Topic: Mature Female Needed | |
NOT me!!!
I'm REALLY curious to hear oldkids explanation/ defense of the second half of his comment:
"While most feminist women will never accept a submissive role, they are also not capable of being a truly independent equal partner either." You base that on what, exactly?? |
I'm REALLY curious to hear oldkids explanation/ defense of the second half of his comment: "While most feminist women will never accept a submissive role, they are also not capable of being a truly independent equal partner either." You base that on what, exactly?? I find all of his comments anti female. Not sure what his problem is but he’s a real keeper. |
I'm REALLY curious to hear oldkids explanation/ defense of the second half of his comment: "While most feminist women will never accept a submissive role, they are also not capable of being a truly independent equal partner either." You base that on what, exactly?? |
I'm REALLY curious to hear oldkids explanation/ defense of the second half of his comment: "While most feminist women will never accept a submissive role, they are also not capable of being a truly independent equal partner either." You base that on what, exactly?? Well, I am an INTJ (read up on Myers Briggs)...believe me, I am ALL about logic. Again, not everyone is the I *said* you lkike it when women make sweeping generalization based on the jerks *they* have known? No? Then why would you think it OK to the the same based the women YOU have experienced.. And, why can' it be the *guy* that is "usually are unwilling to operate as collaborative partners in life working for whatever is best for the partnership." HE may be only looking out for HIS own self-interet... Just becausehe is a guy doesn't make him immune to that. And, regarding *this*: "they often make decisions that they think are best for their children even if at the expense of their partner." What about couple where they decided not to have kids? EVERY woman is different...just like every guy is different. |
I'm REALLY curious to hear oldkids explanation/ defense of the second half of his comment: "While most feminist women will never accept a submissive role, they are also not capable of being a truly independent equal partner either." You base that on what, exactly?? Ooh, this is going to be entertaining. ![]() ![]() |
I'm REALLY curious to hear oldkids explanation/ defense of the second half of his comment: "While most feminist women will never accept a submissive role, they are also not capable of being a truly independent equal partner either." You base that on what, exactly?? Well, I am an INTJ (read up on Myers Briggs)...believe me, I am ALL about logic. Again, not everyone is the I *said* you lkike it when women make sweeping generalization based on the jerks *they* have known? No? Then why would you think it OK to the the same based the women YOU have experienced.. And, why can' it be the *guy* that is "usually are unwilling to operate as collaborative partners in life working for whatever is best for the partnership." HE may be only looking out for HIS own self-interet... Just becausehe is a guy doesn't make him immune to that. And, regarding *this*: "they often make decisions that they think are best for their children even if at the expense of their partner." What about couple where they decided not to have kids? EVERY woman is different...just like every guy is different. Most people belong in a co-dependent relationship. They need some level of emotional strokes from their partner on a regular basis. Something like a regular text, a little gift now and then, or maybe that wink and smile across the room. Others are just as happy without any of that and sometimes consider those emotional touches an interference in their normal routine. Ever give someone a card you thought was special and they politely acknowledged the card and the next day threw it in the garbage? How did you feel seeing your special card under the morning coffee grounds? While it was important to you it meant very little to them. They didn't need those positive emotional strokes while you did! |
Edited by
Sat 03/02/19 09:18 AM
YOU WROTE: "NO, every woman and every man is not different!! There are basic psychological profiles we all fit into. You may be split to some extent in different areas but we all fit someplace. Disregarding a few psycho people, we all are either emotionally independent or dependent to some degree. That answer is based on how much you depend on other human beings to meet your emotional needs. Are you happy with who you are if you never heard anyone compliment you or give y0u positive emotional strokes again? Some people need no one to support their emotional well being while others need someone multiple times a day. When you figure this out, you will have some idea of the type of relationship you can be happy in. Most people belong in a co-dependent relationship. They need some level of emotional strokes from their partner on a regular basis. Something like a regular text, a little gift now and then, or maybe that wink and smile across the room. Others are just as happy without any of that and sometimes consider those emotional touches an interference in their normal routine. Ever give someone a card you thought was special and they politely acknowledged the card and the next day threw it in the garbage? How did you feel seeing your special card under the morning coffee grounds? While it was important to you it meant very little to them. They didn't need those positive emotional