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Topic: Unpredictable
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Mon 07/30/18 03:42 PM
Deadly Wild Fires in California !!

Getting more intense Every year !!

1000 + :fire: Firefights battling the Blaze !!

CBS news.

Man lost his wife. and two young grandchildren in a fire.

BlakeIAM's photo
Mon 07/30/18 03:49 PM
Absolutely a tragedy of unimaginable proportions.

no photo
Mon 07/30/18 03:53 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Mon 07/30/18 04:31 PM
Who is starting all these fires, I wonder!

Campers, dry weather and sun, strangers in the land, who or what !!

no photo
Mon 07/30/18 03:58 PM

Could be anything from a certain person to spontaneous combustion to HAARP..wouldn't want to speculate on this one..Will just have to wait and see..spock

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/30/18 04:14 PM
Something the news isn't telling is that these fires have been doing the same thing in the same places for millions of years... destruction breeds creation...the old overgrowth burns to make way for the new shoots to's nature's way to promote plant growth, Wich is a step in the ecology to help all animals...if you build your home on the side of an active volcano, what would you think would happen? It's the same thing... The only way to stop the fires in preventive maintenance, mainly mowing the tall grasses that start the fires...

Rock's photo
Tue 07/31/18 12:47 AM
Thoughts and prayers for those in the
danger areas.

Easttowest72's photo
Tue 07/31/18 01:12 AM
So sad...praying.

no photo
Tue 07/31/18 04:51 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Tue 07/31/18 04:55 AM
This is very. Sad. Thundreds have been evacuated. People have lost everything Material. But what is devastating is lost of lives in these horrible :fire: Fires.

no photo
Tue 07/31/18 07:41 AM

Ran across an article that said something to the effect that these fires may have been intentionally set in order for the state to be able to call a state of emergency and get federal funds..they must be running out of funds to support all those illegals there.. ..let's just say I wouldn't put it past them..after all what's a few lives when it comes to money..anything is possible..whether this is true or not..can't say for's just what I've run acoss..Like I said before will have to do more research on this one..kinda got my hands full with other stories right's one you may find interesting..Isaac Kappy..that one too is a wait and see if anything comes out..but you all know how the main stream media they've been doing for years..LIE or hide the truth..back to the rabbit


Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 07/31/18 08:51 AM
In California;
Forest Fires are not unpredictable.
Mud Slides are not unpredictable.
Earthquakes are not unpredictable.
Coastal erosion is not unpredictable.
California is Known to have these conditions.

I live on the Gulf Coast.
My area is Known to have hurricanes.
I can predict that a hurricane will happen here.
I can predict that flooding will happen here.
I pay attention to the world around me and take precautions.

If I moved to California I would expect forest fires, mud slides and earthquakes. If I build my home on the edge of a cliff over-looking the ocean, I would expect erosion to cause it to fall into the sea.

If I moved to Maine, I would expect severe winter storms, freezing cold winters and short summers.

If I moved to Kansas or anywhere in tornado alley, I would expect to experience a tornado.

There is a certain amount of intelligence needed to living anywhere.
California is known to have raging uncontrolled forest fires. If you build your home in an area that is near a forest with a lot of underbrush, eventually you are going to get burned. If you live near a fault line or an active volcano you can expect something is going to happen.

On the personal loss level, any loss of life is a tragedy.
On a species level, its on par with a Darwin Award.
You would think that a species with our intelligence we would proof our living areas against these things or not live where they occur.
Over-population is causing us to spread to high threat areas and we are distracted to the dangers. Too busy making money and living 'life' to pay attention to the threats around us. And people die.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Tue 07/31/18 09:05 AM
Although CA is known for forest fires and has had them for millions of years, there are now 17 of these "wild fires" burning in all different parts of the state.
It might not be a stretch that some of these fires are terrorist related and the government is staying silent to prevent copy cats or other reasons.
It certainly would be a way for terrorists to create chaos, death and destruction...just a thoughtglasses

Easttowest72's photo
Tue 07/31/18 09:08 AM
Atlanta should come up with a plan to get rid of eye sores in its area.

no photo
Tue 07/31/18 09:42 AM

It could be because of the weakening of the magnetosphere due to the flipping of the magnetic poles..allowing more UV rays to penetrate into our atmosphere..there have been several youtube videos on plants and animals being burnt..which also means we should be more careful on how much time we spend outside especially the little ones..this might also be why they are chem spraying with a mixture of barium strontium and aluminum maybe they're hoping to reflect back these rays..all speculation of course..perhaps Tom could give more insight into whether this could be what's happening...not my forte...

no photo
Tue 07/31/18 10:22 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Tue 07/31/18 10:46 AM
The :fire: Fires that are going on now are not common. Yes they are unpredictable. Nothing has compared to what they have been facing in CA
This is the way they are referred to on the internet .

It's all over the News !

There is much going on that Trump is not responsible for. :wink:

no photo
Tue 07/31/18 10:24 AM

Although CA is known for forest fires and has had them for millions of years, there are now 17 of these "wild fires" burning in all different parts of the state.
It might not be a stretch that some of these fires are terrorist related and the government is staying silent to prevent copy cats or other reasons.
It certainly would be a way for terrorists to create chaos, death and destruction...just a thoughtglasses

Interesting. !!!!

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Tue 07/31/18 10:41 AM

There is much going on that Trump is not responsible for. :wink:

laugh :thumbsup:

no photo
Tue 07/31/18 10:47 AM

There is much going on that Trump is not responsible for. :wink:

laugh :thumbsup:


Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 07/31/18 10:56 AM

Although CA is known for forest fires and has had them for millions of years, there are now 17 of these "wild fires" burning in all different parts of the state.
It might not be a stretch that some of these fires are terrorist related and the government is staying silent to prevent copy cats or other reasons.
It certainly would be a way for terrorists to create chaos, death and destruction...just a thoughtglasses

I wouldn't even limit it to terrorists.
Think about the rebuilding money that can be made from a fire.
Think about the diversion of attention a fire creates.
You have an over-population condition that is making real estate valuable.
You burn out a few areas and then come in and clear cut and build sub-divisions and high end housing communities.
Sounds like a strategy to me.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 07/31/18 11:01 AM

It could be because of the weakening of the magnetosphere due to the flipping of the magnetic poles..allowing more UV rays to penetrate into our atmosphere..there have been several youtube videos on plants and animals being burnt..which also means we should be more careful on how much time we spend outside especially the little ones..this might also be why they are chem spraying with a mixture of barium strontium and aluminum maybe they're hoping to reflect back these rays..all speculation of course..perhaps Tom could give more insight into whether this could be what's happening...not my forte...

Check your hat, the aluminum foil has to be high quality, not that generic stuff at the dollar store.

As for the pole flip, perhaps you should ask the birds and the bees why they are lighting so many fires in California.
In other words, with a pole flip as a cause, the condition would be global if it had anything at all to do with it.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 07/31/18 11:02 AM

The :fire: Fires that are going on now are not common. Yes they are unpredictable. Nothing has compared to what they have been facing in CA
This is the way they are referred to on the internet .

It's all over the News !

There is much going on that Trump is not responsible for. :wink:

Yes, because the internet and the NEWS is so accurate and reliable.

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