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Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 11
maybwecan's photo
Fri 12/20/19 06:13 AM
Beat of the big drum signals the start of the winter festival

Toks86freeman's photo
Fri 12/20/19 07:00 AM
Festival excites Rosie laugh

no photo
Fri 12/20/19 08:02 AM

Rosie is a really sweet lady:blush:

no photo
Fri 12/20/19 10:37 AM
Lady and dear friend of mine, that she is. :heart:

maybwecan's photo
Fri 12/20/19 11:20 AM
Is certainly true for the "good" twin laugh

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 12/20/19 11:47 AM
Twin can be identical or fraternal.

no photo
Fri 12/20/19 02:54 PM
Fraternal twins are not always the same sex.

no photo
Fri 12/20/19 02:56 PM
sex,she said sexdrool

no photo
Fri 12/20/19 03:00 PM
Sex of an insect is hard to determine. tongue2

Earthgirl83's photo
Fri 12/20/19 05:01 PM

Determine what is true to you and what is not.

Toks86freeman's photo
Sat 12/21/19 04:26 PM
Not bad when you talk about a mingle2 member in a good manner of respect.

no photo
Sun 12/22/19 03:52 AM
Respect is something everyone wants to be treated with.

maybwecan's photo
Sun 12/22/19 09:25 PM
Edited by maybwecan on Sun 12/22/19 09:26 PM
With each passing day, the time for feasting and revelry with family and dear friends draws ever nearer...

Slawek's photo
Mon 12/23/19 12:14 AM

no photo
Mon 12/23/19 01:24 AM

With each passing day, the time for feasting and revelry with family and dear friends draws ever nearer...

Nearer we come to the end of the year as each day passes.

maybwecan's photo
Mon 12/23/19 02:29 PM
Passes number 9 and 10 were great because she smiled at me...love ...but number 11 was a disaster! laugh

no photo
Mon 12/23/19 02:43 PM
Disaster is what the kitchen looked like after baking several different Christmas treats. laugh

no photo
Mon 12/23/19 06:12 PM

Treats and Christmas cookies are what I’ve been craving! happy

maybwecan's photo
Mon 12/23/19 08:16 PM
Craving eggnog this time of year has become a habit I don't want to change.

no photo
Tue 12/24/19 02:06 AM
Change the batteries so the Christmas lights shine brighter.

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