Topic: sex buddy? or more? | |
ive been recently seeing a guy and hes great he treats me fantastic and i do have feelings towards him but we both agreed we dont want a relationship right now because we both have come out or a long term relationships although he has tld me he wants to be with me i dont know if he means it. does he just want to have sex with me?
he tells me he misses me and wants too see me and he cant keep his hands off when hes with me he cares about me alot and was ill at his this weekend while his mates where down stairs he sat next to me at the toilet while i was feeling ****ty. hes been married which has scared me and he knows this he told me and i comp freaked out and sat for ages in silence before moving and talking to him. when i was at his tho he showed me off to his mates he told me im beautifull and if i wasnt he wouldnt be showing his mates me is this him saying to his mates look what im shagging or argh i dont know :( im great at noticeing if people like each other but when it comes too me theres no way in hell i can tell unless they make it comp obvious. should i tell him how i feel towards him? should i tell him i dont want to be sex buddies any more? i just dont know what to do i wish i was with him now :(!! |
well he said he wanted to be with you, doesn't get more obvious then that. you wanna be with him so get over the fears.
You should tall him what you want, if he is not ok with that...then move on.
he was married hes 24 im 18 its weird lol nd i dont wanna get hurt again
well he said he wanted to be with you, doesn't get more obvious then that. you wanna be with him so get over the fears. Agreed. If you have any doubts and you're serious about him then you should at least bring it to light so that he knows how you feel. |
he was married hes 24 im 18 its weird lol nd i dont wanna get hurt again People get married..the older you get the more married people you know......a couple years after that, you will know more divorced people than married people:) You will get hurt again, the only way not to is to go live on a deserted island. Life is a roller coaster, you have to take the ups and downs or just get off the ride. |
When in doubt, in a relationship, the best thing to do is not jump into sex. Sex just ends up confusing a person and can end up with someone with hurt feelings. Being friends, first, helps a lot.
grrr sex buddies shoulnt have feelings for each other :( lmao i feel soooo stupid omg lmao if this was som 1 else id b tellin em the same as u guys have told me
You can always stay away from the sex. If he keeps after you for it when you say you don't want to and starts to get upset....then maybe he is just in to you for the sex. But talk to him about your feelings let him know what's bothering you.
we were friends just a drunken night and a horny sarah lmao and also upset about my ex dumping me a week b4 (about 2 months ago now):s
i think me and you should be sex buddies
your so sexy baby
you sound frustrated
where do you live
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im not frustrated
your sure pretty though i think im gonna swim 2 england 4 u
Electrifing might want to chill a little kinda sound scary at the moment. Or maybe it is me. But here
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yup sounds scarey 2 me too lmao! im off 2 bed im shattered thnx for all ya help :D
Well the best thing you can do is plant little traps to tell if he has feelings for you or just wants you for sex. I know women have ways of doing this. And if you pick up the hint that hes not interested in you leave him a.s.a.p. because that relationship is going nowhere.