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Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 11
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Wed 12/04/19 03:22 PM
Watch a couple shows at night before bed is what we do.

maybwecan's photo
Wed 12/04/19 04:41 PM
Do it before the sandman comes because that pillow he hits you with puts out the light (zzzzzzzz laugh )

no photo
Thu 12/05/19 01:37 PM
Light from the sun is lessened in the winter months.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 12/05/19 01:39 PM
Months of winter can often be very cold.

no photo
Thu 12/05/19 01:43 PM
cold is only cold when it is below zero and stays down there

no photo
Thu 12/05/19 01:50 PM
There is still a lot of snow on the ground.

w0m4n's photo
Fri 12/06/19 04:46 AM

Ground rules need to be observed.

no photo
Fri 12/06/19 01:41 PM
Observed someone today at work being a little playful with me.

no photo
Fri 12/06/19 02:59 PM

Me too!

mzrosie's photo
Fri 12/06/19 03:25 PM
Too much spending for Christmas gifts will hurt your pockets in the new year.

no photo
Fri 12/06/19 03:34 PM
Year to come will hopefully have many blessings for all.

Poetrywriter's photo
Fri 12/06/19 08:15 PM
All in all it was a good time.

Toks86freeman's photo
Fri 12/06/19 11:13 PM
Time to relax and enjoy with family and friends is here again.. drinks

no photo
Sat 12/07/19 01:16 AM
Again it snowed last night, extra caution will be needed when driving this morning.

w0m4n's photo
Sat 12/07/19 03:04 AM

Morning is a blessing

no photo
Sat 12/07/19 01:48 PM
Blessing ceremony is what some do the night of the full moon.

no photo
Sat 12/07/19 02:05 PM
moon pies do not last very long in my houseoops

no photo
Sat 12/07/19 02:07 PM
House of yours doesn't have moon pies right now. tongue2

no photo
Sat 12/07/19 02:11 PM
now you see what i meangrumble

no photo
Sat 12/07/19 02:19 PM
Mean people should get coal in their stockings.

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