Topic: Trump | |
Trump is just self-absorbed. He’s changed his political party numerous times,
so he could have well of run as a democrat. But, the point is, when I speak of his antics, I’m not referring to this in a political way, republican vs. democrat, and I vote on issues, not necessarily, the party. I’m not against either. I’m against trump, as a person, as a humanitarian, as a world leader. His behavior is horrid and embarrassing and the sooner he is out of office, the better, as far as I’m concerned. |
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His followers can easily be placed in 4 very distinct categories.
1) The wealthy/capitalist focused, who ONLY care about their own assets. 2) The religious radical fanatics,whose only interest is to indoctrinate THEIR views onto the world.(similar to what the taliban does). 3) The racists and bigots who wage a race war and embrace supremacy. 4) The ignorant/illiterate/uneducated and low IQ (parasites to any culture) Of course the combination of the above mentioned creates more hatred filled categories and opens another can of worms. I said what I said ![]() ![]() Have a blessed day and Congratulations to your new president! ![]() |
Jinjer - Well said and very true. The people that blindly follow Trump want to turn America into a dictatorship, and they want Trump to be like Putin, a murderous dictator. If you don't agree with Trump and the GOP, you're an "enemy of the state"...they want to force their views on everyone, don't care about what is right...the GOP's motto is "Republican Party first...America second". For the most part, Trumpees are brain dead-ignorant fools who follow a fool...this begs the logical question...who's the bigger fool...Trump, or his followers? The majority of Americans will chew these Trumpees up and spit them out. Pence, Barr, most GOP senators...they're all puppets who enable this loser...none of them have any balls !!!
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Wed 11/11/20 09:20 AM
His followers can easily be placed in 4 very distinct categories. 1) The wealthy/capitalist focused, who ONLY care about their own assets. 2) The religious radical fanatics,whose only interest is to indoctrinate THEIR views onto the world.(similar to what the taliban does). 3) The racists and bigots who wage a race war and embrace supremacy. 4) The ignorant/illiterate/uneducated and low IQ (parasites to any culture) Of course the combination of the above mentioned creates more hatred filled categories and opens another can of worms. I said what I said ![]() ![]() Have a blessed day and Congratulations to your new president! ![]() 1) How do you even have internet let alone a computer or phone to post - when so many unfortunate have no internet OR a device? You must only care about your assets 2) Can we include those Antifa and BLM who's only interest is to indoctrinate THEIR views and are willing to burning down cities like those religious radical fanatics? Which cities were the Christians burning down again? 3) Blacks and Mexicans that voted for Trump, must be despicable racists and embrace supremacy - do you call them uncle Toms to their face or just behind their back? 4) I'm sure you can prove your case of them being ignorant, and uneducated. The floor is yours |
Nobody wants antifa or people burning down cities in protest......Super duh !!! who the hell would condone that?...problem is...Trump just doesn't want to lead and find a solution to the racial problems in America...he'd rather shoot them all like Putin would do...not in America bobtail *****.
