I've been out so long.. I actually found myself pausing at a traffic light wondering what 'Yellow' meant when I came back to civilization. Apparently I was skilled enough to be hired as a guide to hunters and fisherman.. families and groups. They entrusted me with their welfare in some of the most rugged territory on this continent. So yes.. I am quite comfortable without. I've got a car outside that has been running on $20.00 of fuel for about 6, maybe 7 weeks now. It has not moved in better then a week.. That has been the standard since I first owned it.. I walk, ride my bicycle and use public transport more often. I'm no expert when it comes to economics, my friend.. but it doesn't require any expertise..just s bit of common sense, to have a true understanding of our situation. To know that a rally on the D.C. mall, buying fictitious American products.. and whining on a dating site forum is not the answer. You are simply complaining for the sake of complaining.. Reveling in yet another opportunity to use words like 'Commie' and 'Liberal' in a semi coherent sentence. By all evidence... you do not really mean what you say because we are here having this conversation! My guess is.. you are wearing at least 3 pieces of clothing not manufactured within our borders.. own at least 10 appliances that were made elsewhere.. etc.... You probably go to the store and buy manufacturers like Maytag, Hewlett Packard, Westinghouse, Zenith and Quasar.. without realizing that they are no longer entirely local concerns. That most of the product is made off shore..just final assembly is done here to avoid taxation. Or.. you have convinced yourself that because they are assembled here it is OK to buy. I also know.. I am not capable of offering an answer. There are people educated in that art who can accomplish this. So.. again. Do you have the stones to back your words? If so.. then the last post you made should be the last we hear from you. |
whats with the tude dude? is it the coke or the whiskey? were on the same page here so chill.
i think i know why you two are single. hmmmmmm
i think i know why you two are single. hmmmmmm For having an education and some common sense? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Sun 12/23/07 02:16 PM
No, for having a permanent attitiude and argumentative personality and just enough knowledge to be dangerous. People like you are the problem. ***** and complain and bring everyone else around you down. Your not worth talking to as long as you continue to act the fool.
.. and that was subtle. lol
Ok, if you say so, but it seems you're the one here complaining and whining while doing everything but answering the questions we put before you. Only a fool would say "buy everything american made" and then believe that WE need YOUR help. "It's better to hear the rebuke of the wise than the folly of fools", and I'm certainly not the fool in this situation, aside from the facts I've presented which you've consistantly ignored, I even offered a sollution to open even more jobs. We've got much bigger problems than where our products come from, for example the ability to make a declaration of war now rests in the hands of a single individual, we're overseas torchering people, we're ease dropping on private citisens, and did you know the police can now search your private premises without a warrant? Did you know the government can now seize private property for commercial use? Scary ain't it? Yet here you are trying to "save" america by doing something that will only create more bad than good. Welcome to the all new america, where you're only free to do as you're told;^]
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Sun 12/23/07 03:31 PM
Oops.. I might have pissed off the already pissed off...Been accused of being argumentative by the argumentative..
Apparently I did not do my part by cowering to the name calling, not fitting the assumptive stereotyping, not responding favorably to lines such as these... ive been in the patriot movement my whole life, and can guarantee you that whites would rather argue about the 3 percent we disagree with each other on, rather than work the problem. Mexicans for example, tend to stick together like glue. If one wants a raise at work, they will all have a sit down strike until it happens. Oriental families tend to work together to build a family business. Us whites want to be one man armys,
Geeze Bill.. I('m part French. part Filipino.. That makes me White, Spanish and Asain... So according to your philosophy.. I am uncooperative, cooperative and work well with my other parts.. {quote]... i was thinking of some posters we could place all over the country. any artists in the crowd? Sure Bill, I can draw some pretty pictures. When I have a reason to. its a lot easier to sit in your moms basement on the computer than get up and solve the problem.... waiting for bodies for the movement. Yup.. You caught me... Actually, hiding in my Mommy's basement would be a more efficient use of my time then working toward your 'solution'.
This was the line that got my attention. This was the line that showed your 'tude. I was simply following the thread before than. I'm amazed at how quickly you went from bully to victim though. Normally it takes a few more pages. |
i rest my case. thanks.
If your point was.. You resent being treated the way you treat others.. Then I agree. Your case is made. I'm happy to help. Have a nice day and a Merry Christmas!
