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Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 11
mzrosie's photo
Sat 12/14/19 02:23 PM
To have a very merry Christmas is my wish to all. happy flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 12/14/19 02:31 PM
All to have a very merry Christmas is my wish as well. happy flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 12/14/19 02:33 PM

Well Iā€™m sure we will! drinker

no photo
Sun 12/15/19 03:00 AM
Will be cooking breakfast in a little while.

pumpilicious šŸ’•'s photo
Sun 12/15/19 05:50 AM
While you sleep, I continue to post.waving


no photo
Sun 12/15/19 06:11 AM
Post and browse the threads is what I do every morning.

waving flowers

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 12/15/19 08:55 AM
Morning will be over soon here.

no photo
Sun 12/15/19 09:31 AM
Here comes santa claus is a popular christmas song.

mzrosie's photo
Sun 12/15/19 04:43 PM
Song about a little boy not having enough money to buy his mother a new pair of shoes for Christmas, makes me cry every time I hear it.

no photo
Mon 12/16/19 06:11 AM
It is today that I will begin baking by making some Christmas cookies.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 12/16/19 07:23 AM
Cookie baking can be a lot of fun.

no photo
Mon 12/16/19 09:17 AM

Fun to eat as well! :cookie: :yum:

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 12/16/19 10:56 AM
Well why don't we all get together for a cookie party.

no photo
Mon 12/16/19 01:07 PM
Party at work was not all that great.

w0m4n's photo
Mon 12/16/19 01:22 PM

Great rewards come from productivity

no photo
Mon 12/16/19 01:43 PM
Productivity is not on my agenda today, lol.

mzrosie's photo
Mon 12/16/19 03:00 PM
lol tis not in mine any day. happy waving

no photo
Mon 12/16/19 03:08 PM
Day of relaxation is mostly what I had. happy waving

mzrosie's photo
Mon 12/16/19 03:27 PM
Had a Papa John's pizza with parmesan crust with my daughter yesterday, delicious. happy

no photo
Mon 12/16/19 03:38 PM
delicious will be the fresh chritmas cookies for dinner, when i get homebigsmile

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