Topic: What are you doing? - part 4
🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Sat 01/12/19 03:23 PM
Watching football, munching on shrimp with a hot and spicy saucedrool

no photo
Sat 01/12/19 03:42 PM
standing between kk and the boobtube to nick some of dem shrimpbigsmile

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Sat 01/12/19 03:47 PM
I'll share the shrimp... But I'll also smack you in the head with my skillet if you block my view when football is onexplode

no photo
Sat 01/12/19 03:53 PM
honey does this shirt make my beer gut look too big????:angel:

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Sat 01/12/19 04:04 PM
laugh ask my daughters you don't mess with Mama when football on tongue2

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 01/12/19 05:08 PM
Drinking chocolate milk after having watched "The Bourne Ultimatum". When I've finished it, I'm off to bed. It's been a good fruitful day!

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sat 01/12/19 11:16 PM
Been pretty busy lately.
Earlier I was reviewing my actor sort moie lists with the woman I've been seeing, letting her pick out some she wants to watch and I took the time to work on the lists a bit.
I went to IMdb and got the actor film listings and added that info top each actor folder as a reference to what I have and what I still need to get.
I find it amazing that so many actor collections I have are very incomplete as to their available films.
I also created a movies to get list based on the ones I don't have.

Then we watched a few films she picked out and now that I have taken my night meds and she is already in the sack, I'm just waiting for them to take effect.
AND yes, I already gave her lovin before she hit the sack. We are alone and adults and we can get lovin anywhere we want. This time, while watching movies.

no photo
Sun 01/13/19 12:00 AM
Eating breakfast and getting ready to leave for work.

no photo
Sun 01/13/19 02:15 AM
Waiting for the coffee

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 01/13/19 02:18 AM

Been pretty busy lately.
Earlier I was reviewing my actor sort moie lists with the woman I've been seeing, letting her pick out some she wants to watch and I took the time to work on the lists a bit.
I went to IMdb and got the actor film listings and added that info top each actor folder as a reference to what I have and what I still need to get.
I find it amazing that so many actor collections I have are very incomplete as to their available films.
I also created a movies to get list based on the ones I don't have.

Then we watched a few films she picked out and now that I have taken my night meds and she is already in the sack, I'm just waiting for them to take effect.
AND yes, I already gave her lovin before she hit the sack. We are alone and adults and we can get lovin anywhere we want. This time, while watching movies.

Glad to hear things are still working out with you and the woman. I hope you are happy.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 01/13/19 02:20 AM
Waking up after a really weird dream... The places I've been and the people I've met? Some I haven't seen or spoken to in 15 years, another has passed away years ago.
Was in some Arabic/Indian country (not sure which), and lord knows what else I've seen & done.
Maybe I should watch something more lighthearted before bed...

no photo
Sun 01/13/19 04:42 AM
Throwing away the baking powder bigsmile

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Sun 01/13/19 05:19 AM
Reminding myself not his fault, walk away, try again and again and againfrustrated

mysticalview21's photo
Sun 01/13/19 05:38 AM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Sun 01/13/19 05:44 AM
thinking about the burrrrrr snow out there ...
and when should I go clean off my car ... I am procrastinating ... lol
and also that my foster cat is ok ...
heard some shots last night ...thought maybe for him ... so I'm good...
he's good ...

I got a little dizzy this morn ... not the norm ... may be the pressure in the air ... going for second cup of coffee :>)

mysticalview21's photo
Sun 01/13/19 05:45 AM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Sun 01/13/19 05:46 AM

Trying to stay awake. Think coffee is needed :coffee:

:thumbsup: my smileys have not been working ... I don't know ... shrugs... magic :>)

no photo
Sun 01/13/19 05:58 AM
Getting thrown out of the kitchen grumble

Wait! Yay laugh

no photo
Sun 01/13/19 06:02 AM

no photo
Sun 01/13/19 06:03 AM

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 01/13/19 02:19 PM
Watching movies. Just finished "The Great Wall", and dang, I loved it!

no photo
Sun 01/13/19 02:31 PM
Post stalking the alien intruder