Ted Wheeler - Democrat
Jenny Durkin - Democrat And all the other Democrats that didn't condemn the violence because it would hurt their bottom feeder base |
His followers can easily be placed in 4 very distinct categories. 1) The wealthy/capitalist focused, who ONLY care about their own assets. 2) The religious radical fanatics,whose only interest is to indoctrinate THEIR views onto the world.(similar to what the taliban does). 3) The racists and bigots who wage a race war and embrace supremacy. 4) The ignorant/illiterate/uneducated and low IQ (parasites to any culture) Of course the combination of the above mentioned creates more hatred filled categories and opens another can of worms. I said what I said ![]() ![]() Have a blessed day and Congratulations to your new president! ![]() 1) How do you even have internet let alone a computer or phone to post - when so many unfortunate have no internet OR a device? You must only care about your assets 2) Can we include those Antifa and BLM who's only interest is to indoctrinate THEIR views and are willing to burning down cities like those religious radical fanatics? Which cities were the Christians burning down again? 3) Blacks and Mexicans that voted for Trump, must be despicable racists and embrace supremacy - do you call them uncle Toms to their face or just behind their back? 4) I'm sure you can prove your case of them being ignorant, and uneducated. The floor is yours Don't understand why you even bother to respond. 'She's said, what she's said' Let's accept that pretty women are against Trump since the day Trump tore into Megyn Kelly, the Fox News anchor who was in the First Debate Panel in 2016; and it’s understandably impossible for them to change minds - even with facts on ground. Take her very first point. DNC spent around a billion this election - donors from Big Tech, Big Pharma and so on. Trump spent in millions - donors from working class & farmers If these could read facts - they would shudder and prefer making love to icicle because it would seem like Popsicle. Take her second point. Even the Muslims world over were relieved when he stopped ISIS on it's tracks - not to mention Europe and Asia. That he had to apply sanctions on Iran regime because it of it's inadvertent role for mothering ISIS is lost to them. These pretty women do not know the difference between Sunni Muslim and the Shias. To make it easier, start with the history of Protestants who first migrated from oppressive Catholic Europe. In the Muslim world, Osama was the wrong extreme of Catholicism and Iran fostered the opposite end. Sanctions and rough words were Trump's method of stopping Muslim fanatical / religious leadership hopefully for some more time. It was sufficient to bring back US soldiers from Syria and Afghanistan Oh yes, pretty women will dance patriotically - so that some of the light is diverted on them - bit Trump who negotiated the World out of wars - is horror. Take her third point: That they don't know Trump has done more to facilitate education for black youth - more than Obama could ever do' is lost to them. Maybe their Black friends (majority in NC & SC) have not updated them. More black American men (may not the women) voted for Trump mot only because he brought back manufacturing jobs but also because arrests came down during his term. And farmers because of support and renegotiated price for export. The Floyd episode was an isolated incident that was exploited to the hilt by ... And Media perception - Trump became a racist Biden said it better, 'You are not black if you don't vote for me'. Take her fourth point: Attacking Trumpees. Forgive her choice of words because she inherited it from DNC leadership: 'super predators', and the crime bill that led to mass incarceration of black men. Forgive / but do not forget She has said what she has said, In spite of which she's adorable and the Dem men defending ..., should give at least 4 thumbs up so that they may finally get back some love from their Dem women after these 4 horrendous years of hate / hysteria So let's keep our silence Bob. Bonus info for those who suggest Moscow to Trumpees --------------------------------------------------- Senate Judiciary committee is out on the Circular Reporting by FBI Clinton's chaining Trump to Moscow with help from advisor Steele Steele organizing Circular Reporting Chains Assange to --> Moscow then chains Moscow to --> Trump ---> reports to FBI Steel --> Yahoo News Breaking --> Assange --> Moscow --> Trump ---> Yahoo reports -> FBI (while Yahoo News has maximum Chinese Americans employees without security clearances -- in top two tier positions Based on above chaining, FBI director starts Mueller investigation without Congressional approval - tax payers fund, etc. While I cannot sincerely wish Bidden congratulations ... I can be sincere about wishing Bidden junior his job back in Ukraine |
Much like Trump and the trumpees approving of white supremacy gatherings, and enabling all the racist hate groups. Is it so bad to recognize there are other people in the world than just white people? Since when did the GOP start to only represent their white constituents?
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Wed 11/11/20 12:55 PM
I just like to point out hypocrisy, even though they themselves aren't keen enough to get it, or perhaps simply ignore it. If it exposes for what it is, others might wake up if they're are bright enough.
