Topic: Donald Trump: ‘Haters’ Infected with ‘Trump Derangemen
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Fri 07/20/18 10:30 AM

the other countries of the world,who USED TO BE our allies now see us as a huge joke,who got tricked in to electing a narcissistic buffoon as its president,because THE REST OF THE WORLD is able to look at the facts objectively,without the rampant tribalism that this country suffers from.
trying to blame THAT on 'the liberal media' is a cop out to try to excuse what trump has done,simply because you are a trump supporter,and to admit that means that you are also admitting blame for letting it happen.

As a man who has actually traveled extensively as Im an avid traveler and since Trump as been elected in 2016, Ive been to 10 countries and have asked the locals what they think of Trump, and its divided.

the same left and right that divides America divides them, the Left repeats what the liberal media says and the right tends to side with Trump.

So to say they think of Trump as a joke is being disingenuous at best, it really depends on who you talk to across the pond.

You suffer from trump derangement syndrome and I get it.

I suffered from Obama derangement syndrome, Obama-itis and Hillary-itis.
so I get it.

Nothing they could do would put them in a greater light in my eyes I believe the only solution was to be a permanent guest at Fort Leavenworth, , so I understand your hatred of Trump, I really do.

But you don't realize that your tactics will get Trump re elected in 2020, as history has showed us.

What are you going to do when Trump gets re elected in 2020, move to Canada?

Enjoy the next 6 years my friend.

msharmony's photo
Fri 07/20/18 11:17 AM
perhaps, if he isn't officially declared senile and incompetent by then.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 07/20/18 11:28 AM

perhaps, if he isn't officially declared senile and incompetent by then.
if all the senile, incompetent presidents we've had, none have ever kicked out a office for's not gonna start now

msharmony's photo
Fri 07/20/18 11:54 AM

perhaps, if he isn't officially declared senile and incompetent by then.
if all the senile, incompetent presidents we've had, none have ever kicked out a office for's not gonna start now

well, if the average lifespan for an american is 78 years old. we have only had TWO presidents within their last decade of life. one was Reagan, and well, lets say, we know he BARELY made it out in time.

no photo
Fri 07/20/18 01:54 PM

So now tell me what damage has Trump done?

VonSchulten's photo
Fri 07/20/18 02:02 PM

You are right, in my opinion, on all accounts.
As I see it, loving the American people I must ad, I really don't like seeing how he basically are destroying every single relationship
the states have around the world.
And you're right. He is a joke around the world.

VonSchulten's photo
Fri 07/20/18 02:51 PM
I do however agree with Trump on the point of NOT being everybodies enemies.
Especially the old ones. The scare tactics that EU are using too.
It's getting pretty tiresome. Uuh, we have to be afraid of this and that country.

VonSchulten's photo
Fri 07/20/18 03:14 PM
They use these scare tactics to make themselves the big bad protector of their population, often without any reason.
I mean, how many times have Russia attacked, physically, America?
Not once.
America and Russia actually liberated Europe together back in the
Believe it or not, working somewhat together in doing that, against
the regime of Hitler.
Then the Cuba crisis. Making an enemy out of socialism.
Keep the gun industry running, right.
If in reality having no enemies, let's create some.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 07/20/18 03:25 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Fri 07/20/18 03:30 PM

They use these scare tactics to make themselves the big bad protector of their population, often without any reason.
I mean, how many times have Russia attacked, physically, America?
Not once.
America and Russia actually liberated Europe together back in the
Believe it or not, working somewhat together in doing that, against
the regime of Hitler.
Then the Cuba crisis. Making an enemy out of socialism.
Keep the gun industry running, right.
If in reality having no enemies, let's create some.

the liberals try to rule with fear...we have to have an enemy, so the population has something better to focus on rather then what the government is doing at that time...why was the Obama administration so against Russia helping with the terrorists? Because it interfered with thier plans to control Syria and they can't run an oil pipeline with Assad in office...the whole thing was dirty CIA liberal politics...hell, Obama administration gve Russia seven islands - gave, not sold, and had billions of dollars of oil underground...and let's not forget the urainium, sold to Russia to give to iran, who was under restrictions at the time, plus the 8 billion dollars in cash to Iran...where's all the talk of treason there, liberals?

