Topic: Donald Trump: ‘Haters’ Infected with ‘Trump Derangemen
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Thu 07/19/18 09:39 AM

Im not sure how to measure 'division'. America has always suffered from it, since the days of the Civil War, the Confederacy, Slavery, Japanese Internment, Native American Genocide, segregation, even before Clinton, Bush Senior took home the election with images of 'Willie Horton'

... the list goes on and on

there has always been internal division of 'us versus them' identity politics that cared more about WHO than WHAT.msharmony

We are talking about life under the current president Donald J.Trump.

America is more divided today during any point its beautiful history.

Under Trump its identity politics.

Under Obama it was race

Under Bush it was Americans vs the Middle eastern Terrorists and Saddam.

Under Clinton he started the racial division with the heavy sentences and he even admitted it

Under Bush Sr.Reagan it was us vs the Communists and Terrorists.
and the list goes on and on.

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/19/18 09:44 AM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 07/19/18 09:48 AM

Im not sure how to measure 'division'. America has always suffered from it, since the days of the Civil War, the Confederacy, Slavery, Japanese Internment, Native American Genocide, segregation, even before Clinton, Bush Senior took home the election with images of 'Willie Horton'

... the list goes on and on

there has always been internal division of 'us versus them' identity politics that cared more about WHO than WHAT.msharmony

We are talking about life under the current president Donald J.Trump.

America is more divided today during any point its beautiful history.

Under Trump its identity politics.

Under Obama it was race

Under Bush it was Americans vs the Middle eastern Terrorists and Saddam.

Under Clinton he started the racial division with the heavy sentences and he even admitted it

Under Bush Sr.Reagan it was us vs the Communists and Terrorists.
and the list goes on and on.

identity politics: a tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad-based party politics.

racial division and america vs middle east ... etc ARE types of identity politics

and we have always had division by party lines where certain demographics (regionally or racially or financially) showed loyal support of one party or another

more divided than at any other time? I am sure the native americans and african americans would disagree and loyalist confederates would disagree.

Presidents dont CREATE the division, they highlight the division thats there, and they can either help to encourage and support it or discourage and fight against it.

no photo
Thu 07/19/18 10:14 AM
Im sorry if this comes across as rude but what does your post have to do with People with what the OP calls "trump derangement issue"

Trump haters are united and purposely fuels the fire of racial, political and religious division, you folks fuel identity politics to the extreme.

Im pretty sure some leftist psychologist will trademark "Trump Derangement syndrome" and make it a medical condition and you leftist will use TDS as an excuse for not working or taking time off of your job because of it.

Lets be honest, there is nothing Trump can do short of resigning that would make most of you feel better.

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 07/19/18 10:43 AM

It doesn't matter what good Trump does, the left hates him with all of their fiber and being.

Trump could create millions of high paying jobs through his policies, make healthcare affordable and Americans enjoy prosperities like the mid 80's and late 90's it still wouldn't matter.

The only thing the left wants to see is Trump out of the white house, indicted, impeached and never heard from again.

That is truly sad.

So True !! Sad

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/19/18 10:49 AM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 07/19/18 10:52 AM

Im sorry if this comes across as rude but what does your post have to do with People with what the OP calls "trump derangement issue"

Trump haters are united and purposely fuels the fire of racial, political and religious division, you folks fuel identity politics to the extreme.

Im pretty sure some leftist psychologist will trademark "Trump Derangement syndrome" and make it a medical condition and you leftist will use TDS as an excuse for not working or taking time off of your job because of it.

Lets be honest, there is nothing Trump can do short of resigning that would make most of you feel better.

my post has to do with the post BEFORE it, as usual as will this one

Trump haters AND TRUMP SUPPORTERS fuel the flame of hate and division. It is not a partisan problem.

The past few presidents have had 'derangement syndrome' behind their name but it is still not an AMA condition that Im aware of

And to be honest, I will feel better when his term is up and someone else gets voted in, resigning may not be an less/more disruptive than his divisive words and incompetence

and I dont hate him, nor am I you folks, just a single individual who feels he is too incompetent and tacky to be in the office of POTUS, he should stay in reality TV and real estate. No hate whatsoever, just an opinion about what job he is fit for.

