Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 08/20/19 12:09 PM

rofl @ this thread

Enjoy, as long as it lasts :wink:

no photo
Tue 08/20/19 12:16 PM
Don't know about popcorn, I better stuff a couple more marrows, looks like it's going to be a long one laugh

no photo
Tue 08/20/19 12:22 PM
Well it is the chatting thread, isn't that what we're doing... chatting? bigsmile

I wonder if the OP will join us... whoa

Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 08/20/19 12:37 PM
Aye. A wee chat is always fun bigsmile

But the OP will soon post in the Help section, methinks

no photo
Tue 08/20/19 12:37 PM

no photo
Tue 08/20/19 12:39 PM
Yep, help , get me away from these crazy people laugh

no photo
Tue 08/20/19 12:44 PM
Who you calling crazy Mikey spock


SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 08/20/19 12:44 PM

Yep, help , get me away from these crazy people laugh

Hmm... I think I best check out what these marrows are all about, hihi

Rock's photo
Tue 08/20/19 01:21 PM

Don't know about popcorn, I better stuff a couple more marrows, looks like it's going to be a long one laugh

Bring bourbon.

I haven't drank in nearly 30 years.
May need a shot or twelve, to make it through.


no photo
Tue 08/20/19 02:38 PM
Gotta agree with Sparkling Crystal, i dont comment much, try to remain impartial on each person's views and lifestyle... but even a mere man like me knows a simple truth, no woman needs a man to enrich or do anything for her, if a woman chooses to have you in her life you better believe it's you that's getting the life enhancing experience! This isn't a line or a suck up, just a plain truth... man up OP, you've nothing that any other man does not have to offer a woman, show her you know the value of what she gives freely to your life, this ain't pretty woman!
and the people running and guiding this place aren't responsible for finding someone interested in you, if you can't do it yourself at your age maybe the path of Celibacy and Silence is for you, try starting your own site and forum, you could maybe strike lucky with the single admin and member on it.

any toffee popcorn left anyone please?

Sir Dino One Love ☝️💚's photo
Tue 08/20/19 02:41 PM
^^ This

Only salted Peter..smokin

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Tue 08/20/19 02:42 PM
Very nicely said:thumbsup:
And for that I'll go make more toffee popcorn

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 08/20/19 02:52 PM

Gotta agree with Sparkling Crystal, i dont comment much, try to remain impartial on each person's views and lifestyle... but even a mere man like me knows a simple truth, no woman needs a man to enrich or do anything for her, if a woman chooses to have you in her life you better believe it's you that's getting the life enhancing experience! This isn't a line or a suck up, just a plain truth... man up OP, you've nothing that any other man does not have to offer a woman, show her you know the value of what she gives freely to your life, this ain't pretty woman!
and the people running and guiding this place aren't responsible for finding someone interested in you, if you can't do it yourself at your age maybe the path of Celibacy and Silence is for you, try starting your own site and forum, you could maybe strike lucky with the single admin and member on it.

any toffee popcorn left anyone please?

And I'm joining you for the toffee popcorn, if I may of course :)

no photo
Tue 08/20/19 02:55 PM

Gotta agree with Sparkling Crystal, i dont comment much, try to remain impartial on each person's views and lifestyle... but even a mere man like me knows a simple truth, no woman needs a man to enrich or do anything for her, if a woman chooses to have you in her life you better believe it's you that's getting the life enhancing experience! This isn't a line or a suck up, just a plain truth... man up OP, you've nothing that any other man does not have to offer a woman, show her you know the value of what she gives freely to your life, this ain't pretty woman!
and the people running and guiding this place aren't responsible for finding someone interested in you, if you can't do it yourself at your age maybe the path of Celibacy and Silence is for you, try starting your own site and forum, you could maybe strike lucky with the single admin and member on it.

any toffee popcorn left anyone please?

And I'm joining you for the toffee popcorn, if I may of course :)

I'd be honoured to share popcorn with you... Dinosaurs and Kitkat too. just promise to keep me awake for the next episode please.... I gotta see how this goes.... wonder what the prequel would be like?!

no photo
Tue 08/20/19 02:56 PM
Dino!! and kitkat... sticky popcorn on the touchscreen!

Sir Dino One Love ☝️💚's photo
Tue 08/20/19 03:06 PM
As long as it's only popcorn..smokin drinker

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 08/20/19 03:18 PM

Dino!! and kitkat... sticky popcorn on the touchscreen!

I think I only ever had toffee popcorn once in the movie theatre years ago. I loved it!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 08/20/19 03:19 PM

As long as it's only popcorn..smokin drinker

I'll pop some extra just for you! The salt you have to do by yourself. I have no clue how much is needed as I've never eaten salt popcorn, hihi.

no photo
Tue 08/20/19 03:52 PM
As long as it's only popcorn..smokin drinker

haha I'm usually more careful with what I say :joy:

no photo
Tue 08/20/19 03:54 PM

As long as it's only popcorn..smokin drinker

I'll pop some extra just for you! The salt you have to do by yourself. I have no clue how much is needed as I've never eaten salt popcorn, hihi.

Never had it myself to be fair.... pop as much extra as you wish in, you have to help me eat it though :yum::hugging: