sounds to me like he was still having trouble saying that he was just another POS that knew full well what he was doing but didn't care as long as he was gettin' paid.
Trump Can’t Stop Confessing
In part, "Trump has done his best to ensure that we all know what he’s thinking, even as his legal peril grows. Last Friday, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York claimed in a filing that Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, had been directed during the campaign to pay hush money to women who claimed to have had affairs with the president. Those payments, according to the filing, were laundered through shell corporations and reimbursed by the president’s private company. Effectively, the president’s own Justice Department accused him of ordering his personal attorney to commit a felony". Donald Trump Has No Friends Anymore. Only Witnesses. “The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.” - Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince. "Michael Cohen formalized the copping of his plea on Wednesday. He will go to prison for three years for crimes that he committed almost exclusively in the service of the man who is currently the President* of the United States. It is helpful, then, to remember that, a little more than two years ago, Michael Cohen was on top of the world. This newly minted felon was then the finance chairman of the Republican National Committee. For over a decade, he had dedicated himself to fixing those legal problems into which Donald J. Trump inevitably walked, because Donald J. Trump is a man without a perceptible soul". Cohen's 'Blind Loyalty' Leads to 3-Year Prison Term "Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer, was sentenced to three years in prison and millions in forfeitures, restitution and fines by U.S. District Judge William Pauley III of the Southern District of New York on Wednesday". |
Government shutdown may go in for a while til Trump gets the funding for that wall, fenching or whatever you want to call the security block for the Open boarders.
Trump Can’t Stop Confessing In part, "Trump has done his best to ensure that we all know what he’s thinking, even as his legal peril grows. Last Friday, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York claimed in a filing that Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, had been directed during the campaign to pay hush money to women who claimed to have had affairs with the president. Those payments, according to the filing, were laundered through shell corporations and reimbursed by the president’s private company. Effectively, the president’s own Justice Department accused him of ordering his personal attorney to commit a felony". Donald Trump Has No Friends Anymore. Only Witnesses. “The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.” - Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince. "Michael Cohen formalized the copping of his plea on Wednesday. He will go to prison for three years for crimes that he committed almost exclusively in the service of the man who is currently the President* of the United States. It is helpful, then, to remember that, a little more than two years ago, Michael Cohen was on top of the world. This newly minted felon was then the finance chairman of the Republican National Committee. For over a decade, he had dedicated himself to fixing those legal problems into which Donald J. Trump inevitably walked, because Donald J. Trump is a man without a perceptible soul". Cohen's 'Blind Loyalty' Leads to 3-Year Prison Term "Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer, was sentenced to three years in prison and millions in forfeitures, restitution and fines by U.S. District Judge William Pauley III of the Southern District of New York on Wednesday". three confessions that sum him up were 1. when he answered a late night host who asked him if he thought Hilary would be a good president and he said no. but then when the host brought up how only four years earlier he said she would be a great president, and asked him if he sometimes just says stuff, and he said yes. 2. when he admitted to a room of his constituents that he made an accusation against Canada to the Canadian PM without even knowing if it was true. 3. When he had in his autobiography how valuable he feels 'truthful hyperbole' is, because people want to 'believe' bigger thing. for those not up on the definition of hyperbole(and perhaps the POTUS is not) hyperbole: exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. Two of those were 'confessed' before he even was elected. I don't know why people follow anything from his lips or believe it. |
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
From Trumps mouth to the ears of the gullible ...
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Wed 12/26/18 09:09 PM
all I can ever think of, is..... the line in Star Wars..: And Democracy dies with thunderous applause!...
Many.... not all! but many....Evangelists want a dictating racist leader because he will start the big war. They've told me They really don't want to be here. They want the rapture to come IMMEDIATELY...They want to be in their "kingdom of heaven", and they want to watch (While wearing their fuzzy pink or green church sweaters and from the holy clouds on high) us be punished and destroyed in heinous ways of torture and be-heading with squealing delight from their safe perch in those clouds. Many have told me exactly this. I think they are quite sadistic. They called the natives of any foreign land (that they think are primitive) savages and heathens, and need to be "saved and converted" and to this day, bring diseases to tribes while doing "missionary work"... but don't stick around for the aftermath of "just plain bad" and death they have to endure... yes. I have seen this. These are the same "righteous folk" that down south where I'm from, that still burn "witches" or "devil's work" in the backwoods, just because someone doesn't "concur and conform to their ways". Yes, Catholics and Baptists aren't the only ones. All three types wear those "white sheets" now and then. Yella cowards is what I call em TO THEIR FACE. But Trump backs em!!! or...... backs their money! but Trump is a yella coward too. Draft dodger with a crocodile smile. Don't like democrats, republicans, and politicians in general, and not many humans for that matter. no bias here. and .....don't care, because I'm a heathen and savage. |
Charles, I told Chris you and he need to get together for coffee. He never heard of you, but I think he'll be looking you up.