I have said the same of many like Oprah, Jay Z, Farrakhan, etc .. all of whom are 'self made' but do not have the political experience or knowledge to be in the highest political seat of the US

no photo
Thu 07/19/18 10:56 AM

my post has to do with the post BEFORE it, as usual as will this one

Trump haters AND TRUMP SUPPORTERS fuel the flame of hate and division. It is not a partisan problem.

The past few presidents have had 'derangement syndrome' behind their name but it is still not an AMA condition that Im aware of

And to be honest, I will feel better when his term is up and someone else gets voted in, resigning may not be an less/more disruptive than his divisive words and incompetence

and I dont hate him, nor am I you folks, just a single individual who feels he is too incompetent and tacky to be in the office of POTUS, he should stay in reality TV and real estate. No hate whatsoever, just an opinion about what job he is fit for.msharmony

I will admit I did suffer from Obama-itis, Hillary-itis and a touch of Obama Derangement syndrome.

The doctor said the only cure will come on November 16th, and he was right, I received an injection on Nov 16h, 2017 it gave me strength , and I was fully cured on January 20th, 2018.

I no longer suffer from Obama-itis and Hillary-itis and the Obama Derangement syndrome is now a thing of the past

As in for Bill Clinton..... pfft, No comment
George W.Bush.....No comment
George H.W.Bush, had promise, broke his promises and was kicked to the curb.

As in for Trump, I will wait until he finishes both term before I make my judgment.

At least the man is trying to do something for the American people

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 07/19/18 03:23 PM

Trump has the wonderful ability,
to cause the psychologically unbalanced,
to all nut up, in droves..

Everyone already knows how he won the election.

He won by not being Hillary Clinton. :tongue:

no photo
Thu 07/19/18 05:28 PM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 07/19/18 05:31 PM

I have yet to see any substantiated charges involving collusion or treason

by Trump...One minutes it's collusion then it's treason then he's Hitler..I

mean ya haven't gotten anything right what's the point..You don't

like what he says..Get over it if..You falsely accuse the guy of

collusion wrong you call him a traitor when he's not, wrong again..threaten

his family and his staff along with his supporters..and he's done


Taken no pay check for the job he's doing,trying to secure your

borders..keeping your sons and daughters out of unnecessary wars given you tax breaks,bringing jobs back and going to Helsinki to get information over 160 terabytes of information that he can use against those who would turn America into a shyt hole..and that would include a whole lot of crooked past presidents and the present day crooked DOJ,FBI and Hillary Clinton..

which are the very people you are aligning yourself with to get Trump out..Maybe if some people would do the research they would realize that Trump is fighting to regain their freedom back..but it's more than obvious you are still blinded by the MSM..So you don't like what he says..BIG DEAL..there are way more important issues at hand than being butt hurt over a few words..cry later ..right now the man has a country to run and MAGA...WWG1 WGA

no photo
Thu 07/19/18 07:56 PM
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

We're not at war with any country. Even Hillary can't be charged with treason, because we weren't at war with anyone. What? Can't the left use Google? It's real easy.

Anyone that can't see that there are more jobs out there, must be blind. When businesses resort to yard signs to attract people- that's desperate in my book.

It amazes me to no end that some WANT the economy to tank, just to get back into power. That's as bad as rooting for cancer to kill somebody. Or wishing for some gang to come down a residential street and start spraying homes with gunfire.

Do these people really want to see themselves in a better position? My guess is, that they don't.

msharmony's photo
Fri 07/20/18 12:05 AM
Levying war OR adhering to ENEMIES

whats debatable is what qualifies as 'enemy' or 'adherence', war is not the ONLY thing that qualifies the clause ....

Rock's photo
Fri 07/20/18 12:22 AM
During the primaries,
I probably said worse things about Trump,
than any lib ever imagined.


It's in my posting history. bigsmile

However, the ensuing mania
over his election, laugh
it's the best entertainment
I've witnessed in 50 years.

Psssst; Someone not named
Clinton, might have a chance
of beating him, in the 2024
election cycle.

And, the Bush family has
no chance either.

