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Topic: pick the pocket of the person above you - part 4
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Wed 06/20/18 08:19 PM
Keys to his garage

BlueEyedNerd's photo
Wed 06/20/18 08:27 PM
A mini bottle of hotel shampoo

no photo
Wed 06/20/18 08:39 PM
An audio recorder

BlueEyedNerd's photo
Thu 06/21/18 09:04 AM
Evil Knievel doll

Stu's photo
Thu 06/21/18 09:10 AM
Blue contact lenses

BlueEyedNerd's photo
Thu 06/21/18 09:13 AM

Fishing license

Stu's photo
Thu 06/21/18 09:16 AM
Yep, there's one in there laugh


BlueEyedNerd's photo
Thu 06/21/18 01:14 PM
A 2 inch pencil with no eraser

no photo
Thu 06/21/18 01:39 PM
Tickets to the show

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Thu 06/21/18 04:15 PM
(puts hand in pocket, OUCH!) I found the Fishing hooks... grumble

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Thu 06/21/18 06:41 PM

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Thu 06/21/18 06:53 PM
Why is there a mouse trap in your pocket SS?? spock

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Thu 06/21/18 07:24 PM
to keep your hands out of her pockets of coursewinking

ss's mouse trapoops laugh

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Thu 06/21/18 07:25 PM
Tea bags

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Thu 06/21/18 07:51 PM
fish net stockings

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Thu 06/21/18 07:54 PM
Elephant trunk thong

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Thu 06/21/18 08:07 PM
banana hammock

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Thu 06/21/18 08:08 PM

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Thu 06/21/18 08:21 PM
a new england sight seeing list of must see places

BlakeIAM's photo
Fri 06/22/18 07:51 AM
7 black raspberries and a Mickey Mantle baseball card.

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