Topic: Mass shooting in Jacksonville
mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/27/18 07:02 AM

Oh crap, let's have open borders and make drivbys legal. :weary:

or lets go on and on about teaching white folks coping skills ...

or lets not make it about race OR nationality, and about criminal choice and criminal inspiration instead.

teaching white folks coping skills? What kind of racist remark is that?

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/27/18 08:10 AM

Oh crap, let's have open borders and make drivbys legal. :weary:

or lets go on and on about teaching white folks coping skills ...

or lets not make it about race OR nationality, and about criminal choice and criminal inspiration instead.

teaching white folks coping skills? What kind of racist remark is that?

a relevant one

unless we are going to be blind to what all the discussions about 'illegals' on this thread refer to?

people can attack the character of 'illegals'(mexican ones) when one murders someone, or the character of 'thugs'(black culture) when blacks are involved in shootings, but nothing about white culture or white people when white people are violent, that was the pain point someone else introduced which I was addressing .... the privilege some have of being an 'individual' when they do their worst, as opposed being a reflection of the failings of an entire demographic.

but I addressed it briefly, and brought it back to point ....

like I am doing now

about the victims of jacksonville shooting:

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/27/18 08:16 AM

So because the illegals coming in have dark skin we should say it's ok? Liberal coolaid.

What does banning cars have to do with color of skin?

You two made it about race.....maybe we need to educate people who aren't white about racism. Because you clearly are racist.

anyone reading the history of these threads knows what is behind complaints of 'illegals' (its certainly not europeans or canadians) or 'drivebys' (which is certainly not about non brown people)

someone made a comment about a double standard in the perception of these atrocities and how it changes based on nationality or race, and I agreed. But this atrocity would be an atrocity whether it was in a shopping mall or on a street in the ghetto. Though the story would be framed quite differently if it were in a ghetto.

But I agree we need to focus on the individual choosing and the things that might push them towards that choice.

I never saw one poster call Mexicans ' brown skins' if our niehboring country was Poland and there were 11 million illegal Polish here 250,000 in prison for serious crimes you don't think the thread would be about them and not Mexicans ?
Mexicans are called..Mexicans..because that's what they are ..what would you like them to be called?
The threads are about ILLEGAL ALIENS and the effect they have on our infrastructure courts schools healthcare prisons ect ect
And because they are not white we are not to speak of them ? We are not to address the problem?
Those who are not PC are going to continue to say it the way it is.
Because we are not blind

lol. Okay. so find a news article or thread that speaks about something an 'illegal' did that doesnt have a photo of a mexican? or do you believe there are no white illegals here that have committed crimes?

It is easy to scapegoat 'others' when their skin is not white. That is the reality. Please address 'illegals', and keep in mind that when the news addresses 'illegals' (news which is regurgitated in these threads) they happen to NEVER highlight anything BUT the mexican ones. Of is the 'illegal' status only relevant if it can be tied to the southern border and mexicans?

say it the way it is, for brown people, and keep ignoring any of the things about those who arent.

but this thread IS about another crazy american going on a shooting spree(if other nations had this type of death by guns, I would maybe talk about them too, but Im just telling it like it is)

another crazy AMERICAN shooting up folks, for whatever reason ...

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/27/18 08:22 AM

Oh crap, let's have open borders and make drivbys legal. :weary:

or lets go on and on about teaching white folks coping skills ...

or lets not make it about race OR nationality, and about criminal choice and criminal inspiration instead.

teaching white folks coping skills? What kind of racist remark is that?

a relevant one

unless we are going to be blind to what all the discussions about 'illegals' on this thread refer to?

people can attack the character of 'illegals'(mexican ones) when one murders someone, or the character of 'thugs'(black culture) when blacks are involved in shootings, but nothing about white culture or white people when white people are violent, that was the pain point someone else introduced which I was addressing .... the privilege some have of being an 'individual' when they do their worst, as opposed being a reflection of the failings of an entire demographic.

but I addressed it briefly, and brought it back to point ....

like I am doing now

about the victims of jacksonville shooting:

illegal is're the one labeling people, racist...

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/27/18 08:23 AM

First off my kids have family in Jacksonville. 2nd nobody is in favor of illegal immigration no matter what color they are. You racist need to lay off the liberal coolaid. Like I said law are for everyone. Excuses are like *******. It's not going to stop punishment just because your skin is brown. Stop damn crying.

no one 'crying'. people are making points.

no one is in favor of illegal immigration, because of the word 'illegal', but it is not that simple and everyone knows it.

Even though one is not in 'favor' of illegal immigration, they can disagree about how it should be enforced.

its like saying no one is in 'favor' of letting kids go homeless and without food, but people sure as heck disagree about how to and 'who' should see that they are not.

americans are racist for the most part, its not one side or the other. and its not do to liberal or conservative 'kool aid' but due to historical policy and culture in America.

And it is good to have it in the open and discuss it so that logic and understanding might influence at least some to evolve their racist or bigoted thinking and views.

BUT AGAIN, this thread is about Jacksonville shootings.

no photo
Mon 08/27/18 08:31 AM
lol. Okay. so find a news article or thread that speaks about something an 'illegal' did that doesnt have a photo of a mexican? or do you believe there are no white illegals here that have committed crimes?


O.k well post the thread where Mexicans are described as " brown skins" like you stated

And with over 9 million Illegal Latin Americans in the country ( 74% overall Illegals) and of that 74% Mexicans consist of 59%.. you find it hard to believe that people are talking about the nationality with the largest amount of Illegals.. really?

Or should we be talking about the less then 5% from Europe and Canada ( combined)? or the 160,000 from India?

Yes,lets just bypass the vast majority ( over 9 million from one country) and NOT talk about them because they are not white

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/27/18 08:33 AM

lol. Okay. so find a news article or thread that speaks about something an 'illegal' did that doesnt have a photo of a mexican? or do you believe there are no white illegals here that have committed crimes?


O.k well post the thread where Mexicans are described as " brown skins" like you stated

And with over 9 million Illegal Latin Americans in the country ( 74% overall Illegals) and of that 74% Mexicans consist of 59%.. you find it hard to believe that people are talking about the nationality with the largest amount of Illegals.. really?

Or should we be talking about the less then 5% from Europe and Canada ( combined)? or the 160,000 from India?

Yes,lets just bypass the vast majority ( over 9 million from one country) and NOT talk about them because they are not white

lol .... whatever. Done making it about race, the point was people should stop making it about race, though some never will and will only see racism when others call them on it.

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/27/18 09:09 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 08/27/18 09:14 AM

I rarely EVER talk about white people ... or white privilege EXCEPT when certain individuals are promoting privilege based bigotry.

I said most Americans, and for the most part, are racist. IT stops the more people educate themselves and try to do better. Change is hard, and its possible many cant or wont change, its fateful that many WONT change if they dont feel a need to or feel its justified.

I hate no one. I will give you an example. I have said a few times in these posts that when I was younger a white man in a park tried to rape me. (and a second one in an apartment, who succeeded, but I take some responsibility for being there at all in the first place)

Now, that was something that happened to ME, not others. It was first hand experience. And I could look at that and think that it could have been worse, he could have killed me, and then I could have easily packed on the profile of serial killers being white men, and allow that to frame EVERY thing I saw and heard after. I could have let it be the first thing to come to mind whenever people started talking about rapists or serial killers. I could have made those topics be the frame to discuss white people or white men ... but I did not.

in fact, for a while after, I was terrified of white males in general. In my mind, they were going to attack or assault and this was something I experienced, not something I just read about. But when I began to take a moment and THINK, and think about the reality of how the VAST MAJORITY of white males were not out attacking people or assaulting people or killing people, I UNLEARNED that thinking instead of letting it settle and become my reality and my lense for everything else. I unlearned it so much that I went on to date interracially and marry interracially.

Point being, it is easy to let race become a lens for our observations unless we take a moment to THINK and UNLEARN that which is reactive and emotional by replacing it with what is logical.

so yeah, it changes, or at least it can change, when people first acknowledge it NEEDS to, and then take a moment to sit back and think about the things they say and believe and how it aligns with what is real and relevant.

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/27/18 09:11 AM
if you say you hate blacks thats ONE type of racism, the blatant type. there are much more subtle forms. If you say most blacks in prison deserve to be there, you would get no argument except to wonder why the statement was only about blacks. I cannot debate whether 'most' of anyone in prison deserves it or not. I can only say that there are some who most definitely dont, of all races.

Im not mixed up at all about that.

Easttowest72's photo
Mon 08/27/18 09:14 AM
Basically liberals want to claim anyone against open borders is a racist. It's the new black card.

