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no photo
Tue 10/03/06 05:31 PM
the ufo i seen was only abot 500 feet up in the air so it wasnt no
airplane lights or anything like that. and it was going super slow.

no photo
Tue 10/03/06 05:57 PM
Experimental aircraft are being flown all the time by our military. I
see UFO's regularly as I am near a AF testing facility.

All alien life forms are still subject to a life time and the speed
required to reach near light speeds to even make it possible for some
other race to make it here in a life time.

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 06:17 PM
Well, then 4fun06

It could have been of an older model. Maybe they couldn't afford a newer
one so they try to keep the old gandma soucer going. LOL

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 06:19 PM
Hey honeyrobber

If they go at the speed of light and put on their headlights, waht would
they see? LOL

sexymichy220's photo
Wed 10/04/06 01:33 PM
ghost u are not the funny.......:-P

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 01:40 PM
I believe that there are other life forms out there
but in our arrogance we fail to recognize them.
We are out there looking for another species that
has human qualities to them when maybe they don't.
Keep in mind that one of the first lifeforms on this
planet was one-celled and microscopic. Just because we
cannot see alien lifeforms does not mean it does not
exist. I also have a thought, doesn't the other planets
themselves qualify as lifeforms?

no photo
Wed 10/04/06 01:46 PM
i don't know about you recon but mine sure as hell don't tell me to take
my meds

no photo
Wed 10/04/06 01:51 PM
that's funny animal because earth is like a springer show.
or recess at a special ed school.
i have seen ufo's that didn't move like any craft that i know of but if
there are aliens out there they are not from our galaxy. i have heard
about creating a wormhole before but i don't know if we'd even find
anything then. if there are they will find us.

no photo
Wed 10/04/06 07:54 PM

I will not say other life forms have not visited earth. But the chances
of someone seeing a UFO from outer space even if they were coming here
weekly(highly unlikely) the odds are still 99.9% the UFOs people see are
from this world like experimental air craft.

If you are traveling at the speed of light or beyond there is no way to
light your path.

The worm hole theory has alot of problems. First is if we can make it
will the human body survive the travel. Secondly the first would have to
be big enough to send one to the other end so we could travel both ways
or we would not get news from the craft send during our life time.
Another issue is if we open one near the earth how would its gravity
affect the earth. Would it destroy our planet by affecting the weather
or tilt or poles of the earth.

no photo
Wed 10/04/06 11:33 PM

Sportychic's photo
Wed 10/04/06 11:35 PM
last time i saw a ufo it was on tv i was like 10.

no photo
Thu 10/05/06 12:53 AM
ET phone home. I see aliens every time we watch this movie.
Its one of my favorites.

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