strokes while you did!" I RESPOND: Personality tests attempt to fit humans into different categories based on responses to questions asked and the answers have variances depending on the individual's day, emotional moment during the test, and etc. It use to be thought that personalities change over a human's lifeline and personality was based not only on genetics but also on environmental experiences. For some time now, the thought is that most people have a somewhat static personality from birth. I view personality as a continuum of sorts; certainly genetic components as well as environmental influences as well as experiences that one's brain interprets as particularly traumatic. Humans are social animals, as a whole. There seems an innate need for other-human interaction. The extent of that need is individually based. Regarding relationships, the wanting of attention from a partner is what separates an intimate relationship from a platonic relationship. I posit that the person who feels as though their partner's attention is an interruption in their life ought not be in an intimate relationship. If a person needs no support for their emotional well-being (as a constant non-need) it would raise psychological red flags as it is outside the realm of normalcy. Certainly personality, and the fluctuations contained therein, continue to be researched as it is very difficult to quantify that which is so different from person to person. And yes, while there are overarching categories for personality, don't confuse that 'umbrella' with the components that make individuals. Does this make sense? It's a tricky topic to type about. |
Most people belong in a co-dependent relationship. They need some level of emotional strokes from their partner on a regular basis. Something like a regular text, a little gift now and then, or maybe that wink and smile across the room. Others are just as happy without any of that and sometimes consider those emotional touches an interference in their normal routine. Ever give someone a card you thought was special and they politely acknowledged the card and the next day threw it in the garbage? How did you feel seeing your special card under the morning coffee grounds? While it was important to you it meant very little to them. They didn't need those positive emotional strokes while you did! Honey, you are contradicting yourself. In the one hand, you claim women cannpot be equla pasrtners because they operate on an emotional level and not with reason and logic.. Then you go on to make an observation that would apply to memebers of BOTH sexes..: "Ever give someone a card you thought was special and they politely acknowledged the card and the next day threw it in the garbage? How did you feel seeing your special card under the morning coffee grounds? While it was important to you it meant very little to them." That scenario could apply to a guy who gave a card to his partner... Then, you said: "different areas but we all fit someplace. Disregarding a few psycho people, we all are either emotionally independent or dependent to some degree. That answer is based on how much you depend on other human beings to meet your emotional needs." Again...that could apply to both men and women.. My issue was with your original comments about women: "I base that on my opinion that most women are controlled by their emotional side instead of their logic side. Thus they are not capable of being equal partners to some of us." Your logic is flawed. People are *indeed* different...not everyone is the same/ acts the same way..male *or* female... |
NOT me!!! ![]() |
The emotional needs of people are not gender based and do apply to both men and women. My general observation is that more women than men have greater emotional needs. I think this is from society and their upbringing where women have been treated as less capable than men. Only in the last couple of generations has this changed much. What we go through as we grow up builds our sense of self worth and self confidence. Simply, if our parents didn't let us do or try things, we had no opportunity to succeed or fail. Each success you have builds those important characteristics of self confidence and worth. When some of those characteristics are weak, you rely more on others to emotionally make you feel good about yourself. People with a strong sense of self need much less support from others to feel good about themselves.
I think that in our child raising today we are compromising the growth of self worth and confidence. We have gone too far in protecting our children so they have very little opportunity to succeed or fail on their own. Without having those chances at success as they grow up, how can we expect them to develop a strong sense of self worth or self confidence? Sorry that you see most of my comments as black or white and based on gender. I do believe that some characteristics are more prevalent in one gender over the other. In general, this is do to how each gender has been raised, not the gender itself! |
Keep digging, oldkid
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Keep digging, oldkid ![]() ![]() |
munch, munch, munch, my! this HAS gotten interesting. Wonder why the OP hasn't chimed in yet.
Mingle2's mascot finds this thread to be entertaining, too.
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He's obviously all ears.
He's obviously all ears. The mascot is a she. |
Must be buttered and not Cajun!
He's obviously all ears. The mascot is a she. GTFOH! How can you tell? |