msharmony's photo
Fri 07/20/18 03:27 PM
IT is not just liberals

Willie Lynch
criminal and rapist mexicans
terrorist muslims
others will take your jobs
others are getting things you work hard for and cant afford

all these tactics are examples where conservatives participated gladly in 'the politics of fear'

mightymoe's photo
Fri 07/20/18 03:38 PM

IT is not just liberals

Willie Lynch
criminal and rapist mexicans
terrorist muslims
others will take your jobs
others are getting things you work hard for and cant afford

all these tactics are examples where conservatives participated gladly in 'the politics of fear'
Mexicans aren't criminals or rapists? I didn't know Mexicans never raped or killed anyone...muslims are terrorists...I thought you knew that? And "others" have taken lots of jobs...I never really cared what others have, not my business.... Did Obama not have travel restrictions on other muslim (same exact ones, BTW) countries? Did Obama not deport criminals?

Fact is, Trump is repairing the broken country Obama tried to destroy, and that just pisses the liberals off to no end..

VonSchulten's photo
Fri 07/20/18 03:40 PM

IT is not just liberals

Willie Lynch
criminal and rapist mexicans
terrorist muslims
others will take your jobs
others are getting things you work hard for and cant afford

all these tactics are examples where conservatives participated gladly in 'the politics of fear'

There's no pinpointing there. They're all the same.
I guess it's just simple, first page, politics to keep the sheep in line.
Control, that is.
What a pity that people can't look through that crap.

msharmony's photo
Fri 07/20/18 03:43 PM

IT is not just liberals

Willie Lynch
criminal and rapist mexicans
terrorist muslims
others will take your jobs
others are getting things you work hard for and cant afford

all these tactics are examples where conservatives participated gladly in 'the politics of fear'
Mexicans aren't criminals or rapists? I didn't know Mexicans never raped or killed anyone...muslims are terrorists...I thought you knew that? And "others" have taken lots of jobs...I never really cared what others have, not my business.... Did Obama not have travel restrictions on other muslim (same exact ones, BTW) countries? Did Obama not deport criminals?

Fact is, Trump is repairing the broken country Obama tried to destroy, and that just pisses the liberals off to no end..

criminals and rapists in every demographic, so why highlight mexicans, why imply that MOST of them fit this definition?

Muslims are also not the only type of terrorist, so why highlight them to the public for targeting?

Other people take jobs, so does outsourcing, and automation, so why just pinpoint people that may need work and be able to get work?

I dont care what others have beside that they have a decent quality of life either.

Criminals are a demographic across all demographics.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 07/20/18 04:12 PM

criminals and rapists in every demographic, so why highlight mexicans, why imply that MOST of them fit this definition?

I take it you forgot Mexico is a border nation? where do the Mexican rapists and other criminals come from? Is it Canada?

Muslims are also not the only type of terrorist, so why highlight them to the public for targeting?
95% of the world terrorist organizations are muslim...enough said

Other people take jobs, so does outsourcing, and automation, so why just pinpoint people that may need work and be able to get work?

If people are here the legal way, no problem

I dont care what others have beside that they have a decent quality of life either.

Criminals are a demographic across all demographics.

so why are you pissed off that Trump wants the illegal criminals outa the country?

msharmony's photo
Fri 07/20/18 04:24 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 07/20/18 04:25 PM
who cares where Mexico is? Painting MEXICANS as rapists as if MOST of them fit the description is a fear tactic.

Most of the AMERICAN terrorism is NOT muslim. ... enough said.

it is not a problem for people here legally to get jobs, it is also less of a problem for those not here legally taking jobs than it is for automation and outsourcing to take them, so choosing illegal status to highlight in the 'jobs' discussion is also fear tactics.

Im rarely pissed off about anything actually, except maybe bourgeoisie attitudes towards the poor and heartless attitudes towards kids.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 07/20/18 04:33 PM

who cares where Mexico is? Painting MEXICANS as rapists as if MOST of them fit the description is a fear tactic.

Most of the AMERICAN terrorism is NOT muslim. ... enough said.

it is not a problem for people here legally to get jobs, it is also less of a problem for those not here legally taking jobs than it is for automation and outsourcing to take them, so choosing illegal status to highlight in the 'jobs' discussion is also fear tactics.

