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Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 11
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Sat 11/30/19 12:59 PM
Here they can learn when you skip their post and leave them a comment so you're not ignoring the posters who do know how to play.

no photo
Sat 11/30/19 06:06 PM

Play the games correctly is fun for those of us who do what River is
talking about winking drinker

Toks86freeman's photo
Sat 11/30/19 08:13 PM
About the posters who doesn't know how to play would learn from the users who knows how to play

no photo
Sun 12/01/19 01:15 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 12/01/19 01:20 AM
Play can be fun when you use your imagination and have a good sense of humor.

no photo
Sun 12/01/19 09:08 AM

Humor is a good thing that makes us laugh :laughing:

no photo
Mon 12/02/19 03:50 AM
Laugh often, life is too short to take things so serious.

maybwecan's photo
Mon 12/02/19 11:28 AM
Serious as a heart attack is a phrase often used to emphasize someone's no joke feelings

no photo
Mon 12/02/19 11:38 AM
Feelings are difficult for some people to show.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 12/02/19 11:40 AM
Show me the way to the food.laugh

no photo
Mon 12/02/19 11:59 AM
Food for cactus plants helps them grow better and sprout more flowers.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 12/02/19 12:07 PM
Flowers are nice any time of the year.

maybwecan's photo
Mon 12/02/19 01:19 PM
Year after year those weeds laugh at my feeble attempts to clear them away.

no photo
Mon 12/02/19 01:25 PM
Away in storage is where my gnomes sit until spring comes around again.

no photo
Mon 12/02/19 01:47 PM
again someone needs a clue by fourfrustrated

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Mon 12/02/19 02:01 PM
Four clubs made of wood might work better. bigsmile

no photo
Mon 12/02/19 02:05 PM
Better would be careful application of self centering bootswinking

no photo
Mon 12/02/19 02:06 PM
Boots that are heavy and thick will work best laugh

maybwecan's photo
Mon 12/02/19 03:12 PM
Best boots I had for good for kicking, hiking, and wine grapes stomping laugh drinker

no photo
Mon 12/02/19 03:14 PM
laugh laugh

Stomping grapes sounds like a lot of fun drinker

mzrosie's photo
Mon 12/02/19 03:30 PM
Fun is one of the most popular words used by new members posting in the forums.

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