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/27/18 09:15 AM

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/27/18 09:15 AM

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/27/18 09:23 AM

if you say you hate blacks thats ONE type of racism, the blatant type. there are much more subtle forms. If you say most blacks in prison deserve to be there, you would get no argument except to wonder why the statement was only about blacks. I cannot debate whether 'most' of anyone in prison deserves it or not. I can only say that there are some who most definitely dont, of all races.

Im not mixed up at all about that.
well, it's true about any race ... But just because the word black was used doesn't make it anymore racist than the word white...I really don't think there's subtle forms of racism, it's racist or its not....

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/27/18 09:27 AM

Basically liberals want to claim anyone against open borders is a racist. It's the new black card.
when obarry was president, whatever reason people didn't like him, the liberals deemed them racist... 8 years of that nonsence, the liberals just completely didn't care about reasons, just you're a racist and an outcast, only for having an opinion...

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/27/18 09:34 AM

Basically liberals want to claim anyone against open borders is a racist. It's the new black card.
when obarry was president, whatever reason people didn't like him, the liberals deemed them racist... 8 years of that nonsence, the liberals just completely didn't care about reasons, just you're a racist and an outcast, only for having an opinion...

I dont know what all 'liberals' may or may not do. I think all sides have their go to insults that some will use, whether its that people are racist, or brainwashed, or anti american, or whatever. And sometimes its true, and sometimes its just the easy and lazy way to distract from logical discussion.

I personally assess racism by how people speak about different races of people, or sometimes by double standards in how vast the difference is between how they judge someone of one race verse someone of another in similar circumstances. plain and simple, not in who one supports/opposes, but in WHY they support/oppose them.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/27/18 09:49 AM

Basically liberals want to claim anyone against open borders is a racist. It's the new black card.
when obarry was president, whatever reason people didn't like him, the liberals deemed them racist... 8 years of that nonsence, the liberals just completely didn't care about reasons, just you're a racist and an outcast, only for having an opinion...

I dont know what all 'liberals' may or may not do. I think all sides have their go to insults that some will use, whether its that people are racist, or brainwashed, or anti american, or whatever. And sometimes its true, and sometimes its just the easy and lazy way to distract from logical discussion.

I personally assess racism by how people speak about different races of people, or sometimes by double standards in how vast the difference is between how they judge someone of one race verse someone of another in similar circumstances. plain and simple, not in who one supports/opposes, but in WHY they support/oppose them.
I didn't know you're a mind reader, knowing why people say what they say...

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/27/18 10:03 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Mon 08/27/18 10:14 AM

Mass shootings are terrible no matter what ethnic group the murderers belong too.


I agree with you!!!

I think it says an AWFUL LOT about the character of any human being who would try to turn a tragedy like this into an opportunity to make racist comments!!!

check out some other threads sometimes, that character is not so uncommon or unacceptable, depending on who is being focused on.

I realize that,'character' is a matter of perspective.

psychologically,though,behavior like that hints at a person who suffers from a GREAT INSECURITY,and also,a lack of intelligence,and compassion,and would be thought of as a severe character flaw by most people who are considered to be 'decent' people by most modern societies.

there will ALWAYS be people whose 'character' does not live up to the requirements that modern society deems proper,but,luckily,those people are in the minority,and most of them do not have the courage to act like that,or say things like that in public,where they will have to own those behaviors,and face ostracization from anyone who does not share their antisocial behavior.

just look at the 'white pride' rally that they tried to have to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the tragic event that happened in charlottesville....

the public opinion of outrage at that sort of behavior was so strong that only about 20 people had the courage to publically stand up and publically claim those views,and face being ostracized by modern,polite society,while the people protesting them numbered in the hundreds,and even thousands!
so,while,in some circles/places,there might be people who think that sort of behavior is acceptable,LUCKILY,most people think that it is unacceptable in this day and age to think/act like that,and it is only mainly in places where the people who have those antisocial views can remain anonymous,and don't have to publically own them,and suffer for having them,such as on the internet,that behavior like that is practiced,and has the freedom from public outrage that allows that type of behavior to flourish.

just look at what has happened to people who say things like that on 'twitter',where a persons identity is actualy publically associated with their account...
while there ARE some people who tweet things like that,the people who are famous enough to be KNOWN by the public who say things like that have been facing GREAT outrage at racist remarks from the public,and have had their lives,and careers ruined for their racist views,and comments that they have been foolish enough to make in a forum where they would have to publically own them.
[just look at what happened to ROSEANNE!!!]
so,while that sort of behavior IS still practiced in some places,mainly in the places where people can ANONYMOUSLY behave like that,luckily for society,it is NOT an opinion that the majority of the public is willing to publically own,since it comes with such great repercussions,which is the first step in eradicating it from society.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/27/18 10:07 AM
Edited by mightymoe on Mon 08/27/18 10:09 AM

Mass shootings are terrible no matter what ethnic group the murderers belong too.


