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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 70
topherj37's photo
Sat 11/02/19 07:50 PM
Thinking, what options does someone have when they need to go see a physician but their insurance doesn't pay for diddly squat?

no photo
Sun 11/03/19 03:13 AM
Someone messaged me in my language saying δΊ«εΉ΄48 he doesn’t realize its true meaning: when someone dies others use that word

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 11/03/19 06:10 AM
Daylight savings time is having more of an effect than I thought it would.

JustBeHonest's photo
Sun 11/03/19 06:34 AM

I'm thinking about how I should handle a situation. Should I yell at her, lay a guilt trip or go with the silent treatment. rant

Narlycarnk's photo
Sun 11/03/19 11:34 AM
Edited by Narlycarnk on Sun 11/03/19 12:02 PM
Thinking why does time slip by so quickly even when there is an extra hour.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 11/03/19 12:01 PM
Thinking... I have to get up early again tomorrow, and the day after, and possibly the day after that.
Meaning going to bed early too.
I so f*(king hate that. Gets me in a mood, just like it did when I was still working. Used to ruin my entire Sunday, hihi, experiencing a very similar thing now.

no photo
Sun 11/03/19 12:08 PM
I’m thankful for the block block button :thumbsup::heartpulse:

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 11/03/19 12:12 PM

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 11/03/19 01:38 PM
I'm thinking Cutie should make a steak for me since I gave her one.

no photo
Sun 11/03/19 03:18 PM
Nudge doesn’t work it’s good

JustBeHonest's photo
Sun 11/03/19 05:02 PM

Thinking about dessert! Mmmmmmmmdrool

Rock's photo
Mon 11/04/19 03:59 AM
The deer chili made for a good breakfast.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 11/04/19 08:37 AM

I'm thinking Cutie should make a steak for me since I gave her one.

Sending you a steak now!

no photo
Mon 11/04/19 10:42 AM
Thinking there's something wrong with the threads, they aren't in order and are not refreshing on the most recent page. When I clicked on this one, RockGnome was the last poster.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Mon 11/04/19 11:07 AM
Thinking how nice it is to have had a shower!

no photo
Mon 11/04/19 02:25 PM
Thinking where there's a will there's a way

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 11/04/19 03:20 PM
Why did I just do that?!?!

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 11/05/19 12:34 AM
Thinking... I hope this painter can get the ceiling and walls sussed. Didn't look like it just now, dangit.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Tue 11/05/19 07:42 AM
Just realized have not school due to voting today.

Poetrywriter's photo
Tue 11/05/19 07:56 AM
Thinking I should invent a breakfast cereal that tastes like steak.

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