Topic: The Abortion Debate | |
If, some trailerpark whore can't keep her legs together, she should really consider sterilization or a less drastic form of birth control. I'm sure the V.D. clinic she gets her antibiotics from, also provides rubbers and birth control pills. And, who exactly is the "tralerpark whore" HAVING sex with? Certainly not herself.. Again...where is the uproar about the GUYS who are out there having *unprotected* sex??? Oh, you say....the woman is the one that gets pregnant...not the guys.. Oh, really? Then the guy has zero, zip, nada to say about what she does with the resulting pregnanct. A message should be just as loud to the men.... If you are against abotrtion DO NOT HAVE UNPOROTECTED SEX....period. I agree regarding putting the blame on the woman. If one takes a stance that it is only womans choice to have sex that results in pregnancy, one is inconsistent if they do not also say it is the womans choice to end pregnancy. I believe it is an uncomfortable topic, but maybe we DO need to find out a person's position on abortion before having sex? Especially as a man, who may not be using protection, and may be fond of children, know if the female you are sleeping with will carry your potential offspring or terminate if it comes up. And even then, its difficult, because just her claiming she wouldnt doesnt mean she wont. |
If, some trailerpark whore can't keep her legs together, she should really consider sterilization or a less drastic form of birth control. I'm sure the V.D. clinic she gets her antibiotics from, also provides rubbers and birth control pills. And, who exactly is the "tralerpark whore" HAVING sex with? Certainly not herself.. Again...where is the uproar about the GUYS who are out there having *unprotected* sex??? Oh, you say....the woman is the one that gets pregnant...not the guys.. Oh, really? Then the guy has zero, zip, nada to say about what she does with the resulting pregnanct. A message should be just as loud to the men.... If you are against abotrtion DO NOT HAVE UNPOROTECTED SEX....period. I agree regarding putting the blame on the woman. If one takes a stance that it is only womans choice to have sex that results in pregnancy, one is inconsistent if they do not also say it is the womans choice to end pregnancy. I believe it is an uncomfortable topic, but maybe we DO need to find out a person's position on abortion before having sex? Especially as a man, who may not be using protection, and may be fond of children, know if the female you are sleeping with will carry your potential offspring or terminate if it comes up. And even then, its difficult, because just her claiming she wouldnt doesnt mean she wont. |
A woman has full rights to control her body during the reproduction act until the child is conceived.
Once the child is conceived it exists in the placenta and the woman's body acts as a cocoon. The child is tied to but not part of her body and she has no moral right to murder that new life. Since abortion became legal this nation has murdered over 60,000,000 babies. May God have mercy on our nation. |
I've sat here reading this. Clearly, too many out there have sex first, without thinking of the consequences. That was always my first question before doing it, how are we going to protect ourselves. Yeah, it took all the fun out of it, but I never had to worry about making a mistake.
As I got older, I decided that if a woman had an abortion, she would be a big if in my book. If you'd do away with a life that way, you could do away with me pretty easy. It just doesn't set that well with me anymore. I used to see a woman that I loved, we broke up. She also had two abortions before I came along. As I got older, it started bothering me. She dumped me about as easy as those two kids. Well, 30 years later, she re-appeared. It bothered me more, as I thought about it. Nope, I'm not going down that road again. I'll stay alone because of that. You can give me the sales pitch all you like about it's her right, her body. I don't buy that for one second. |
A woman has full rights to control her body during the reproduction act until the child is conceived. Once the child is conceived it exists in the placenta and the woman's body acts as a cocoon. The child is tied to but not part of her body and she has no moral right to murder that new life. Since abortion became legal this nation has murdered over 60,000,000 babies. May God have mercy on our nation. Hmm, 60million, that would work out to about 1million every year and there is about 4million babies born each year in the United States. So you are saying 1 in 5 babies are aborted or 20%? So apparently there are not that many people having abortions so we should just do away with it, or I should say make it illegal again because we know that will stop everybody just like prohibition stoped everyone from drinking. So we probably shouldn't remove cancer from bodies anymore either because its just "Gods Way" and we certainly wouldn't want to interfere with that. A woman having a child affects her life very much for 19 years and even beyond. The embryo can not keep growing outside the woman's body so is it really "life" at that point? Clearly at 7 or 8 months things get much more complex because the fetus most likely could live outside the women's body and except for the most extreme conditions I don't believe an abortion at that point would be acceptable. People who receive any type of public assistance clearly can not take care of themselves, or they are scamming the system, so if they can't take care of themselves clearly they are not able to take care of a child. People should take precautions when having sex, or don't have sex if you are unable to do it safely. However people do make mistakes, or other unforseen factors occur and the woman and possible child to be should not be dramatically punished for the rest of their lives if the woman believes that is how things will work out. |
Not that anyone really cares, and I doubt your figure is accurate (as dust4fun pointed out..1 in 5???)