Im rarely pissed off about anything actually, except maybe bourgeoisie attitudes towards the poor and heartless attitudes towards kids.
only you liberals took what he said that way...the rest of the country knew what he you do want the extra criminals in the country? You want the Mexican gamg wars in your neighborhood? How about the Mexican cartels selling Coke and crack at your next door neighbors house? What is it you want? You don't seem happy with getting illegal criminals out of the US, it's better just to let them run free to kill and rape? Don't we have a big enough problem with that from our own citizens? We actually need the extra crimes being committed by illegals?

VonSchulten's photo
Fri 07/20/18 04:46 PM

who cares where Mexico is? Painting MEXICANS as rapists as if MOST of them fit the description is a fear tactic.

Most of the AMERICAN terrorism is NOT muslim. ... enough said.

it is not a problem for people here legally to get jobs, it is also less of a problem for those not here legally taking jobs than it is for automation and outsourcing to take them, so choosing illegal status to highlight in the 'jobs' discussion is also fear tactics.

Im rarely pissed off about anything actually, except maybe bourgeoisie attitudes towards the poor and heartless attitudes towards kids.
only you liberals took what he said that way...the rest of the country knew what he you do want the extra criminals in the country? You want the Mexican gamg wars in your neighborhood? How about the Mexican cartels selling Coke and crack at your next door neighbors house? What is it you want? You don't seem happy with getting illegal criminals out of the US, it's better just to let them run free to kill and rape? Don't we have a big enough problem with that from our own citizens? We actually need the extra crimes being committed by illegals?

I think you're barking up the wrong tree.
Why not legalize it all... try it out?
Greed are to be blamed, not special races or nationalities.
Why are the things in Mexico the way they are?
Same thing... Because of greed. The rich taking it all and not passing it out. Leaving millions in poverty.. seeing no other way out than behave like teenagers behave.... like effing lunatics because they think they'll never die.

no photo
Fri 07/20/18 04:51 PM

Agree... The most killings in the states are Americans killing Americans.
Unfortunately hate is the easiest feeling to create in humans. It takes very little effort, especially when the lack of jobs and security becomes a reality. VonSchulten

Except that no one is talking about Americans killing Americans, they are talking the gangs made up of illegal immigrants who killed some americans and their own people.
We have law enforcement to deal with the home grown criminals

Problem is, that it's the elite that creates the lack of jobs and low wages because of greed.
Funny how Trump himself, not only uses illegal immigrants to build his constructions because he can get them to work for no money....
and in several cases NOT even pay them, but also did move all his production of merchandise to china. VonSchulten

who are the elites??

I suspect you are talking about CEO's of large corporations.
Look, there job isnt to create jobs, its to create surplus value and value to their shareholders.

Jobs are created when the company has employees that create surplus value, their job isnt to put a dent in the employment numbers.

If politicians want a healthy functioning society, take the chains off of the entrepreneurs

That's the REAL reason why America is struggling today.
Because of the rich that are greedy, and doesn't have one effing inch of patriotism in their body. They're ruled by greed, not their love for their country.
The billionaires are to be blamed, not the poor of any race.
(Sorry, I kind of answered a bit of another post in this one. It has nothing to do with your statements...:wink: ) VonSchulten

Im sorry but that is a crock of beep, the real reason why America is struggling and before I go any further, who said America was struggling?

According to former President Barrack H.Obama and the left/democrats and democratic socialist, America recovered from the mess that Bush left for Obama, he was responsible for creating all these jobs.

So which is it ? is America struggling or prosperous?

no photo
Fri 07/20/18 05:17 PM

Well I believe the fat lady is about to sing..Trump probably now has the information on Uranium one ..the media side shows are winding down..especially now that several news medias are starting to realize that they were duped into following the Russian collusion narrartive..when behind the scenes the real story was Uranium One..But the media along with the main stream media zombies had to have something that would collectively keep them entertained...I imagine within the next few days or weeks we will be hearing a whole lot more about Uranium One..Here comes the BOOM...

VonSchulten's photo
Fri 07/20/18 05:38 PM

Well I believe the fat lady is about to sing..Trump probably now has the information on Uranium one ..the media side shows are winding down..especially now that several news medias are starting to realize that they were duped into following the Russian collusion narrartive..when behind the scenes the real story was Uranium One..But the media along with the main stream media zombies had to have something that would collectively keep them entertained...I imagine within the next few days or weeks we will be hearing a whole lot more about Uranium One..Here comes the BOOM...

Oh, the conspiracy.
Why would Putin complain or change that?
I'm just asking.