Topic: The Undetected Psychological Disorder that Fooled Billions!! | |
A genetic deformity that keeps the left side of the Brain (where ideas come from) separate from the right side of the Brain (where reasoning and sane thoughts occur). We see it all of the time. A person whose left side entertained the thought of murder and the right side could not communicate this act and idea is wrong. Ever meet a person who just doesn't get it. You are at a party and someone opens a gift and is very elated and excited. Where the Narcissist opens a gift, and then (from observing how others react), pretends to be excited. But you can just see and tell that the Narcissist does not get the jest of what true empathy and sharing is all about. Literally millions of people have killed themselves, divorced, spent a lifetime in therapy due to having a Narcissistic partner that made them feel incomplete or as if the failed relationship was all their fault. In a very true sense, the Narcissist is nothing more than a chameleon going from situation to situation just pretending to be a literal human being. And then they are extremely good (due to their own low self esteem) at breaking others down for their own pleasure in order to feel good and justified about themselves. I deal with the victims of Narcissist. My job is basically to reaffirm them and build them back up. But in doing so, and after learning the many traits of the Narcissist, it has given me a true reflection at spotting those who are Narcissist and still undetected. But the purpose of this thread is to point out Narcissist we all know, but had no idea they suffered from Psychological Disorders. I am presenting a list of who I detect was a Narcissist from our history. Now remember, a Narcissist is the perfect cheerleader, they present ideas that are not normal for the time but since humanity was unaware, accepted those ideas as facts. And many who themselves suffer from some form of Psychological Disorder typically are advent followers and worshipers of these historical Narcissist. (1) Hitler He convinced masses that purifying a race and killing the Jew was genetically the right way. He was enthusiastic, full of energy, and appeared to be absolutely confident. He literally mastermind the killing of nearly 8 MILLION JEWS!! (1A) Mussolini He was basically a wannabe Hitler who introduced Fascism. (1B) Stalin and other Russian Dictators (1C) Napoleon (1D) Numerous Roman and Greek Emperors (2) Sigmund Freud Here is a person who convinced the world he was curing the insane. In reality, he tortured human beings for his own pleasure while allowing those like himself to run amuck throughout society. Freud was about the truest definition of what a Narcissist is today!! (3) Darwin A man who went against the "norm" and polluted the minds of those around him. His own children give depictions that Darwin would invite select intellects for dinner. During sometime between the main course and dessert, Darwin would open discussion and allow his guest to bestow their praises upon him. A true sign of someone struggling with identity crisis and low self esteem. About the only ones still following Darwin's theories, are those who suffer from Psychological Disorders themselves!! (4) the average scientist The truest of the mental midgets. The best example of the left side formatting a ridiculous thesis, and the right side not having the ability to override and correct with "common sense." A true case of the X-MAN factor. A group of individuals rejected by society, now profoundly thwarting their illness upon the masses in the classic disguise as "intellects." My favorite quote concerning science and those within science comes from none other than Galileo: "In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual." Galileo fought with those within science because he could see they had mental weaknesses that caused them to format ridiculous ideas. Another of his quotes I live by today: "Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe." There are literally hundreds more I could offer. But I wish to see what your thoughts are towards the ones I already have listed, plus, give you the chance to present those who you believe fit the Narcissistic Profile!! I Thank You in advance, if You should join in and offer up your own views!! |
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I love it!!
