Topic: what made you smile today? | |
Talking to my Dad on the phone a few minutes ago
Seeing the deer 25 feet in front of me on the sidewalk Last weekend they were maybe two arms length away from us does feeding right were I parked my truck Ot a dog who thinks he's human |
The rainbow a full rainbow over the sun
A message from a friend.
My Dad came home today after a week in hospital.
Thanks, KitKat
Hearing the history of how the YMCA got started in Estes Park
My furry squad.All waiting for me from a long trip in my eerrr in their bed.
Seeing all the people showing up for the Turkey Trot this morning and watching the first one go through the finish line.
A Happy Thanksgiving phone call
Wearing a light jacket in December
Admiring myself while standing in front of a full length mirror naked. Sweet
Pissin' people off.
Admiring myself while standing in front of a full length mirror naked. Sweet Confidence is sexy |
I don't look into mirrors. They usually break, because I am so ... (insert word of your choice)
Everything! It's been a fantastic week
Everything! It's been a fantastic week Glad to hear that |
More than smile, a huge grin, my heart bursting out of my chest with love and joy, because of my girlie