Topic: Bitcoin | |
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fake money
just like most money now a days nothing backing it unlike the old days when money was backed by gold or silver etc etc something that you can hold in your hand now a days its all fake money that fake banks have drowned up and made out of nothing how much is a 1,000 $ bill worth really ? its a piece of paper with some ink on it ... maybe a fraction of a penny ? even back when it started the coins had value (made out of silver or gold) now penny's are not even copper <shrug> bit coin is a bunch of 0's and 1's how much are they really worth ? with that being said , lots of people have made money off of it but again there is nothing to back it up so if someone pulls the plug on it , more or less ya lost everything buyer beware i myself , wouldn't drop a penny in to it <shrug> but to each there own |
fake money just like most money now a days nothing backing it unlike the old days when money was backed by gold or silver etc etc something that you can hold in your hand now a days its all fake money that fake banks have drowned up and made out of nothing how much is a 1,000 $ bill worth really ? its a piece of paper with some ink on it ... maybe a fraction of a penny ? even back when it started the coins had value (made out of silver or gold) now penny's are not even copper <shrug> bit coin is a bunch of 0's and 1's how much are they really worth ? with that being said , lots of people have made money off of it but again there is nothing to back it up so if someone pulls the plug on it , more or less ya lost everything buyer beware i myself , wouldn't drop a penny in to it <shrug> but to each there own I've made a little money off of bitcoins without actually spending any money. I lost my "Bitwallet", so that money has been lost. If I had my bitwallets and exchanged the bitcoins to USD, I'd probably have a couple hundred dollars. Lots of fraud in the Cryptocurrency industry though, so you have to be extra careful. What I was doing was mining and exchanging cryptocurrency until my computer crashed and everything was lost, so hours and hours of working my computer literally past its breaking point was all for nothing. |