Topic: Have you experienced severe pain | |
Unfortunately in life we all experience pain at some time or another. For physical pain there are many meds. Some use them some don't. And emotional pain well they have meds for that as well. And again some use them some don't. Either way when you stop the meds sometimes the pain is still there. As River said don't focus on it. Brilliantly put... No matter what we must endure this pain to keep moving... I have had a constant need for cigarettes have smoked a ton in my life I am a light smoker today but while working if on the floor for five hours if not given a chance to break continue on knowing darn well i'm going to start firing up as soon as I hit the clock or break room. |
Unfortunately in life we all experience pain at some time or another. For physical pain there are many meds. Some use them some don't. And emotional pain well they have meds for that as well. And again some use them some don't. Either way when you stop the meds sometimes the pain is still there. As River said don't focus on it. Aye. It's not enough to numb the symptoms of the pain. The cause have to be found, and eliminated as much as possible. Agreed |
broke my neck spine is fused 3 surgeries almost every bone has been broke at one time don't use pain killers anymore can control the pain by accepting it and becoming one with it
Was driving along the road midnight around there and the next thing I know it hits dark and all goes black I hear a sound of rumbling and the scraping of steel... i'm blacked out... I wake up my window is smashed in I had hit a bridge just a near oversight. The tire wheels are spinning into the floorboards... on my side... I let go of the gas if I had not been broken I would have plunged in the river... it's a deep night I feel my head to feel inside and put two finger tips inside my own head... this scar remains and still hurts a tad if pressed I also have a thing that looks like a permanent hickey from that wreck... I walk down the road flag down help maybe knock on some doors... middle of the night no one's coming around... it had been awhile I was knocked out and given the situation dead of night this old couple drop by country road my own residential neighborhood do not know such said people they have a phone being old timers or not and call police and ambulance... I was able to walk to flag down help and when in the gurney the crew is telling jokes just another day for them worst day in my life for me... at the hospital I am on the bed examined I had 79 liaisons and needed 150 stitches still came within an inch of severing my aiorta… something saved me that night because the car insurance adjuster tells me he's seen a lot of accidents and some of them in less damage that he was actually stunned and in awe I was alive and well and not missing body parts I didn't even use Vicodin they gave me... the people in less accidents had safer vehicles than my 95' Ranger and given the situation of is any of us not meant to exist... I couldn't answer that some people die some live only things that truly matter is how much time we actually have left to tell people how much they mean to us new or old friends relatives...
Was driving along the road midnight around there and the next thing I know it hits dark and all goes black I hear a sound of rumbling and the scraping of steel... i'm blacked out... I wake up my window is smashed in I had hit a bridge just a near oversight. The tire wheels are spinning into the floorboards... on my side... I let go of the gas if I had not been broken I would have plunged in the river... it's a deep night I feel my head to feel inside and put two finger tips inside my own head... this scar remains and still hurts a tad if pressed I also have a thing that looks like a permanent hickey from that wreck... I walk down the road flag down help maybe knock on some doors... middle of the night no one's coming around... it had been awhile I was knocked out and given the situation dead of night this old couple drop by country road my own residential neighborhood do not know such said people they have a phone being old timers or not and call police and ambulance... I was able to walk to flag down help and when in the gurney the crew is telling jokes just another day for them worst day in my life for me... at the hospital I am on the bed examined I had 79 liaisons and needed 150 stitches still came within an inch of severing my aiorta… something saved me that night because the car insurance adjuster tells me he's seen a lot of accidents and some of them in less damage that he was actually stunned and in awe I was alive and well and not missing body parts I didn't even use Vicodin they gave me... the people in less accidents had safer vehicles than my 95' Ranger and given the situation of is any of us not meant to exist... I couldn't answer that some people die some live only things that truly matter is how much time we actually have left to tell people how much they mean to us new or old friends relatives... Life is so precious when I open my eyes in the morning I’m grateful after going through a lot we’re still alive and are able to love others as much as we can it’s a gift no money can buy |
Grace~ Well in my humble opinion you are a valued person :) you need a lot and are given not your fair share a lot happens to really good people but the bad ones they get it coming and regardless I think our best effort is to keep pushing towards some sort of peace...