Kurt Cobain made a statement
the year before his death,
where he half jokingly predicted
the election of Trump.
To paraphrase:
A generation has come of
age, that's very aware, and
very attuned to what's going
We've watched two sides
play both ends against the
middle, for our entire lives.
And the day will come, when
WE elect non-politicians
to office. A man like Donald
Trump, could become president

Okay, aside from what Cobain
said, I would have preferred
Kinky Friedman for president.
But, that wasn't an option.

notbeold's photo
Fri 07/20/18 06:19 AM
I'm not an American and so see from an outside view. What I see is that all your presidents were criminals and sometimes 'good guys' in their own ways. They all had absolute haters and absolute fanatics. How they control the media dictates how much fanatacism (and conversely hate) exists around them. Plenty of noted fascists gained the popular vote, increased employment, made the economy boom, and had hoards of sycophants who ignored long term dangerous national trends in favour of short term personal gains.
It will always be 'business as usual' until enough of you have been negatively affected, then the other choice (you are only allowed two) will be selected.
See the Southpark episode of a choice between a turd sandwich and a giant douche!
Either way you have no real choice. 'The land of the free'. laugh
Same B.S. in most 'western democracies' too, unfortunately.
Strike a light !

mightymoe's photo
Fri 07/20/18 06:34 AM

I'm not an American and so see from an outside view. What I see is that all your presidents were criminals and sometimes 'good guys' in their own ways. They all had absolute haters and absolute fanatics. How they control the media dictates how much fanatacism (and conversely hate) exists around them. Plenty of noted fascists gained the popular vote, increased employment, made the economy boom, and had hoards of sycophants who ignored long term dangerous national trends in favour of short term personal gains.
It will always be 'business as usual' until enough of you have been negatively affected, then the other choice (you are only allowed two) will be selected.
See the Southpark episode of a choice between a turd sandwich and a giant douche!
Either way you have no real choice. 'The land of the free'. laugh
Same B.S. in most 'western democracies' too, unfortunately.
Strike a light !
sorry to burst your bubble, but we don't let "criminals" be president, and none of our presidents were ever criminals, cept Nixon maybe... I don't know where you get you're info from, but over here, everyone is innocent until proven guilty...and the only 2 that faced a hearing and were convicted is Nixon and clinton

no photo
Fri 07/20/18 07:00 AM


Here are the facts no American president controls the media, many has tried and they've failed, In America they take rights very seriously, the first amendment guarantees that.

That is what makes America so unique, they follow the constitution , although some leftist treats the constitution as a list of suggestions and their Supreme court from time to time reminds them that the constitution is not a list of suggestions.

You are right about one thing, that politicians particularly those on the federal level in the States concentrates on Short term solutions vs long term solutions.

America is a unique society and it is the land of the free, because in America Free speech is protected, in my native Canada or the UK or most societies in Europe free speech is not protected.

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 07:39 AM

I'm not an American and so see from an outside view. What I see is that all your presidents were criminals and sometimes 'good guys' in their own ways. They all had absolute haters and absolute fanatics. How they control the media dictates how much fanatacism (and conversely hate) exists around them. Plenty of noted fascists gained the popular vote, increased employment, made the economy boom, and had hoards of sycophants who ignored long term dangerous national trends in favour of short term personal gains.
It will always be 'business as usual' until enough of you have been negatively affected, then the other choice (you are only allowed two) will be selected.
See the Southpark episode of a choice between a turd sandwich and a giant douche!
Either way you have no real choice. 'The land of the free'. laugh
Same B.S. in most 'western democracies' too, unfortunately.
Strike a light !
sorry to burst your bubble, but we don't let "criminals" be president, and none of our presidents were ever criminals, cept Nixon maybe... I don't know where you get you're info from, but over here, everyone is innocent until proven guilty...and the only 2 that faced a hearing and were convicted is Nixon and clinton

1] Nixon was never convicted/impeached,because he resigned in shame,rather than face certain impeachment,and conviction!!

2] president Bill Clinton WAS impeached,though,but never convicted.

3] president Andrew Johnson was also impeached,but never convicted.

no photo
Fri 07/20/18 07:54 AM

1] Nixon was never convicted/impeached,because he resigned in shame,rather than face certain impeachment,and conviction!!