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Thu 12/27/18 01:49 AM
From Trumps mouth to the ears of the gullible ... And just can't tell the truth about anything. It's exceptionally bad when the president will stand in front of our troops and lie to them. He can lie to the American people all he wants. We are used to it. But to the person's who are putting there lives on the line for all of us, including the gullible and delusional, they should never be lied to about anything. When you are willing to put your life on the line, you really deserve the truth. We all deserve the truth. But them even more. Another shame on the office of the president. Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them "During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops. The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade. “Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.” In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession". |
Trump's still the POTUS. He's going to get that Security for the US Boarders.
Those who do not want Boarders blocked for illegals coming in to US should check their Logic. |
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Thu 12/27/18 01:14 PM
Trump's still the POTUS. He's going to get that Security for the US Boarders. Those who do not want Boarders blocked for illegals coming in to US should check their Logic. And with that thought in mind, those that stand behind a president with a mouth this big should do the same. Just more of that same stupid shyt this "man" says or does almost daily. While the far right worries about a problem that really isn't there. He either opens his mouth and creates an illusion of a problem to keep his blind base appeased, or, he creates a real problem by "tweeting" things he really shouldn't. If he would read every now and then and listen a little better he might not be so dumb. Trump tweets video of the secretive SEAL team in Iraq "Washington (AFP) - President Donald Trump may have inadvertently unmasked a Navy SEAL team during his short visit to a US base in Iraq this week". |
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Wed 01/02/19 04:22 PM
At least 5.6. Billion wanted to build that Border Wall . Democrats say No.
Temporary Government shutdown Will continue, says Trump.. He says it is not immoral to have the Security of a Border Wall, even the Vatican has a Wall. |
Yes, the Vatican does have walls, and some are quite large. But anyone can stroll through the Pope's front yard -- St. Peter's Square -- at nearly any time. Only metal detectors stand between the iconic landmark and the millions of tourists who come to see the historic headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church.
In other words, Vatican City may have walls, but the front door is always open, said the Rev. James Martin, a Catholic priest and editor at large at America magazine. The Pope, 'the Donald,' and the wall between them "The fortifications were built a very long time ago," Martin said. "This Pope didn't build them -- and he certainly didn't build them to keep out poor migrants. To emphasize his point, Martin tweeted a picture of St. Peter's Square. View image on Twitter View image on Twitter James Martin, SJ ✔ @JamesMartinSJ To all those tweeting photos to me of the Vatican walls that supposedly keep people out, a photo I took. Drop by! 458 2:56 PM - Feb 18, 2016 |
The reason the Democrats are saying "NO", this ineffective wall will cost much more than the 5 billion dollar lie Trump has been trying to feed everyone. There is about 65 billion that Trump isn't talking about.
