Topic: Time for calm | |
lol, And I stand by what I stated, which is consistent with my posts. Men have been unfaithful, regardless of political affiliation. I didnt mean every detail of their unfaithfulness was the same, just that the 'immoral' choice to BE unfaithful was. and the original question was this "Well.. how about having sex in the white house as a president . With a young intern And then lying about it to the world. Only to admit it when cornered Which republican president did that?" which, I also answered. I would have no way to know who has had an affair with whom or where. I can say though that IF a Republican was ever in the whitehouse, with an intern, and 'cornered' in media about it, they lied too. So. The answer is no No Republican President in the history of the country was ever accused and admitted to doing in the white house what Clinton did None |
The point is easy enough to understand, the details are never COMPLETELY identical. But presidents have had affairs while in office, and potentially sometimes IN The office.
Warren Harding fathered someone else's child, WHILE IN OFFICE. Eisenhower had an affair with his driver, WHILE IN OFFICE. GHW Bush was also accused of having an affair with a staffer, WHILE IN OFFICE. so yeah, the 'only the democrats' or 'only the republicans' rhetoric continues to be just more distracting nonsense. |
The point is easy enough to understand, the details are never COMPLETELY identical. But presidents have had affairs while in office, and potentially sometimes IN The office. Warren Harding fathered someone else's child, WHILE IN OFFICE. Eisenhower had an affair with his driver, WHILE IN OFFICE. GHW Bush was also accused of having an affair with a staffer, WHILE IN OFFICE. so yeah, the 'only the democrats' or 'only the republicans' rhetoric continues to be just more distracting nonsense. What is nonsense is your inability to answer a very simple question. And thinking spin is not noticed Was G.HW. Bush call to the carpet by a congressional hearing on this?. Did he lie ( under oath) then admit to having sex in the Whitehouse when the pressure from the American people grew? Or is this just more " Dem. hearsay"... didn't work last week, what makes you think it will work now? Was it proven that Eisenhower actually had a affair, Did he lie to the American people? Was he in the Whitehouse having sex?. Did he lie under oath during a hearing on this? or is that also " hearsay" Was the Bush or Eisenhower accusations ever proven? yes or no. The question was very very simple and the answer is very very simple.. as simple as yes or no So try to follow it, o.k. Has any republican president been accused of having sex with a woman intern while he was in the Whitehouse, ( supposing working on world issues) then lying ( under oath) about it to the American people ( and the world) on national T.V. only to admit to it when pressured by congressional Hearings. yes or no, MS |
The question was misleading and anyone using logic knows it. it was a distraction from the point that people do the same things whatever party they align with. And people are also not always blasted on media for what they have done.
so I have NO Clue the specific things that have happened with republicans and their affairs anymore than anyone else does. I do know that republicans AND democrats have been guilty of fooling around IN OFFICE. Whether they were each wearing black pants or grey pants are irrelvant details just like the job of the consenting adults or the place where it happened. Question was asked pertaining to if someone was caught and then 'cornered' to tell the truth, question cant be answered because there is nothing to compare it to when others were not 'cornered' in the same fashion. people lie about affairs, it is a distraction to continue to pretend it is only democrats in power or only republicans in power who are guilty of it. Simple. No. in the thirty years that we have had internet and cable covering some things and not others, I do not know of aNYONE ELSE, democrat or republican, that was caught with an intern specifically, or lied about it to people, or had to go to hearings over it. And since I can also not come up with any other DEMOCRATS that have had that SAME SITUATION. That makes it an outlier, and not a rule. to continue with this inane point about if the SPECIFIC DETAILS have been duplicated is intellectually dishonest and getting boring. |
There is ABSOLUTELY nothing 'democrats' have been guilty of that 'republicans' have not and vice versa.
__________________________________________________________________ Then starting choosing your words more carefully Because the Dem President ( Clinton) did IN OFFICE what no other President has ever been accused of.. or been found guilty of. NONE. Only ... him. PLUS, he then lied under oath..(perjury) then admitted when cornered. So ,lets call it the way it is and not defend someone just because of their political affiliation... that is pretty.. lame. That's all I'm saying Call it the way it is. The man was a disgusting pig and got caught... period... no other President in office... did. |
Edited by
Sun 10/07/18 05:31 PM
HAAAA, okay, whatever, I stand corrected, I bet no other republican or democrat has ever been on a commission and explained what 'boof' meant either. so I supposed if we nitpick irrelevant details) there are many things that have stood out with A republican or A democrat.
but the premise of my statement, of the 'crimes' or 'morals' not being more present or absent in one party than the other still stands. no other president was accused of a WATERGATE either, doesnt mean only republicans can be thieves though. no other president was accused of trading arms for hostages, doesnt mean ONLY republicans can do questionable things though. the point can be made over and over, 'pig' or not, there is no affliction of immorality that is exclusive to one party, to try to imply otherwise is nonsense. |
Thank you :)
And start a tread on Watergate and we can talk about that ;) |
![]() I'll pass. Serves no point except to show that both parties have had individuals involved in Scandal and accusations of impropriety. As my original point suggested. |