Topic: What is your biggest pet peeve? | |
I can't walk barefoot at all..I gotta have shoes or socks or sandals ,anything on me feet...even to walk from the shower to my bedroom ,I gotta throw somethin on my feet. Yeah even outside in the summer time definately! i'm the same way......and another pet peeve of mine is the word "pet peeve" dunno why, the sound of it drives me insane.... |
Si - muy chistoso
sorry - I'll switch back to English now
girls that make guys do all the work in bed......
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good good and you
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girls that make guys do all the work in bed...... HAHA!! i agree |
Chistoso, Yo comprendo, pero se entienden nadie.
![]() Which might open this up to a pet peeve. ![]() |
Bilingual threads - I love it!
I don't like it when people make noises when they chew their food. If it's something crunchy, that's okay, but smacking lips annoy the hell out of me. My parents drilled this habit out of me before I was eight years old. I was playing cards with some friends one night and I almost had to get up and leave because when anybody was considering what card to play, all I'd hear were eating noises from around the table. It was like The Telltale Heart, except with people gnoshing on snacks.
People that think they are entitled to get everything they ever wanted without working for it.
People that email you and you can tell they didn't take the effort to read your profile. |
people who drum on desks or tap a table over and over the one thing that bugs me
people who drum on desks or tap a table over and over the one thing that bugs me You would have hated me tonight. Normally, I manage not to fidget, but I was drumming a lot at the card shop tonight. |
stupidity and hillbilly sh*t
Loud people .
People who laugh really loud when noone said anything funny . ![]() People who just gotta gossip even if they don't know what they are talking about . When someone talks about someone you don't even know like you should know them . Hair in the shower . When you go into a public restroom and someone comes out of the stall and exits the restroom without washing their hands . ![]() Ugly people who think they are God's gift to the opposite sex . There is such a thing as TOOO MUCH confidence . ![]() When people lock car doors when I walk by like i'm about to jack them . (Do I look that shady ?) People who bring babies to a movie and don't get up when they start to cry . Crying kids in the supermarket . When my Mom doesn't get the dishes totally clean . A speck of something on a cup or dish will ruin my day . I have alot more I could go on but i'll stop now . |