I agree with you!!!

I think it says an AWFUL LOT about the character of any human being who would try to turn a tragedy like this into an opportunity to make racist comments!!!

check out some other threads sometimes, that character is not so uncommon or unacceptable, depending on who is being focused on.

I realize that,'character' is a matter of perspective.

psychologically,though,behavior like that hints at a person who suffers from a GREAT INSECURITY,and also,a lack of intelligence,and compassion,and would be thought of as a severe character flaw by most people who are considered to be 'decent' people by most modern societies.

there will ALWAYS be people whose 'character' does not live up to the requirements that modern society deems proper,but,luckily,those people are in the minority,and most of them do not have the courage to act like that,or say things like that in public,where they will have to own those behaviors,and face ostracization from anyone who does not share their antisocial behavior.

just look at the 'white pride' rally that they tried to have to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the tragic event that happened in charlottesville....

the public opinion of outrage at that sort of behavior was so strong that only about 20 people had the courage to publically stand up and publically claim those views,and face being ostracized by modern,polite society,while the people protesting them numbered in the hundreds,and even thousands!
so,while,in some circles/places,there might be people who think that sort of behavior is acceptable,LUCKILY,most people think that it is unacceptable in this day and age to think/act like that,and it is only mainly in places where the people who have those antisocial views can remain anonymous,and don't have to publically own them,and suffer for having them,such as on the internet,that behavior like that is practiced,and has the freedom from public outrage that allows that type of behavior to flourish.
with all the racism going on in the world, why is it your only focus is on white racism?

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/27/18 10:24 AM

Mass shootings are terrible no matter what ethnic group the murderers belong too.


I agree with you!!!

I think it says an AWFUL LOT about the character of any human being who would try to turn a tragedy like this into an opportunity to make racist comments!!!

check out some other threads sometimes, that character is not so uncommon or unacceptable, depending on who is being focused on.

I realize that,'character' is a matter of perspective.

psychologically,though,behavior like that hints at a person who suffers from a GREAT INSECURITY,and also,a lack of intelligence,and compassion,and would be thought of as a severe character flaw by most people who are considered to be 'decent' people by most modern societies.

there will ALWAYS be people whose 'character' does not live up to the requirements that modern society deems proper,but,luckily,those people are in the minority,and most of them do not have the courage to act like that,or say things like that in public,where they will have to own those behaviors,and face ostracization from anyone who does not share their antisocial behavior.

just look at the 'white pride' rally that they tried to have to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the tragic event that happened in charlottesville....

the public opinion of outrage at that sort of behavior was so strong that only about 20 people had the courage to publically stand up and publically claim those views,and face being ostracized by modern,polite society,while the people protesting them numbered in the hundreds,and even thousands!
so,while,in some circles/places,there might be people who think that sort of behavior is acceptable,LUCKILY,most people think that it is unacceptable in this day and age to think/act like that,and it is only mainly in places where the people who have those antisocial views can remain anonymous,and don't have to publically own them,and suffer for having them,such as on the internet,that behavior like that is practiced,and has the freedom from public outrage that allows that type of behavior to flourish.
with all the racism going on in the world, why is it your only focus is on white racism?

why is it that YOU ASSUME that my comments are ONLY focused on white racism when I was only talking about how 'racism' is an antisocial behavior that modern society is ostracizing people that practice it?

I guess it all goes back to that old saying...
"when you throw a rock into a pack of dogs,the one that yelps is the one that just got hit!",huh?
[that is what psychologists would call "a Freudian slip" on your part!!]

Toodygirl5's photo
Mon 08/27/18 10:51 AM

when obarry was president, whatever reason people didn't like him, the liberals deemed them racist... 8 years of that nonsence, the liberals just completely didn't care about reasons, just you're a racist and an outcast, only for having an opinion...

Yes this is True!

I would like to add, many blacks weren't for OBAMA.