Anyway..if it *were* true..can you imagine how crowded this country would be with an additional 60,000,000 people? And, if you add in all the people that died in the Civil War...and *their* progeny.. Then, if the 37 million hadn't died in WW1..and the 70 million in WW2...snd *their* progeny.... Maybe it's God's way of helping stem overpopulation. You don't know it isn't...unless you can talk to him directly...because only God is privy to some things..he didn't even share with His Son. |
If we could come to a conclusion that it TAKES TWO, maybe we could stop putting the creation of life all at the woman's feet, either with blaming them for it, or giving them all the power because of it.
While it is true that the pregnancy is only going to tax the BODY of the woman. I dont believe that makes that life only an issue of only the woman's body. Number one, because like I said, it is a separate life that is made up of DNA of BOTH Father and mother. And second, because it is not reasonable to assume a child, when it comes out of the womb crying, was only a 'clump of cells' only minute, hours, days, or even months prior. I shudder to think that we could argue for a woman to abort pregnancy at eight months, simply because it is still taxing her body. AT some point, I think most people will face that it is a LIFE that feels pain, that needs love, et cetera, and that point does not WAIT Until it no longer is taxing the mother's body to do so. If we could come to a conclusion that it TAKES TWO, maybe we could stop putting the creation of life all at the woman's feet The issue is not how the life came to be. Likewise, it is not about the responsibility of the donors. Its about whether or not it is legal to kill a life that is incubating. Since that incubation is within a woman that is obviously an adult, it is about whether the public has the right to dictate a personal decision. It doesn't matter who supports or pays for the pregnancy. It is about the personal connection of a mother and a child before it is born. The issue is not how it came to be or who takes responsibility for it but many will try to impose those values to the issue. Can we kill it or not is the only question being asked. I am a father of four beautiful children. While my wife was carrying them, she was in control of their destiny. I advised her, supported her and was there whenever she needed me but ultimately, it was her that experienced a life growing insider her. Her mother didn't, my father didn't, I didn't, and the state certainly didn't. It was her teeth that got weak, her ankles that were swollen and her back that hurt. She dealt with the hormonal imbalances and mood swings and I just went along like a wide-eyed school kid wondering what the hell was happening to my wife. And when I watched that child...that life come out of her and how hard it was and how wonderful it was, it was her that went thru the hell of childbirth. Who the hell has any right to dictate such a personal experience besides the one that has to experience it? Why is it anyone else's business but the person that must dedicate their body to the outcome? How dare you? |
Social Security and abortion
One can only wonder how much the 60,000,000 babies that have been aborted would have contributed to science, medicine, the country, the economy but , also, to social security. We are now reaping what we have sewn all for the sake of convenience. |
One might also wonder about the 7,700,000,000 babies that were not aborted and are currently on this planet right now.
But even that has no significance on the question at hand. Can we legally kill an unborn child? It is alive. It is inside an adult. Can we kill it or decide its fate? Do any of us have any buisness deciding something so personal concerning someone else??? |
Is abortion killing? That is a much harder question to answer than to ask if you believe life begins at conception then it could be considered murder if you believe that life begins at birth and the ability to breathe then you can argue it's not killing moral belief is at conception legally it's not until the first breath our constitution dictates the separation of church and state so this issue pits legal against moral ultimately the decision lies with the woman who has to make the decision contraception is an nonfactor in this discussion as in the past at the time of conception and an unchangeable moment in history all being said it's the woman's choice to make and she alone has to deal with the grief or relief of her actions
Edited by
Sat 06/08/19 09:29 PM
Consider this;
In the distant past life started at birth because humans had no data on what happens when life is created. Since our modern age, we have documented, recorded and studied the life process from conception to birth and we know that as soon as the sperm penetrates an egg and cell division happens a zygote is created. So science, and therefore society, KNOWS that life begins at conception. The egg is a contribution from the mother. The sperm is a contribution from the father. However, the mother's body is commited to the zygote whereas the father's body is not. Therefore, the only decision that matters is up to the mother who is committed to the process with her own body. |
Consider this;
If we give the state permission to say who can and cannot abort we are also allowing state to say who must or must not abort. It should not be a state or public matter. Its personal and must remain in the power of the one that is directly affected. Once the child is born and individual and before the child is concieved may be subject to laws already established, inside another adult human being is a violation of that person's right to private decision. And before anyone says children that are not adults are having children, they can't. Children are in a kind of larva stage until they reach puberty at which time they are physically able to reproduce. Whether they are intellectually, emotionally or physically considered mature is not what constitutes an organism's adult stage. If children are having children, the parents are at fault for failing to teach their children properly. But, that is NOT the issue at hand, is it? |
We can "pull the plug" on brain dead people who have a beating heart..because they are deemed dead...