I knew this topic, and those I have listed, would go over like a lead ball trying to float in water ![]() But it also confirms a few things that I listed concerning traits of both the narcissist and the Psychologically Disordered ![]() |
If you can give some citations on how it is a 'genetic disorder' and the left side of the Brain operates separately from the right side then I'm sold on the rest. |
If you can give some citations on how it is a 'genetic disorder' and the left side of the Brain operates separately from the right side then I'm sold on the rest. I am going to give you several examples: I ADDED LEFT SIDE DAMAGE EXAMPLE, FRONTAL SIDE DAMAGE EXAMPLE, RIGHT/LEFT/SPLIT BRAIN/CORPUS CALLOSUM EXAMPLE: THERE ARE SEVERAL ARTICLES ON EACH. BUT IT PROVIDES MORE THAN ENOUGH PROOF TO VERIFY MY CLAIM TOWARDS THE NARCISSIST: (1) LEFT SIDE DAMAGE Live Science Culture Narcissists' Lack of Empathy Detected in Brain Scans By Denise Chow, Sci-Tech Editor | June 24, 2013 01:17pm ET Researchers used magnetic resonance imaging to scan the brains of 34 people, including 17 individuals who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder, and found that pathological narcissists have less gray matter in a part of the cerebral cortex called the left anterior insula. Gray matter is primarily composed of neuron cell bodies and non-neuron brain cells that provide nutrients and energy to neurons, rather than sending and receiving information. Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder suffer from low self-esteem and feelings of inferiority, while also projecting displays of arrogance and vanity, according to the American Psychiatric Association. (2) FRONTAL DAMAGE Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2016 Jul; 11(7): 1036–1040. Published online 2015 Jun 5. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsv069 PMCID: PMC4927024 PMID: 26048178 Narcissism is associated with weakened frontostriatal connectivity: a DTI study David S. Chester,corresponding author1 Donald R. Lynam,2 David K. Powell,3,4 and C. Nathan DeWall1 Magnetic resonance imaging Data acquisition All MRI data were acquired on a 3.0-Tesla Siemens MAGNETOM Trio scanner using a 32-channel head coil. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was acquired across the entire brain using an axial double-refocused spin-echo echo planar imaging sequence (TR = 8000 ms, TE = 96 ms, FOV = 224 mm, 52 slices, 2 mm isotropic resolution). DT images were acquired with 64 noncollinear encoding direction (b = 1000 s/mm2) and six images without diffusion weighting (b = 0 s/mm2, b0). Then, a high-resolution T1-weighted MP-RAGE sequence was acquired from each participant to allow for native space registration of the DTI data (parameters: 1mm3 isotropic voxel size, TR = 1.69 s, TE = 2.56 ms, flip angle = 12°). Preprocessing and FA extraction DTI data were analyzed using FMRIB’s Software Library (FSL v5.0; Smith et al., 2004; Jenkinson et al., 2012). Raw DT images were preprocessed to correct for head motion and residual eddy current distortion using a 12-parameter affine alignment to the corresponding b0 image via FMRIB’s Linear Image Registration Tool (FLIRT). Next, FMRIB’s Diffusion Toolbox (FDT v2.0) was used to fit the diffusion tensor and calculate fractional anisotropy (FA) eigenvalues. FA images were then registered into MNI152 space using FSL’s tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS v1.2) program. All participants’ FA images were aligned to a common target using a nonlinear registration approach and then affine registered and resampled to 2 mm3 MNI152 space. Frontostriatal tract masks for the left and right hemisphere were acquired from Chavez and Heatherton (forthcoming; Figure 1A). Mean FA values were extracted for each hemisphere of the frontostriatal tract for each participant. The FA values from each hemisphere of the frontostriatal tract were then averaged together to create a single frontostriatal FA value for each participant. Quality check Reconstructed FA volumes were visually inspected prior to eddy current correction for excessive distortions and signs of excessive motion during the scan (e.g. striations, displacement), and then again after the eddy current correction's affine registration phase for misalignments between the original and target volumes. After normalization to MNI152 standard-space, FA volumes were displayed in a vertical slice directory for visual inspection against one another to detect misalignments or other deviations. None of the participants’ DTI volumes were excluded as no serious abnormalities were detected. Results We predicted that narcissism would relate to lower FA values in the frontostriatal pathway. Because narcissism tends to be higher for males than for females (Twenge et al., 2008), we controlled for participant sex in our analysis. Frontostriatal FA did not differ by participant sex, β = 0.19, t(47) = 1.42, P = 0.164. As predicted, narcissism related to lower structural integrity between the MPFC and ventral striatum. Frontostriatal FA was negatively associated with grandiose narcissism, β = −0.34, t(47) = −2.46, P = 0.017 [95% bias-corrected and accelerated confidence interval: β = −0.63 to −0.06 (Figure 1B)]. This association was observed in both the left, β = −0.30, t(47) = −2.13, P = 0.039, and right, β = −0.32, t(47) = −2.40, P = 0.020, hemispheres of the frontostriatal tract. Thus, narcissistic motivation to secure external admiration and affirmation may arise from a deficit in neural pathways that connect self-relevant processing with reward. (3)CORPUS CALLOSUM = LEFT SIDE NOT PROPERLY CONNECTED TO RIGHT SIDE The left hemisphere is only out of touch with reality when it fails to work in partnership with the right. The Malignant Narcissistic Dimension in the Antisocial Personality ..., increase in the volume of white matter of the corpus callosum and its length; The neurobiology of antisocial personality disorder - Antonio Casella by J Pemment - 2012 - Cited by 13 - Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Ogloff,. 