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Topic: Older men younger women
Kat's photo
Tue 12/31/19 02:51 PM
I only date men that are at least 5yrs older then me!!! Have for the last 20+ yrs

no photo
Tue 12/31/19 03:37 PM
age is more then a number. it is years of experience and maturity.

Abby's photo
Tue 12/31/19 04:35 PM
age is just a number what matters is the love

Abby's photo
Tue 12/31/19 04:36 PM
but really i prefer older men though

no photo
Fri 01/10/20 11:11 AM

no photo
Tue 01/14/20 10:48 PM
If it’s between 2 consenting adults I think it’s all good no matter what the age difference. ;)

no photo
Tue 01/14/20 10:50 PM
hi I can understand u

gabriel's photo
Wed 01/15/20 11:45 AM
thats so true !

pauleyproton's photo
Fri 03/14/25 07:11 PM
I have heard that phrase used so often I might start believing it.
It is usually when speaking to much younger ladies, in fact their ages reflect using "girls" instead, & they want to continue what we have started. Needless to say none were candidates.

no photo
Fri 03/14/25 11:31 PM
idgaf if she's legal. Otherwise, change the law.

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