So..why are people in an uproar over something that has no functioning brain, but has a few cells that act like a beating heart? "Rather, at six weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound can detect "a little flutter in the area that will become the future heart of the baby," said Dr. Saima Aftab, medical director of the Fetal Care Center at Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami. This flutter happens because the group of cells that will become the future "pacemaker" of the heart gain the capacity to fire electrical signals, she said." |
We can "pull the plug" on brain dead people who have a beating heart..because they are deemed dead...
So..why are people in an uproar over something that has no functioning brain, but has a few cells that act like a beating heart? Pulling the plug is a condition of a deteriorating life force. A zygote is a growing life force. The reason we don't kill our handicapped and deformed is because humans believe all life has the potential to become something special. When you pull the plug and the organism dies, it was not being kept alive on its own process but by artificial means. If you pull the plug and it doesn't die, its murder if we kill it. If you pull the plug on an embryo in its mother you are killing the mother (the plug) and that is murder. Yes the life force is dependent on the plug but it is growing, not deteriorating. Its potential maturation validates its continued support. |
Abortion is Living emotional issue.
if one analyse this problem To begin with most victims are young teenage girls. because developing body has different exploration and curiosity and emotional needs and limits. for this basic reason education department has sex education topic. most family has no open discussion on this topic because of family background or religious belief. its not easy to address this topic. |
I see the problem as a mix-up of state and religion. In Alabama, ALL the men voted to make abortion illegal and ALL the women voted against it. The men won only because there were more of them.
What does that tell you? |
I see the problem as a mix-up of state and religion. In Alabama, ALL the men voted to make abortion illegal and ALL the women voted against it. The men won only because there were more of them. What does that tell you? It tells me you have no clue about Alabama. |
Not that anyone really cares, and I doubt your figure is accurate (as dust4fun pointed out..1 in 5???) Anyway..if it *were* true..can you imagine how crowded this country would be with an additional 60,000,000 people? And, if you add in all the people that died in the Civil War...and *their* progeny.. Then, if the 37 million hadn't died in WW1..and the 70 million in WW2...snd *their* progeny.... Maybe it's God's way of helping stem overpopulation. You don't know it isn't...unless you can talk to him directly...because only God is privy to some things..he didn't even share with His Son. it actually appears to be true, we are talking roughly 50 million since 1977 Data from the Guttmacher Institute — a research organization that supports legal access to abortion — does indeed show more than 50 million abortions were performed between 1973 and 2011. Those findings are peer-reviewed and have been cited by proponents and opponents of legal access to abortion alike. Figures compiled by the federal government over the same period show less than 50 million, but are missing data from several states over several years. Data from the Guttmacher Institute — a research organization that supports legal access to abortion — does indeed show more than 50 million abortions were performed between 1973 and 2011. Those findings are peer-reviewed and have been cited by proponents and opponents of legal access to abortion alike. Figures compiled by the federal government over the same period show less than 50 million, but are missing data from several states over several years. But numbers do not really determine if something is right or wrong. |
Consider this; If we give the state permission to say who can and cannot abort we are also allowing state to say who must or must not abort. It should not be a state or public matter. Its personal and must remain in the power of the one that is directly affected. Once the child is born and individual and before the child is concieved may be subject to laws already established, inside another adult human being is a violation of that person's right to private decision. And before anyone says children that are not adults are having children, they can't. Children are in a kind of larva stage until they reach puberty at which time they are physically able to reproduce. Whether they are intellectually, emotionally or physically considered mature is not what constitutes an organism's adult stage. If children are having children, the parents are at fault for failing to teach their children properly. But, that is NOT the issue at hand, is it? If we give the state permission to say who can and cannot abort, we are allowing the state to say who must and must not abort. i disagree. The state says who can and cant drive. but they do not mandate who must or must not drive. The state says who can and cannot enter into legal agreements or consent to sex, but they do not mandate who must enter into legal agreements or consent to sex. The state defining available options is not the same as the state mandating which options we choose. |
We can "pull the plug" on brain dead people who have a beating heart..because they are deemed dead... So..why are people in an uproar over something that has no functioning brain, but has a few cells that act like a beating heart? "Rather, at six weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound can detect "a little flutter in the area that will become the future heart of the baby," said Dr. Saima Aftab, medical director of the Fetal Care Center at Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami. This flutter happens because the group of cells that will become the future "pacemaker" of the heart gain the capacity to fire electrical signals, she said." I think the question is one of natural life and death. If we did NOTHING would that life flourish or perish? People on life support MACHINES, who would if left to nature perish, are the subject of a CHOICE to prolong a human life that would not NATURALLY flourish. If we did NOTHING with pregnancy, would those lives flourish or perish? People choosing abortion are choosing to end a human life that would naturally flourish. |