Topic: Serena's bad sportsmanship
msharmony's photo
Tue 09/11/18 07:01 PM

On mingle you are censored for these things, but apparently if you are a black women tennis player that is also a mother you are a hero and a roll model for doing such a thing. No grown up should ever be praised for throwing a full fledged temper tantrum!

Ironic, considering the current choice of American leadership.

And it is also a matter of perception whether a grown up has 'thrown a tantrum' or stood up for what they felt was right.

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/11/18 07:03 PM
I think professional athletes stand up to judgments they dont feel are warranted IN EVERY SPORT. I think much is being made about this woman, including focusing on what race she is or that she chooses to be a working mother.

Rock's photo
Tue 09/11/18 07:04 PM
Serena is long past her prime as a tennis player.

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/11/18 07:12 PM

Serena is long past her prime as a tennis player.

Her scores and wins and talent will determine that.

Toodygirl5's photo
Tue 09/11/18 07:19 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Tue 09/11/18 07:21 PM
She maybe should quit while she's ahead. She's no spring chicken and that 20 yr old gal gave Serena s run for her money !!

Professional Tennis is harder when you get past 35 for Women.

Rock's photo
Tue 09/11/18 07:28 PM

Serena is long past her prime as a tennis player.

Her scores and wins and talent will determine that.

25 years ago... Maybe.

Toodygirl5's photo
Tue 09/11/18 07:41 PM
laugh :

no photo
Wed 09/12/18 08:03 AM
She is past her prime.. time to move into the announcer box and go out with dignity..that's it

But many pro athletes can not give it up especially pro football players until the youngins start running circles around them and it gets embarrassing

She is on that fence right now

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/12/18 08:17 AM

Serena is long past her prime as a tennis player.

Her scores and wins and talent will determine that.

25 years ago... Maybe.

so when she was 12, huh? whoa

no photo
Wed 09/12/18 08:33 AM

interesting subject, probably belongs in the "Sports"

in any case....I have no doubt (nor should anyone) that if
Serena Williams happened to be a white woman this thread would not exist..

right? drinker

So every major t.v. station and sports station ran it because she is black???. Not because of her actions.

Then how do you explain the coverage John McEnroe received when he played?

Was it because he was white or because of his outbursts?... him acting like a spoiled baby...Hmmm. it was his actions that brought the coverage. Not his color.

So quick to throw that race card . I'm curious. What would you do if you didn't have one?. No other ethnic group does.

She brought the coverage upon herself with her actions. Not her skin color

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/12/18 08:38 AM

interesting subject, probably belongs in the "Sports"

in any case....I have no doubt (nor should anyone) that if
Serena Williams happened to be a white woman this thread would not exist..

right? drinker

So every major t.v. station and sports station ran it because she is black???. Not because of her actions.

Then how do you explain the coverage John McEnroe received when he played?

Was it because he was white or because of his outbursts?... him acting like a spoiled baby...Hmmm. it was his actions that brought the coverage. Not his color.

So quick to throw that race card . I'm curious. What would you do if you didn't have one?. No other ethnic group does.

She brought the coverage upon herself with her actions. Not her skin color

if you read again. the comment is about this THREAD, not tv stations and sports stations. this THREAD brought up the 'race card', not tv stations and sports stations.

point in case, this is the second reference to a 'race card', being thrown as an accusation against those who have not used it, and begun by someone who DID.

isnt that odd?

Easttowest72's photo
Wed 09/12/18 09:28 AM
When I put minority, I meant woman. Serena said it's different rules for men. I don't watch tennis so I don't know if it's true. I think people need to stop using minority statues as an excuse for bad behavior.

I also thought Hillary looked stupid when she acted like she was afraid of Trump during the debates. She was clearly using the "woman" card. It takes away from real discrimination.

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/12/18 03:51 PM

When I put minority, I meant woman. Serena said it's different rules for men. I don't watch tennis so I don't know if it's true. I think people need to stop using minority statues as an excuse for bad behavior.

I also thought Hillary looked stupid when she acted like she was afraid of Trump during the debates. She was clearly using the "woman" card. It takes away from real discrimination.

women are slightly more than HALF the population in the US. There is no 'card' to use. Double standards are real.

Easttowest72's photo
Wed 09/12/18 04:25 PM
Being a woman is no excuse for having a tantrum. Not being allowed to play tennis because you're a woman is discrimination. Understand the difference?

Argo's photo
Wed 09/12/18 04:29 PM

When I put minority, I meant woman. Serena said it's different rules for men. I don't watch tennis so I don't know if it's true. I think people need to stop using minority statues as an excuse for bad behavior.

I also thought Hillary looked stupid when she acted like she was afraid of Trump during the debates. She was clearly using the "woman" card. It takes away from real discrimination.

congratulations on the success of your thread...the intent was obvious
to me when i first read have taken a commonplace incident in
pro tennis (umpire/player argument) and turned it into a disparagement
discourse on Serena...from the gratuitous mention of Trump and the
coded reference of the *minority card* to the completely off topic
subject of Serena's lack of ability as a mother to her child...

and now the reference to Hillary looking stupid and her using
the so-called "womans card" is up with that ??

yes it takes away from real are well versed on
that subject, as you are an expert in delivering exactly that...

TJN's photo
Wed 09/12/18 04:30 PM

I think it's safe to say this game was very important to her. She missed her baby's first steps to train and lost. I think she was trying to have a super mom appearance.

I imagine every game is important to her. And that plenty of working mothers miss 'first steps' (they happen once and last a few seconds). I think she is trying to bring up her child with honest values, and did not appreciate being associated with having cheated on national recorded television.

But she did cheat and her coach admitted it.

Rock's photo
Wed 09/12/18 05:42 PM

Serena is long past her prime as a tennis player.

Her scores and wins and talent will determine that.

25 years ago... Maybe.

so when she was 12, huh? whoa

The tard was a much better tennis player then.
Now she's just an angry hasbeen.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 09/12/18 06:35 PM
All thou Serena clearly brought her daughter up in the tantrum to provoke sympathy for herself, I believe the press is really the ones to blame for this fiasco in to trying to make her appear as a hero and roll model furthering womens, mothers, and blacks lives, its the typical ratings and attention move to make them look as if they support and encourage these values, unfortunately they did it as she was making a fool of herself. To me it appeared to maybe be roid rage, clearly her strength has played a big part of her dominance, and the tennis world is willing to do whatever it takes to be relevant.

Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 09/12/18 06:56 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 09/12/18 06:57 PM

I know people who are Huge fans of Serena. They are upset. and say the Referee was wrong !! She was treated. Unfair.

Maybe Officials should apologize ! Oh wait, she Lost !!

I DO NOT like Tennis or watch it!!

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 09/12/18 06:58 PM
Folks, Serena was penalized for her actions.
So, how about just letting this one go.