Would Trump’s border wall cost the same as one and a half U.S. aircraft carriers? In Part, "In February 2017, a leaked report from the Department of Homeland Security put it much higher, at $21.6 billion. In April 2017, the Democratic staff of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee said in a report that costs could soar to nearly $70 billion — not including the significant costs and legal resources required for land acquisition". I guess the Republican thinking on this is, with the trillions he has already added to the debt we owe, I guess hitting the taxpayer with another 70 or more billion isn't a big deal. For something that isn't going to work. We are talking about a wall 30 feet high. Around 2 thousand miles or more. They will find a way around, over or under. The great wall of China didn't work. And neither will the great wall of Trump. The failure of the Great Wall "Considering the size and effort put into its construction over 2,000 years ago, the failure of the Great Wall of China is rather spectacular. It worked as a manifestation of power that put fear into the hearts of barbarian riders but it didn’t keep any invaders from the north out. Rumoured to have been built using the dead, the construction took hundreds of years and some people still mistakenly believe it’s visible from the Moon. However, as a defensive measure against invading forces, it has been about as useful to China as a Bible on a battlefield. It can give you comfort, but it just won’t stop the enemy". Donald Trump Loves the Great Wall of China. Too Bad It Was a Complete Disaster. "Someone should tell Donald Trump that the Great Wall of China was a staggeringly expensive and deadly failure". History does repeat it's self. |
No deal to end shutdown; Trump says 'could be a long time'
"WASHINGTON (AP) — No one budged at President Donald Trump's closed-door meeting with congressional leaders Wednesday, so the partial government shutdown persisted through Day 12 over his demand for billions of dollars to build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico. They'll all try again Friday. In public, Trump renewed his dire warnings of rapists and others at the border. But when pressed in private by Democrats asking why he wouldn't end the shutdown, he responded at one point, "I would look foolish if I did that." A White House official, one of two people who described that exchange only on condition of anonymity, said the president had been trying to explain that it would be foolish not to pay for border security". This is what happens when a stable genius leads a stupid country "President Trump is surrounded by fools. There’s that fool William H. McRaven, Special Operations commander of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, and the other fools in the U.S. military, who should have brought down bin Laden “a lot sooner,” because “everybody in Pakistan” — all 208 million of them — knew the terrorist leader was living in “a nice mansion.” Trump alone “predicted Osama bin Laden” in 2000 when “nobody really knew who he was.”(Were they waiting for Trump to give them bin Laden’s Zip code plus four?) " |
How Mark Burnett Resurrected Donald Trump As An Icon of American Success
During a 2004 panel at the Museum of Television and Radio, in Los Angeles, Trump claimed that “every network” had tried to get him to do a reality show, but he wasn’t interested: “I don’t want to have cameras all over my office, dealing with contractors, politicians, mobsters, and everyone else I have to deal with in my business. You know, mobsters don’t like, as they’re talking to me, having cameras all over the room. It would play well on television, but it doesn’t play well with them.” “The Apprentice” portrayed Trump not as a skeezy hustler who huddles with local mobsters but as a plutocrat with impeccable business instincts and unparalleled wealth—a titan who always seemed to be climbing out of helicopters or into limousines. “Most of us knew he was a fake,” Braun told me. “He had just gone through I don’t know how many bankruptcies. But we made him out to be the most important person in the world. It was like making the court jester the king.” Bill Pruitt, another producer, recalled, “We walked through the offices and saw chipped furniture. We saw a crumbling empire at every turn. Our job was to make it seem otherwise.” |
How Mark Burnett Resurrected Donald Trump As An Icon of American Success During a 2004 panel at the Museum of Television and Radio, in Los Angeles, Trump claimed that “every network” had tried to get him to do a reality show, but he wasn’t interested: “I don’t want to have cameras all over my office, dealing with contractors, politicians, mobsters, and everyone else I have to deal with in my business. You know, mobsters don’t like, as they’re talking to me, having cameras all over the room. It would play well on television, but it doesn’t play well with them.” “The Apprentice” portrayed Trump not as a skeezy hustler who huddles with local mobsters but as a plutocrat with impeccable business instincts and unparalleled wealth—a titan who always seemed to be climbing out of helicopters or into limousines. “Most of us knew he was a fake,” Braun told me. “He had just gone through I don’t know how many bankruptcies. But we made him out to be the most important person in the world. It was like making the court jester the king.” Bill Pruitt, another producer, recalled, “We walked through the offices and saw chipped furniture. We saw a crumbling empire at every turn. Our job was to make it seem otherwise.” To read this, It kinda makes me laugh at the Trump supporter. But at the same time, it makes me feel kinda sorry for the Trump supporter. They have been duped. Really badly. Their perception of Trump was made up by writers of a TV show. He has ridden his made up TV character to the White House. And he continues to play that character. With one exception, he is playing who he really is. That's why he plays the "slimeball" so well. |
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House Democrats Start Investigating Trump This Morning
"When the 116th Congress is sworn in on Thursday, the Democratic Party will control the House of Representatives ― and the new committee chairs are ready to finally conduct rigorous oversight of the president’s administration for the first time". It's about time. Trump has been allowed to do whatever he wanted for the past two years. While the Republican Congress sat on its thumbs and did nothing. |
Yes half our country are idiot liberals and can not see the obvious common sense Trump has! Liberalism will be the downfall of the world.