Edited by
Mon 12/24/07 06:30 AM
you guys have been riding my arse since i started this thread. 9 plus pages in, Im still looking for someone with POSITIVE feedback. Do you know what that is? Its when we work together. if nothing else youll prove me wrong when i say it just dont happen anymore. The lil dog with the santa hat made in china had a good idea. i say we work that one. Im not looking for anymore debates, as the lil dog and I already have a direction. arguing is rehashing what we have already been over. if you dont like this movement, start your own but please dont try to drag us into your counterproductive, time wasting mindset that drives people away. Is that your plan?
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Mon 12/24/07 06:55 AM
hanged, not all companies are bottom line happy but im sure most are. my main concern is in fact jobs, and if we could recreate the market for the local manufactured products, the companies will come. it wont be easy but if we each do a part it can happen. ive given up all hope that the govt will ever turn this around so its up to us. Mabe i dont need that flat screen from indochina. mabe the ole zenith is good enough.MABE I CAN LIVE WITHOUT A TELEVISION UNTIL ONE MADE HERE IS AVAILABLE. Mabe thats not an option with someone who has a house full of kids, and thats ok too. We all have foreign goods, im not saying throw them out but you can if you want to. We can use them as tools to get the message out, however. Its more important to move forward than to reflect on the problem.
There are some buy american websites, but its all trinkets. its a start though. i would like to see a comprensive list of american made goods. feel free to contact me about such companies. if we all bought only the american made products at wal mart (if any) that would be effective. I dont share some peoples hatred for wally world, as i know people who travel around building thier stores. Theres a lot that goes on we dont hear about. we should find out what thier two american made products are and just buy them. I would rather support the small local stores however. They have taken a big hit from these chains and we need to support them with our business. |
Counterproductive, like your idea to worsen our economy? Walmart has closed more business' than outsourcing ever has. Let's be perfectly clear, even though factory workers might have to learn new skills to adapt to the changing times of the workforce, plenty of new jobs are opening to balance out the outsourcing. I think "america week" is just another way of prentending we're above the rest of the world, how about a plan to open up more jobs in mexico or haiti? Here we are in a nation with more food than mouths to feed, trying to take the new jobs away from the starving populace of third world nations. If we stop buying foreign, what's to stop them from doing the same? That would surely put us in an economic failure, without our exports we're in a world of trouble. You can keep pretending like "buying american only" will do some good, truth is though never in the history of man has isolating trade ever worked for anything but to do just that, isolate itself. There's no reason to believe this could ever help the economy, I however have several ideas that would without a doubt help, legalising and regulating drugs, prostitution, gambling, etc etc. I keep hearing "be part of the sollution", yet I have yet to hear any real sollutions, only steps backward;^]
the voice of ignorance speaks.
the voice of ignorance speaks. Hmmm, are you even capable of making an reasonable arguement? Just gonna continue to hurtle insults rather than address the facts put in front of you? Yeah, there's a great man to lead, the ignorant confusing others for his ignorance;^] |
we already know your opinion. why dont you move on? Natuarlly you continue to prove my point,which is whites would rather fight each other than deal with a problem and be part of the solution. I have no intention of answeing your stupid questions, thats not the purpose of this thread.
haha, what sollution? If the problem is that we're an active part of a global economy than yes, you're idea would isolate us from that. I've posted more than opinion, over & over I've posted FACTS which you continue to ignore. If you're point was that you can't argue a reasonable point, indeed your point is prooven. If you can't take a realistic debate, then perhaps it's time you move on;^]
ITS NOT A DEBATE YOU IMBASILE ITS A MOVEMENT. why do you continue to repeat yourself, we all know your position. It is not shared by me as well as a lot of others, so either get on board or fold. PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. WHAT WE NEED ARE SOLUTIONS.
Again, sollutions to WHAT? And who are you to boss me around? Perhaps you should go make your own website where you can ban people like me who have their head in reality (in the old tradition of SPE). Until then, I'm free to post here. So again, through this post you've posted false info after false info while I have rebuked those false statements with FACTS that you simply ignore, and yet you keep repeating the same nonsense over & over. I think people like you are the problem, so how about YOU get on board or fold;^]