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Topic: LEPERS the eighth
andreajayne's photo
Wed 12/05/07 11:47 PM
that was awesome!

yeah the secret s word! so scary!

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 11:48 PM
drugged up......why and you couldnt even share with your friends whats up with that

andreajayne's photo
Wed 12/05/07 11:49 PM
any good drugs? i could use an upper, i'm tired!

allinoell's photo
Wed 12/05/07 11:49 PM
I'm totally sick.....knocked myself out with nyquil, then woke up for water now I can't sleep. need more nyquil. I wasn't gonna chime in, but couldn't help myself....I love to see thump get nervous

andreajayne's photo
Wed 12/05/07 11:52 PM
laugh poor thump!

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 11:53 PM
Steve do you understand the story behind the dance....every move means something just wish I knew what.....I love watching just wish I knew what was been said though

thumper95's photo
Wed 12/05/07 11:56 PM
what dance,, what i put in,,, thats chinese,, i study japanese, so its foreign to me,, but i love the discipline it shows

andreajayne's photo
Wed 12/05/07 11:59 PM
I'm headed to bed! have a good night all of you!

and thump dont be shavin no one while i'm gone! i might get jealous! laugh jk

allinoell's photo
Wed 12/05/07 11:59 PM

I'm headed to bed! have a good night all of you!

and thump dont be shavin no one while i'm gone! i might get jealous! laugh jk

yeay I'm not the flirt anymore!!!!!!!

NITE AJflowerforyou smokin

no photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:02 AM
nite Andreaflowerforyou

allinoell's photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:02 AM
I'm out for real this time....it hit me again....

luv you all.......hasta manana

no photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:04 AM

what dance,, what i put in,,, thats chinese,, i study japanese, so its foreign to me,, but i love the discipline it shows

great discipline but each move is part of a story ...just like in Hawaii hula dancing tells a story....just didnt know if you understood what was being said or not

thumper95's photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:05 AM
its their fighting art,, each movement is meant to to damage or deflect damage, thats what they study

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:09 AM
Sorry bout that. I was runnin round. I'm in akron ohio.

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:14 AM
I'm listening to phil henry talk about people injured on amusement park rides.

thumper95's photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:17 AM
having a good night kyle?

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:18 AM
Yeh thumper. I gave mike, matt and van permission to delete the first 7 lepers to remove confusion and to free up server space. If you need to copy or save any information out of them you better do so.

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:21 AM
But I'm ok. Long week of bad weather. Insurance company cut the check today for the repairs to the monster truck.

thumper95's photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:23 AM
thats cool,, i dont need anything out of the old ones, but like i said thanks for creating a new one

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:27 AM
One of my cousins who I haven't seen since we were kids built an auto body repair shop oh about a mile from all the deer I hit. Run up there monday to check it out and realized after 15 minutes that I wanted him and noone else to repair the monster truck. He's up for repairing more than I asked for if I threw him a few extra bucks. Oh yeh.

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