2006). .... the genu of the corpus callosum, and was divided into the left and right hemispheres. I added this list for clarification to how I am diagnosing those on my list: 1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g. exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements) 2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love 3. believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions) 4. requires excessive admiration 5. has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations 6. is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends 7. lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others 8. is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her 9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes |
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Sat 07/06/19 03:14 PM
To your question of being a genetic disorder:
Causes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder The causes of NPD aren't well understood. However, inherited genetic defects are thought to be responsible for many cases of NPD. Contributing environmental factors may include: childhood abuse or neglect.Mar 16, 2016 Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Traits, Causes, and Treatment |
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Sat 07/06/19 03:25 PM
More Left to Right side Damage/Interruption of the Narcissist
Structural brain abnormalities in psychopathsâ ... (e.g. ''pathological narcissism'', ..... interruption of the corpus callosum may also lead to psychopathic behavior). |
Narcissistic Behavior in the Postmodern Era: The Study of ... Rudolph Hall - 2011 - Psychology division of the forebrain is the largest and most complicated of the brain structures ... Its parts, which are covered by the cerebral cortex, are corpus callosum, ... do have the ability to regenerate and are not replaced directly after brain damaged. |
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Sat 07/06/19 04:11 PM
On one research engine you can find 20 pages of data, on another 17. There really is quite a lot of information on the topic of Narcissism and the Brain.
We can go back in history and see where several people fit these Disorders that were once undetected. Sadly, it took victims of the Narcissist to open the doorway to even know the issue existed. The thing that interested me the most, was the list of those within science, mathematics, branches of science like medical, engineering. These are professions where a low self esteemed individual, suffering from the Genetic Psychological Disorder of Narcissism could actually achieve the grand illusion they seek after. Your own personal medical doctor, who believes he is a sort of god, plays god with your life and health. When you think of it, it's quite alarming. But look at the spouses and partners suffering from being involved with these mental midgets. If life was fair, we could just shoot them at random, or at least, cut their balls off so they can not reproduce and create more insignificant failures!! |
I deal with the victims of Narcissist. My job is basically to reaffirm them and build them back up. But in doing so, and after learning the many traits of the Narcissist, it has given me a true reflection at spotting those who are Narcissist and still undetected.
Spoken like a true narcissist. |
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Sat 07/06/19 06:16 PM
I deal with the victims of Narcissist. My job is basically to reaffirm them and build them back up. But in doing so, and after learning the many traits of the Narcissist, it has given me a true reflection at spotting those who are Narcissist and still undetected. Spoken like a true narcissist. That is actually a valid point. A true Narcissist however, does not possess the ability to help anyone, including themselves. I'd like to think, any human with the ability to feel compassion towards another, would make it a mission to seek out these hollow mental midgets who have destroyed millions and left them suffering. Women who have spent 40 years of their lives, now discovering they have no idea who they married. These men led them to believe they were on the same mental wavelength, told them not to work and become something of themselves, but to be a stay at home Mom like the perfect dream life. And as soon as the children are off on their own, this is when a couple should be enjoying their lives together. But it's donned to them, they have no access to the finances, no real control of anything, and after being devoted and faithful realize their dream in shining armor is really Satan!! I see many of these Narcissist sitting in my church pews never having a clue to what I or anyone else is preaching about. They are there simply for the enablers. To feed off of the suckers. Waiting in the shadows to become someone's new nightmare. I weed them out fast. Pull them aside and tell them what I see out of them. And once they have been outed, you never see them again. My Bible is full of examples of the king of Narcissism. And then when you see it in the form of a human being, you do not hesitate to squash it!! |
Narcissism is rampant in today's world. I agree.