I just got over some Poison Oak, that was painful. I have a pain tolerance that is pretty high. Other than that when I ripped my rotator cuff, oh my, my I still recall the arm, it was heavy and unable to move, ugh. Thats all other than birth, :)
I have a high pain tolerance, but this week I tore ligaments in my aeromioclavicular joint and dislocated my collarbone from lifting heavy weights. Hurts but like I said I have high pain tolerance I just know the other day I was experiencing nausea from pain and hurts every time I move right arm but on the bright side I had it taped with fit tape and I take asa 650mg at hs and that helps and elevate when sleeping and most importantly I am not going to lift weights that are for my shoulders, lat pulldown, dips , bench press boohoo! Just going to do my cycle classes, and mostly cardio. I would smoke some pot (cbd) but can't because of my working but will Monday when I not lol to see if that helps
I had rheumatic fever when I was ten and that was remarkably painful, it took me a year of physiotherapy to learn to walk again. For the first year after, I wasn't even allowed to walk upstairs because of the effect on my heart. I got through that because my parents didn't let me give up and I didn't want to disappoint them.
When I was twenty eight, I developed two dozen stomach ulcers. No big deal now, just some antibiotics will cure it but they didn't know that then. I lost a third of my body weight from just over 9 Stone (130 Pounds) to just over 6 Stones (88 Pounds). I spent about two years lying on the bathroom floor being sick.I had some great treatment from the NHS by a leading expert in the field but nothing helped. In the end, all they could offer me was an operation to sever some gastric nerves, the side-effect of which was that I'd lose another Stone in weight, which I knew I couldn't survive, so I refused and they more or less told me that the ulcers would perforate and that I'd die from blood-poisoning. Eventually, out of sheer desperation, I tried acupuncture and it began to work immediately. My intestines, which had ceased to work at all, gurgled and began slowly to recover. After another two years on top of the three years I'd had the ulcers, I had more or less recovered. I got through it because I had no other choice and I didn't want to die. At the age of 45, I caught a really bad dose of 'flu but contracted Pneumonia as a secondary infection. Probably the most intense pain I've ever experienced and that's against some stiff competition ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 10/12/19 08:41 AM
Surgery in a developing country,,,, hehe,,, u ever had a 'Spinal' with a 1950's SS syringe?,,, lol,,, let me tell u,,, that's a treat! Screamed like a metal needle had been shoved into my spine! (oh, it had,,, haha,,,, twice!) Note: Please avoid if possible
Yes a kidney stone ,I thought my end had come,after a few hours I was taken to hospital and given strong pain killers ,after drinking 4/5 pints of water for a couple of weeks I passed it which was surprisingly pain free to to see the size of it in the hospital, surgery blasted the 10mm stone, another 5mm stone later, surgery again (you can only pass them when they are 3mm or less, maybe a wee bigger) been through it 4 times now, never gets less painful. |
Unfortunately in life we all experience pain at some time or another. For physical pain there are many meds. Some use them some don't. And emotional pain well they have meds for that as well. And again some use them some don't. Either way when you stop the meds sometimes the pain is still there. As River said don't focus on it. Aye. It's not enough to numb the symptoms of the pain. The cause have to be found, and eliminated as much as possible. Some pain cannot be eliminated. My worst pain was the death of my son which caused severe emotional and physical pain. Nothing could help but time. |
I have learned to just live with it after trying many other options that seemed to make my life worse.
Unfortunately in life we all experience pain at some time or another. For physical pain there are many meds. Some use them some don't. And emotional pain well they have meds for that as well. And again some use them some don't. Either way when you stop the meds sometimes the pain is still there. As River said don't focus on it. Aye. It's not enough to numb the symptoms of the pain. The cause have to be found, and eliminated as much as possible. Some pain cannot be eliminated. My worst pain was the death of my son which caused severe emotional and physical pain. Nothing could help but time. ![]() |
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Edited by
Sat 10/12/19 11:41 PM
And how did you go through it Like my list is a little much. It isn't joke/humor. Crack in the ribs / like 2010 and; This is only a piece. cure: the medicine + morale |
I have fibromyalgia, chronic arthritic condition in my hips, but worst pain I ever experienced was when I woke up during kidney surgery. Now...that really hurt!
The worst pain I ever experienced was when I was getting a blood transfusion.
It was like constant electric shocks in my arm. Excruciating and no other pain like it. |
The worst pain I ever experienced was when I was getting a blood transfusion. It was like constant electric shocks in my arm. Excruciating and no other pain like it. |
The worst pain I ever experienced was when I was getting a blood transfusion. It was like constant electric shocks in my arm. Excruciating and no other pain like it. I was too weak to do much about it but I did tell the nurses it was very sore but they only gave me an ice pack! It took a long while to get over that experience. I cried every time they adjusted the drip flow because the pain just intensified. |