Topic: 12-21-2012
no photo
Thu 12/13/07 04:21 AM
AS I read this all I can think of is Chicken Little..The Sky Is Falling The Sky Is Falling!!! It will be what it will be, it will end when it ends..who the hell are we to go around predicting stuff??? Bah....its just alarmist bs

HangedMan's photo
Thu 12/13/07 05:01 AM
Forget the Mayans. The esteemed(although slightly insane) Algore
gives us 7 more years to live til g;obal warming fries us all.
Who would know better than the inventor of the internet?

laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 05:14 AM
laugh laugh laugh great comment Hanged

s1owhand's photo
Thu 12/13/07 08:44 AM

The Mayans Ascended to The Afterlife. One by one.

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:17 AM
Criswell predicted the world would end on Aug. 18, 1999 (his birthday, no less) when a huge black rainbow would appear in the sky and suck all the oxygen out of earth's atmosphere. I think it helped him sell some books, but....

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:20 AM
Actually Jess, the mayans still reside in Mexico. Their culture is still alive and going. The mayans were a very smart breed as they figured out "acoustics" before the rest of the world.

Ive read the mayan calendar as well.....I can only hope it doesnt end, for our children's sake.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Thu 12/13/07 11:53 PM

21 st December 2012, is the end of the Mayan Calendar... and perhaps the end of this world, for some... depends which side of the coin toss you want to believe...

My stars said I was going to have a crap day, with lots of obstacles, and the dog would eat my shoes...

Do I believe that too?

I still have shoes, nobody placed any large boxes in my path, and I didn't step in anything nasty.

I have my own interpretations of the Mayan Calender and it stopping on the 21st of December 2012...I'll send you a postcard when I get there.:wink:

Someone was listening to the wrong stars

Jess642's photo
Fri 12/14/07 12:54 AM
Says who? You?

We are all entitled to our opinions, but I am getting a little...yawn

starryhopes's photo
Fri 12/14/07 03:23 AM
I have made some Mayan friends in southern Belize (Punta Gorda and it's surrounds)and have visited a couple of sites where the ancesters of the Mayans had cities as well as five outlying Mayan villages. The Mayans inhabited a vast area in Central and south America.

As for the end of the world, that has been spread around many times in my lifetime and the dates always went by without any end of the world.

However, this week a study revealed that the Arctic ice cap will be melted by 2012 which will have cataclysmic effects on the ecosystem. The USA and China are currently the biggest polluters causing global warming.

However, the end of the world will happen very painfully very slowly if it happens. It's not nice to fool Mother Nature and she will not give up without a long fight over many hundreds of years.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Fri 12/14/07 07:48 AM

However, this week a study revealed that the Arctic ice cap will be melted by 2012 which will have cataclysmic effects on the ecosystem. The USA and China are currently the biggest polluters causing global warming.

However, the end of the world will happen very painfully very slowly if it happens. It's not nice to fool Mother Nature and she will not give up without a long fight over many hundreds of years.

And if the global surface climate rises another 3 & 1/2 degrees we will all likely die off very slow and very painfuly. I think the global warming critics should be required to study the permian extinction. There I go changing subjects;^]

yokoke's photo
Fri 12/14/07 12:43 PM

Anyone else heard of the world coming to an end on December 21st, 2012? I guess it's been predicted by the ancient Mayans, Nostradamus, and Edgar Cayce, to name a few. Just curious what everyone's thoughts are on this. Have a nice day. :smile:

The world is not ending.... 2012 is a collective consciousness date that we subconsciously have been brain bulleted with to get our shyt in order. People are already opening their eyes and seeing things differently. What have you done today to be kind to mother earth? What did you do to help someone and pay it forward?

Think about our resources....oil, gas, and uranium deposits...the planet can not drive up to a black hole and say "fill er up"noway what we have left.... is it....:cry:

Now if you walk the path of Nibiru (Planet X) then yeah worse could be predicted... but even with 2 orbits the axis may shift and jolt.... or could destroy us...but if you read more on this subject the tribulation date is closer to 2009 is when things start...

Interesting how the professionals are divided in our space and sky.... how beneficial would it be to have a mass panic of doom on countries world economies?

But here is a question.... what happens when you wake up on Jan 1, 2013?? Will you be disappointed? Will you shoot for the next date in 2021(afterall the Mayan calendar dude could have had dyslexia??)?

Precession of the Equinoxes in the stars...what is the Age of Aquarius? A deeper understanding?

2012 is year of the Water Dragon too....

2012 solar storms at a peak....

Albert Einstein said if the honey bees were suddenly gone mankind would have about 4 years left to live. Well, the honey bees are going extinct now and at the present rate in another year or so there will be no more honey bees left on earth. One year from now plus another 4 years gives us the year 2012

And why...would the Vatican need an observatory? Where does the Bible and the skies go hand in hand? Nothing to do with the prophecy of St. Malachy I am sure....noway

The info is out there, some good and some just CrAzY huh but we each have our own beliefs and entitled to our opinions...

We have had "dates" of doom and gloom prior and surprise we are here.... but what makes 2013 different is the Mayan Calendar ending.

Am I gonna stop living and worry about 2012? Nahhhhhh:wink: still gonna love my family and friends and use the talents I was given and keep moving forward towards my goals...but it is interesting to bat the ideas around...

If it happens, it happens... some things were put in place way before us... some just have a better understanding than others...

Turtlepoet78's photo
Fri 12/14/07 01:02 PM
Truth is the world will end june 6 in 2006;^]

yokoke's photo
Fri 12/14/07 01:19 PM

Truth is the world will end june 6 in 2006;^]

smokin For some it did........

Turtlepoet78's photo
Fri 12/14/07 01:22 PM

Truth is the world will end june 6 in 2006;^]

smokin For some it did........

haha, fair enough, glad mine didn't tho;^]

jen1515's photo
Fri 12/14/07 01:39 PM
well that would suck if it did end on the 21st od Dec, cuz my bday is the 24th!

yokoke's photo
Fri 12/14/07 01:44 PM

well that would suck if it did end on the 21st od Dec, cuz my bday is the 24th!

It's NOT ending........check out the facts or stories related to the issue at hand....

yokoke's photo
Fri 12/14/07 01:45 PM

haha, fair enough, glad mine didn't tho;^]

Good cuz I would have to drop kick ya into another galaxysmokin

Turtlepoet78's photo
Fri 12/14/07 01:55 PM

haha, fair enough, glad mine didn't tho;^]

Good cuz I would have to drop kick ya into another galaxysmokin

Just make it Andramida (if I spelled that so I'll eventualy make it back;^]

yokoke's photo
Fri 12/14/07 02:10 PM

haha, fair enough, glad mine didn't tho;^]

Good cuz I would have to drop kick ya into another galaxysmokin

Just make it Andramida (if I spelled that so I'll eventualy make it back;^]

LOL off to Andromeda you go....don't mind the bottle rockets in your arse, they will help jettison you past Planet X LOL before it gets near us.....oh the stories and adventures you'll have...laugh laugh

Turtlepoet78's photo
Fri 12/14/07 02:14 PM

haha, fair enough, glad mine didn't tho;^]

Good cuz I would have to drop kick ya into another galaxysmokin

Just make it Andramida (if I spelled that so I'll eventualy make it back;^]

LOL off to Andromeda you go....don't mind the bottle rockets in your arse, they will help jettison you past Planet X LOL before it gets near us.....oh the stories and adventures you'll have...laugh laugh

Not that it'll matter my By the time I make it back that will definatly be the end of the world;^]