Sociopathy is also rampant in today's world at various degrees. Psychopathy has also appeared recently in greater concentrations. While some might think they are genetic and some studies will try to prove it, the connection to behavior via genetic disposition has never actually been established. There is no "Criminal Gene". All these 'defined' mental conditions are relative to a) physical damage or deformity b) environmental conditioning If you take the parents and idols of youth into consideration. Take the stimuli from media and public influence. Is anyone surprised so many have such anti-social conditions? From the time of understanding people are filled with delusional concepts, examples and rules. "Always win" "More money means more freedom" "Be fair" "Love someone and they will love you back" "Work hard to succeed" Then when reality gets in the way and the delusions are realized ya get angry. Your stress goes up, things feel washed out, you feel like you don't matter. Lots of people lash out, try to take back what they have been robbed and hurt others while they do it. What the hell do you expect from people that are trying to live a lie and the lie constantly fails them? |
Narcissism is rampant in today's world. I agree. Sociopathy is also rampant in today's world at various degrees. Psychopathy has also appeared recently in greater concentrations. While some might think they are genetic and some studies will try to prove it, the connection to behavior via genetic disposition has never actually been established. There is no "Criminal Gene". All these 'defined' mental conditions are relative to a) physical damage or deformity b) environmental conditioning If you take the parents and idols of youth into consideration. Take the stimuli from media and public influence. Is anyone surprised so many have such anti-social conditions? From the time of understanding people are filled with delusional concepts, examples and rules. "Always win" "More money means more freedom" "Be fair" "Love someone and they will love you back" "Work hard to succeed" Then when reality gets in the way and the delusions are realized ya get angry. Your stress goes up, things feel washed out, you feel like you don't matter. Lots of people lash out, try to take back what they have been robbed and hurt others while they do it. What the hell do you expect from people that are trying to live a lie and the lie constantly fails them? Excellent points and I could not agree with you any more than I am right this moment. It's just a very sad scenario. To some people, these who suffer as they do and have learned traits, can be electrifying and uplifting. And in the very next breathe can be demeaning and cold as ice. But the enabler, the one who cares, exerts themselves even more trying to get that person who they were drawn to like a magnet. And when that person reappears, suddenly all is well and hope is restored. Until Dr. Jekyll visits again. And if the enablers gets suckered and caught up spending a lifetime trying to find Hyde. It's literally a disabling factor when they finally understand they have wasted their best years on someone mentally handicapped, who was nothing more than one elaborate lie after another. |
Why are Daffodils, called Narcissus?
