Topic: The Question Of The Night Is "Why?"
michael1313's photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:44 AM
my reply,even tho I can't see it untill I post it,,,
why ask why???

CrazyJ's photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:45 AM
LMAO! I think that would burn my ass as well

michael1313's photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:46 AM
my reply,even tho I can't see it untill I post it,,,
why ask why???

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:46 AM
or why is it called tv set when you only get one of em?

michael1313's photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:47 AM
feels like being blind?WHY ASK WHY ???

*grass hoppers*

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:47 AM
im not a grass hopper im a grass smoker!

CrazyJ's photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:49 AM
grass growwer/smoker here not much of a hopper

michael1313's photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:51 AM
hey y' me out if you will,,,
hop on down to "FEED BACK" and read it ofr me,,,help?

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:57 AM
micheal have you tried logging off and restating your pc you may have
something running in the backround or maybe your being attacked by bots

CrazyJ's photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:58 AM
Def do a reboot

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 11/16/06 12:11 PM
WHY? Cause too many think they have to mantain a certain image, like
keeping up with the Jones we use to call it afraid there neighbor might
get a better car to drive or kids must go to a private school for in
there minds they think it will make them better than anyone else. In
order to do these things they run there credit cards to the max and then
both have to work in order to pay the bills. It leaves the kids either
alone or at a daycare instead of one of the parents being there to teach
them everyone else is teaching the kids instead of there parents.

WHY? Just so they can be up there showing there friends all the material
things they have. In the long run the familys are broke down the kids
don't learn what they need to the parents get to were they can't keep up
the image they start to loose connection with each other. WHY? Cause
they see less and less of each other and more of the ones they work with
by the time they get back to there beautiful little world they are too
tired to spend time with the kids or each other. And soon the family
starts to fall apart. WHY? Cause all there engery they have is duing the
day they start looking at others, and wonder what it would be like to
be with them for they are not getting the satisfation they want at home
and the next thing you know an affair has started they can't seem to end
it. Why? Cause that person makes them feel alive again. Its exciting
they don't feel that way with there spouse any more. Why? Cause they
are too tired tying to keep up with the Jones and no longer talk to each
other like they did at one time.

Next thing you know its time for a divorce you have to sell most of your
stuff or loose it cause one can not mantain the house anymore have to
sell the car and get a cheaper one the kids are pulled out of private
schools that you no longer can afford and put into public ones. Alll of
that and it ended up being for nothing in the end.



michael1313's photo
Thu 11/16/06 12:14 PM
thanx...forgot a reboot opt....back in a few...M.

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 12:35 PM
Why do people have tp push and push when you try to be nice, they push
and push until they get you to be mean and nasty??Why do people love to
se others angry and nasty?? I don' get it.....

Tneal's photo
Thu 11/16/06 12:41 PM
My Why is more personal.... for me anyway.

Why is it so dangerious for our children NOW when it wasn't when I was
young. I could get on my bike and ride around the neighborhood with no
problem. Now I am afraid to let my kids do this cause of all the problem
people in the world.

I hate telling my children no when all they want to do is play but I get
worried about what could happened to them. I have sat down and talked
to them and they know what they should do if anything should happen, but
why should we HAVE to do this?

I think the family values have gone to totally crap!! I have raised my
kids with the same values my parents raised me with. Where have we gone
wrong in the world????

michael1313's photo
Thu 11/16/06 04:04 PM
Because most folks are lead around by the zipper,
and not the hearts...

there is too much greed and hate in this world now...

I truely do weap for Humanity...M.

trying_to_fly's photo
Thu 11/16/06 10:40 PM
lionsbrew....DEFINITELY good response. And, chubby, you know why people
push and push til you get mean.....cause they get off on it. Because
THEN it gives those ASSHOLES a fucking EXCUSE to go behind you fucking
back and say.....guess what? You got "asshole". Yep....those
cheese dick mother fuckers out there who have nothing BETTER to do with
their time other than sit around and watch other people suffer and GET
OFF causing trouble, saying "he said she said" BULLSHIT and spreading
rumors....THAT'S what those mother fuckers are all about!!! And if some
of you are out there and see this post then the fucking "MIDDLE FINGER
TO YOU" cause your shit won't work with me.....or probably anyone else
in this post because, there's some brains in here!! LOVE IT

lily38's photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:00 PM
Why is it so difficult for people to simply be honest, whether in
reference to love, employment, family, friends, vehicles, much shit!!

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:04 PM
why do I bust my ass to pay almost half my paycheck in taxes so the
gov't can give it to some fucker that just stepped off the boat?

Why do they call it a bra and yet call panties a pair? it's the bra
that's holdin the pair. (ok..that one doesn't grind my gears, but it
DOES keep me up at night lol)

no photo
Thu 11/16/06 11:07 PM
BTW... public animal... I am a HAIRDRESSER and CAN be ANY color I
want...LOL.... so DONT let the hair fool ya... and you'd BETTER run...

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 11/17/06 08:06 AM
eeek hehehe..sry Stormey..I just couldn't resist lol