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Topic: One random fact about yourself - part 4
Poetrywriter's photo
Wed 08/07/19 07:37 PM

That would be an awesome scenic trip, for sure!

There should be lots of bright, vivid colors here in West Virginia this year too....winking
We’ve had lots of rain this summer

Where in West Virginia Dee? I just got back from there after spending a week with my sister in Parkersburg.

no photo
Thu 08/08/19 02:55 AM

That would be an awesome scenic trip, for sure!

There should be lots of bright, vivid colors here in West Virginia this year too....winking
We’ve had lots of rain this summer

Where in West Virginia Dee? I just got back from there after spending a week with my sister in Parkersburg.

It’s in the eastern part, a small town called Elkins....about 100 miles north of Charleston our capitol. I have been to Parkersburg lots of times for family reunions with family who lives in Ohio. The city park had a really nice antique museum there....bigsmile

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Thu 08/08/19 04:38 AM

That would be an awesome scenic trip, for sure!

There should be lots of bright, vivid colors here in West Virginia this year too....winking
We’ve had lots of rain this summer

That would be an awesome drive. I prefer road trips but until I get a car, it's flying for me. Greyhound sucks, lol

It's actually road trips through America that would scare me. What if your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere? Over here that's middle of nowhere for some 30 mins tops. Over there it can be 8 hours :/ Here you can call motor services for help (I'm a member), what the heck do you do in the US?
What if you don't have cell phone reception either? And what if some freaky people would harass you? Knowing most everyone, certainly weird people, have fire arms.
That would freak me out much more than flying, certainly if I was on my own.

that's why you do that road trip with me. i'll just grab some stuff out of the boot and presto back on the roadsmokin

Hihi, I'd sure feel a helluva lot better then! I can't even change a freaking tyre, lol.
Plus, having a chat and a laugh would definitely be fun!

pumpilicious πŸ’•'s photo
Sat 08/10/19 12:13 PM
I like marathoning tv series

Handmaid's Tale atm

Rock's photo
Sat 08/10/19 02:20 PM
I like watching people's reactions to different stimuli.

no photo
Sun 08/11/19 11:19 AM
I have cute stubby toes... *gigglesnorting*

Mrmxb's photo
Mon 08/12/19 06:48 AM
I don't know ride a bicycle.

pumpilicious πŸ’•'s photo
Wed 08/14/19 07:46 PM

I don't know ride a bicycle.

Do you wish to learn this?

no photo
Thu 08/15/19 08:11 AM
I normally follow my heart, unless logic and reason tell me otherwise.

Sir Dino One Love β˜οΈπŸ’š's photo
Thu 08/15/19 08:14 AM
I look good in red..ohwell bigsmile

delightfulillusion's photo
Thu 08/15/19 08:27 AM

I look good in red..ohwell bigsmile

Modest or what? laugh

Sir Dino One Love β˜οΈπŸ’š's photo
Thu 08/15/19 08:55 AM

I look good in red..ohwell bigsmile

Modest or what? laugh

Moi? No chance..laugh

no photo
Thu 08/15/19 08:59 AM
I look good in green and in mauve bigsmile

Sir Dino One Love β˜οΈπŸ’š's photo
Thu 08/15/19 09:01 AM
Yes it's true..flowerforyou bigsmile

delightfulillusion's photo
Thu 08/15/19 09:14 AM
I look good in anything laugh

Seriously though, I can't wear mustard, lime or orange because these colours drain me as I'm olive skinned.

Notice that all the colours I mentioned are types of food hehe

Sir Dino One Love β˜οΈπŸ’š's photo
Thu 08/15/19 09:19 AM
There's a joke in there somewhere, but I'll stick to the rules..rofl slaphead

delightfulillusion's photo
Thu 08/15/19 09:21 AM

There's a joke in there somewhere, but I'll stick to the rules..rofl slaphead

Wise choice Dino laugh

Sir Dino One Love β˜οΈπŸ’š's photo
Thu 08/15/19 09:29 AM

There's a joke in there somewhere, but I'll stick to the rules..rofl slaphead

Wise choice Dino laugh

Told you I would learn..laugh flowerforyou

Hope your well anyway though..winking

no photo
Thu 08/15/19 11:40 AM
I like to crotchet keeps my mind busy

ctr916's photo
Thu 08/15/19 12:33 PM
...i love it when girl friends insist i practice more, simply for the sake of Perfection.

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