Why are Daffodils, called Narcissus? Great question. I had to look the reason up. I am not sure this collates to your own answer, but this is what Google had to say lol Narcissus - Facts, Varieties, Growing and Plant ... - The Flower Expert A spring-flowering bulb, Narcissus is the name of a genus which includes flower bulbs like Daffodils, Jonquils, Paper whites and so forth. Narcissi (plural form of Narcissus) are easily grown from bulbs. The word Narcissus is derived from the Greek word narke, meaning numbness or stupor. |
Narcissism is rampant in today's world. I agree. Sociopathy is also rampant in today's world at various degrees. Psychopathy has also appeared recently in greater concentrations. While some might think they are genetic and some studies will try to prove it, the connection to behavior via genetic disposition has never actually been established. There is no "Criminal Gene". All these 'defined' mental conditions are relative to a) physical damage or deformity b) environmental conditioning If you take the parents and idols of youth into consideration. Take the stimuli from media and public influence. Is anyone surprised so many have such anti-social conditions? From the time of understanding people are filled with delusional concepts, examples and rules. "Always win" "More money means more freedom" "Be fair" "Love someone and they will love you back" "Work hard to succeed" Then when reality gets in the way and the delusions are realized ya get angry. Your stress goes up, things feel washed out, you feel like you don't matter. Lots of people lash out, try to take back what they have been robbed and hurt others while they do it. What the hell do you expect from people that are trying to live a lie and the lie constantly fails them? Excellent points and I could not agree with you any more than I am right this moment. It's just a very sad scenario. To some people, these who suffer as they do and have learned traits, can be electrifying and uplifting. And in the very next breathe can be demeaning and cold as ice. But the enabler, the one who cares, exerts themselves even more trying to get that person who they were drawn to like a magnet. And when that person reappears, suddenly all is well and hope is restored. Until Dr. Jekyll visits again. And if the enablers gets suckered and caught up spending a lifetime trying to find Hyde. It's literally a disabling factor when they finally understand they have wasted their best years on someone mentally handicapped, who was nothing more than one elaborate lie after another. When people (including me) try to establish a reasonable understanding of reality that doesn't fit reality, we get upset. The problem isn't our idea of reality but reality itself. What I have learned (thru much trial and error) is reality does not care. Reality just is. What I needed to do is first, recognize reality for what it actually is. Then, accept it. It was fairly easy to recognize but very difficult to accept. I had to let go of my expectations. I had to unlearn years of conditioning. I still struggle from time to time because I am very used to reality fitting in my lil boxes. I tried substituting other's expectations and it made me mad. I tried creating my own reasons why things are happening and it made me depressed. When I started to accept reality as it is and make the changes within the realm of reality that I started to make progress towards inner peace. Reality comes first. It always has. It was my expectations that made life difficult. I am merely one in 7.7 billion. I'm not special but I am unique. I don't need, require, approval from anyone to be me. Neither does anyone need, require approval from me to be them. In today's world of social exposure, many feel they need to live up to other's expectations. Many feel others need to live up to their expectations. Its a narcissistic thought process that takes hold and amplifies. The cure is healthy self-esteem. To gain healthy self-esteem you need to come to grips with the fact that being you is enough. |
The cure is healthy self-esteem. To gain healthy self-esteem you need to come to grips with the fact that being you is enough. And yet, the true Narcissist is mentally incapable of working towards better self esteem. They have a learned trait that achieves better self esteem by tearing someone down to the point the Narcissist believes that person is beneath them. They do not desire equalism, they desire to be God!! |
Narcissist is mentally incapable of working towards better self esteem.
I agree but many people that demonstrate narcissism are not true narcissists. In my experience, they are merely confused and working life so it fits their expectations. Yet there are those that are narcissistic and actually want to be that way. Its difficult to recognize the true ones from the ones that adopt that behavior out of desperation. Difficult, but not impossible. |
Narcissist is mentally incapable of working towards better self esteem.
I agree but many people that demonstrate narcissism are not true narcissists. In my experience, they are merely confused and working life so it fits their expectations. Yet there are those that are narcissistic and actually want to be that way. Its difficult to recognize the true ones from the ones that adopt that behavior out of desperation. Difficult, but not impossible. Good point!! Probably why one type is listed as a Disorder due to behavior, and the other is listed as malignant, because they adopt who they are/believe they are and run with it. |
Try to understand we classify what we don't understand.
Its only the personal connection we share with others that allows us the ability to understand the person they are as they mean to us. If you meet someone you suspect being a narcissist, it is your own interaction with them that defines them. So, are they actually narcissistic or are they what you define as narcissistic? Plus, without your predisposition could they be more than what you expect? I have met plenty of people who demonstrate narcissistic behavior that have demonstrated purely natural behavior if treated with the right frame of mind. It takes a bit of compassion and understanding but it is possible. All I'm trying to say is never allow the first impression to dictate how you interact with someone. Sometimes they need just a bit more time, and...consideration. Less often, you will realize there is no saving grace. It comes with experience but you can tell. There are tells to a person's affinity. One way to understand different affinities is to understand the character types. Since I have previously tried to explain this, I won't repeat. Suffice it to say, anyone that understands human behavior understands this. The most important thing to remember is people tend to follow established definitives. Good, Neutral and Chaotic. |