Topic: Rate my profile?
Will's photo
Thu 10/31/19 02:26 PM
New here, looking for feedback and suggestions on making my profile better. All critiques welcome. Thanks.

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Thu 10/31/19 04:51 PM
Good start, more pics will help, drinks not filled in ? Some people may see this as you having a problem ,also drink or smoke can be a yes or no for many, good luck

Will's photo
Sat 11/02/19 09:50 PM
Thanks for the feedback, would like to get more.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 11/03/19 09:32 AM
Why start with drama about drama? Delete the drama, unless that's what you're about of course.
Apart from that you don't give much info. You want a relationship. And? What kind of woman, relationship? Say some more about yourself, but unless you are and want drama, keep it positive.

Iam Groot's photo
Sun 11/03/19 10:14 AM
rate my profile..

no photo
Sun 11/03/19 01:36 PM

OP.... you should elaborate more about what kind of woman you’re looking to have a relationship with. Other than that I think it’s good! drinker

Good luck with finding what you’re looking for on here bigsmile

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 11/03/19 07:18 PM
Like Crystal said I would remove the first sentence about the drama. People who look at your profile do not want to read about negative things. Other than that your profile is ok.

Will's photo
Sun 11/10/19 08:51 PM
Ok, I made some adjustments, thanks to the feedback. If you could further rate the edited version, it would be much appreciated. I seriously have no clue what to write on these things or how it comes across.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Mon 11/11/19 02:15 AM
Better for sure and another picture too I think? Which is also good, nice smile!
If you want to further improve it Google it. Tons of info on how to write a good profile and it's really worth your time if you are looking for love.