For the most part, I've been silent. I'm waiting on the legal results of a FAIR election. They can prematurely yahoo and high five themselves all they want, but what I won't do, is allow them to take pot shots without any kind of back up, expose their hypocrisy and their character.... while they do it They're smarter than us dontcha know, they can back up their claims. |
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Wed 11/11/20 12:40 PM
Much like Trump and the trumpees approving of white supremacy gatherings, and enabling all the racist hate groups. Is it so bad to recognize there are other people in the world than just white people? Since when did the GOP start to only represent their white constituents? I noticed you couldn't refute the answer I gave - and chose to ignore with an unsubstantiated attack When did Trump ever approve of white supremacy? Can I get the date, the quote and circumstances that might pertain to that, please? |
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Wed 11/11/20 01:32 PM
Much like Trump and the trumpees approving of white supremacy gatherings, and enabling all the racist hate groups. Is it so bad to recognize there are other people in the world than just white people? Since when did the GOP start to only represent their white constituents? The posters above you are hopeless......................AND THEY'RE NOT AMERICANS but they just keep pounding away with this bu******! Maybe, just maybe when they have to drag Trump's crazy azz out of the white house reality will set in. |
Charlottesville, Virginia 2017 ...Trump claims "...both sides were to blame..." for violence...really? an acting President giving the benefit of the doubt to white supremacists? them any credibility at all is proof enough he's one of them. That's just one small example of a long list of racial hate group enabling Trumpty Dumpty has embraced. I could document the complete list here, but I'm not sure Trump supporters can read !!!...
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So because he said that the antifa dipsh!ts are to blame for violence as much as the white supremacists when they were the ones that crashed a peaceful march for statues - that's what makes him racist.
Riiiiiiight. If that ain't proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I don't know what is. I'm convinced. Orange man bad. There WERE axxholes on both sides in Charlottesville - no matter how much you want to get on your knees for an antifa train. Next.... Since we can't read and leftists aren't capable of articulating an argument, you can use your crayons to draw a picture. |
Blah...blah...blah...just be a man and admit you backed a loser, and move on...if you don't think Trump is a's because you are should redo your profile pic and wear your KKK hoodie.
Suprise, suprise....
Take 2 Midol and call me in the morning... |
Since we can't read and leftists aren't capable of articulating an argument, you can use your crayons to draw a picture. ![]() |
Wow !!! ... The coward Trump is hiding in the Whitehouse, afraid to come out and face the nation....what a loser !!! While the pandemic rages across America, this worthless POS hides out and does nothing...a complete failure of leadership. His father always called young Donald a failure...turns out old Fred was correct !!! It will be nice to see Trump thrown in jail after New York indicts him on tax evasion...
As a follow-up...his cowardice even goes back to the Vietnam War where his wealthy family shielded him from serving his country because of "bone spurs". Then he's handed money from his rich dad and messes that up with conroverial real estate deals, and a history of not paying union workers for work done. He's hid behind lawyers his whole life, and now he hides behind the walls of the White House...once a coward...always a coward. A failed leader people...wake up !!!
Wow !!! ... The coward Trump is hiding in the Whitehouse, afraid to come out and face the nation....what a loser !!! While the pandemic rages across America, this worthless POS hides out and does nothing...a complete failure of leadership. His father always called young Donald a failure...turns out old Fred was correct !!! It will be nice to see Trump thrown in jail after New York indicts him on tax evasion... You got it! It's amazing these people are still followers they must hide out and never read or watch TV. They remind me of the true believers in Hitler to the end hoping to get to go down in the bunker with him. Yes Trump while pretending to be a great businessman in reality has failed at everything he's ever done, has bankrupted 5 times leaving who know how many people unpaid. Of course he's a coward, he dodged the draft for Vietnam because he had a "bone spur" in his foot. Our best hope is that he for once does what he says he's going to do and leaves the country. I'm sure he could go to Moscow where he was supposed to build a multi billion dollar apartment building, after all he promised Putin the 50 million dollar penthouse there. I know facts are meaningless to the Trump worshipers but there are plenty While I'd bet Trump used to sit in a dark viewing room and alternate between watching clips of Nixon speeches and the latest batch of 14 year old girls his buddy Epstein had lined up for them to violate while whipping his tiny weasel he might find himself in a very different Moscow position after he can no longer do anything for the Russians. ![]() |