2] president Bill Clinton WAS impeached,though,but never convicted.

3] president Andrew Johnson was also impeached,but never convicted.

I don't know if you know this but you just made his point without realizing it.

Facts are ,44 men have been President,you've named 3 who were impeached and one was about to be impeached.

Cant call them criminals because they were not removed, except for Nixon who chose to resign.

Congress protecting their own.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 07/20/18 08:29 AM
Several post were either edited/deleted due to attacking/insulting and directing comments toward another member..

We ask that all stay on Topic as much as can be and do not directly attack another member for their opinions..

If you disagree post the facts to back it up, we do not allow the name calling and insults directed at each other in the forums..

Some times it is best to just agree to disagree..

Please go back to the Topic!!

Forum Admin

mightymoe's photo
Fri 07/20/18 09:20 AM

I'm not an American and so see from an outside view. What I see is that all your presidents were criminals and sometimes 'good guys' in their own ways. They all had absolute haters and absolute fanatics. How they control the media dictates how much fanatacism (and conversely hate) exists around them. Plenty of noted fascists gained the popular vote, increased employment, made the economy boom, and had hoards of sycophants who ignored long term dangerous national trends in favour of short term personal gains.
It will always be 'business as usual' until enough of you have been negatively affected, then the other choice (you are only allowed two) will be selected.
See the Southpark episode of a choice between a turd sandwich and a giant douche!
Either way you have no real choice. 'The land of the free'. laugh
Same B.S. in most 'western democracies' too, unfortunately.
Strike a light !
sorry to burst your bubble, but we don't let "criminals" be president, and none of our presidents were ever criminals, cept Nixon maybe... I don't know where you get you're info from, but over here, everyone is innocent until proven guilty...and the only 2 that faced a hearing and were convicted is Nixon and clinton

1] Nixon was never convicted/impeached,because he resigned in shame,rather than face certain impeachment,and conviction!!

2] president Bill Clinton WAS impeached,though,but never convicted.

3] president Andrew Johnson was also impeached,but never convicted.

thank you, I didn't know about Johnson...but still my point remains that other countries see us in an untrue setting about what's going on over here... The liberal media has a world wide reach...

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 09:44 AM

I'm not an American and so see from an outside view. What I see is that all your presidents were criminals and sometimes 'good guys' in their own ways. They all had absolute haters and absolute fanatics. How they control the media dictates how much fanatacism (and conversely hate) exists around them. Plenty of noted fascists gained the popular vote, increased employment, made the economy boom, and had hoards of sycophants who ignored long term dangerous national trends in favour of short term personal gains.
It will always be 'business as usual' until enough of you have been negatively affected, then the other choice (you are only allowed two) will be selected.
See the Southpark episode of a choice between a turd sandwich and a giant douche!
Either way you have no real choice. 'The land of the free'. laugh
Same B.S. in most 'western democracies' too, unfortunately.
Strike a light !
sorry to burst your bubble, but we don't let "criminals" be president, and none of our presidents were ever criminals, cept Nixon maybe... I don't know where you get you're info from, but over here, everyone is innocent until proven guilty...and the only 2 that faced a hearing and were convicted is Nixon and clinton

1] Nixon was never convicted/impeached,because he resigned in shame,rather than face certain impeachment,and conviction!!

2] president Bill Clinton WAS impeached,though,but never convicted.

3] president Andrew Johnson was also impeached,but never convicted.

thank you, I didn't know about Johnson...but still my point remains that other countries see us in an untrue setting about what's going on over here... The liberal media has a world wide reach...

the other countries of the world,who USED TO BE our allies now see us as a huge joke,who got tricked in to electing a narcissistic buffoon as its president,because THE REST OF THE WORLD is able to look at the facts objectively,without the rampant tribalism that this country suffers from.
trying to blame THAT on 'the liberal media' is a cop out to try to excuse what trump has done,simply because you are a trump supporter,and to admit that means that you are also admitting blame for letting it happen.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 07/20/18 10:14 AM

Trump has the wonderful ability,
to cause the psychologically unbalanced,
to all nut up, in droves..

Everyone already knows how he won the election.

He won by not being Hillary Clinton. :tongue:

laugh :thumbsup: