Topic: Noise
Differentkindofwench's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:08 PM
Noise - A Rant

Around the Garden
Circling, repeating,
Memorizing the core basis of words.

1 + 1 equals 2,
2 + 2 equals 4,
More memorization of mathematical function.
Mimic-ing my sisters, trying to catch up to
their intelligence levels despite
Their 2 and 5 year leads on me.

At night, hearing the murmur
Of my parents voices bemoaning
The lack of brain power of their
Youngest - what was wrong with her?
Why couldn’t she be like her sisters?

Dad with the shotgun
Oscar, the dog, his coat still so warm and furry
Blood oozing from his ear where the bullet entered his brain.
My stupidity causing his senseless death.
A three year old should know better than to pet
A dog while it’s gnawing a hambone -- the dog will bite ----
And then die….
Despite the desperate cries of a child for mercy….

Every child has the same level of intellect,
Animals should not react instinctively
A man is always right, ’cause he can beat
You into agreeing its so, either physically or verbally.

**** that noise!!!!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:27 PM

LAMom's photo
Sun 12/16/07 10:30 PM
:cry: :cry:

(((( wench )))))

I am at a loss for words my dear

transientmind's photo
Sun 12/16/07 10:52 PM
Raw, powerful. From what I've learned, when one part of the brain is dormant, or slower, another part excels.

Missed you.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Mon 12/17/07 06:19 AM
Your hugs are all I need mom and you always do that well and when I need it most......

TM-mmmmm!!!!Hey, wonderful to see you again. Hope all is well.

Texs, big ol squonch.

I had a very old scar unintentionally opened. It was time to let it bleed out.......

Noden's photo
Mon 12/17/07 06:23 AM
awwww, girl a hug for you really big one so watch out.....flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:07 AM
Wench.......holding you. Mingling memories and tears.:heart: :cry: flowerforyou

Differentkindofwench's photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:16 AM
Jess your ability to blend gentleness and strength amazes me, may I turn out half so well.....thank you.

blonderockermom's photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:17 AM
Damn them old wounds..Years later they still try to take control..but we must never let them...

flowerforyou flowerforyou

ArtGurl's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:50 AM
ohhhhh :cry:

...and the tapes in our minds play on...

:heart: flowerforyou

Unsane's photo
Mon 12/17/07 10:53 AM
beautiful. you've got some style. :D

keep writing, yours is some of my favorite on here.

stay strong. <3

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:56 PM
blonde, thank you, most awesome advice.

Art - wonderful you, hello.

Unsane, thank you, my jaw dropped when I read your post; it was truly a surprising moment.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 12/18/07 01:05 PM
Edited by MsTeddyBear2u on Tue 12/18/07 01:06 PM
I got an extra set of ear plugs...
Speically designed espeically for that kinda of noise...
Wanna barrow a pair?

(((Wench))) flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou
Very good write ABC,123...

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 12/18/07 01:21 PM
Ms. T, gimme, gimme, gimme, yes pleeeeezzzzzzz.

You so Rock........