Topic: Stormy Daniels | |
I have to laugh at the left's hypocrisy,
Oh Donald Trump banged a porno star years ago blah blah blah. what does that have to do with his presidency TODAY? You people are hypocrites, have you forgotten JFK doing the same thing but in the white house, what about LBJ rumors of his affairs in the white house, and the granddaddy of them all Bill Clinton IN THE WHITE HOUSE, and lets not forget when he was governor all those women he was accused of sexually Assaulting? I will bet if Trump's last name was Kennedy, you leftist would have ignored it completely. Like how they ignored Chappaquiddick for the late great Ted Kennedy. righttttttttt. |
I think he should have just came out and did the opposite of old Billy..and said... Well hell yea I had sex with her I mean she's kinda cute and after all she does have tig bitties..and I being your president would have to say I like tig bitties...and I have some pictures of those tig bitties that I will be auctioning off on ebay... ![]() Yup, I gotta go along with this ^^^^^. I mean, how many guys can brag about banging a porn star besides other porn stars? |
Edited by
Thu 05/10/18 08:31 AM
I have to laugh at the left's hypocrisy, Oh Donald Trump banged a porno star years ago blah blah blah. what does that have to do with his presidency TODAY? You people are hypocrites, have you forgotten JFK doing the same thing but in the white house, what about LBJ rumors of his affairs in the white house, and the granddaddy of them all Bill Clinton IN THE WHITE HOUSE, and lets not forget when he was governor all those women he was accused of sexually Assaulting? I will bet if Trump's last name was Kennedy, you leftist would have ignored it completely. Like how they ignored Chappaquiddick for the late great Ted Kennedy. righttttttttt. I agree with the basic premise that infidelity in a man is hardly news, and quite frankly should remain between him and his spouse(this is my opinion because we never know what arrangements couple have, or why, behind closed doors) or scandalous, however, if that president mocks and belittles other candidates for doing the same or their wives for sticking by their side, the premise of hypocrisy comes into play and is a bit more legitimate than mere uproar about infidelity. |
Good point Ms.Harmony, I will give you that.
but here is the reality , we knew that Trump was a flawed Candidate from the get go, no secret there. we knew the man cheated on every wife he's had , that is a fact. We know he will say outrageous things because he knows how the press works. Sure he accused candidates for the same thing, and Im not defending Trump's hypocrisy one bit, we all know he is a pig, womanizer, narcissistic son of a biotch that tweets like he has tourettes. He marches to his own drumbeat. But having said that he is still better than HiLIARy any day of the week. I rather live in America under Trump vs HiLIARY any time. |
Good point Ms.Harmony, I will give you that. but here is the reality , we knew that Trump was a flawed Candidate from the get go, no secret there. we knew the man cheated on every wife he's had , that is a fact. We know he will say outrageous things because he knows how the press works. Sure he accused candidates for the same thing, and Im not defending Trump's hypocrisy one bit, we all know he is a pig, womanizer, narcissistic son of a biotch that tweets like he has tourettes. He marches to his own drumbeat. But having said that he is still better than HiLIARy any day of the week. I rather live in America under Trump vs HiLIARY any time. well, I prefer experience and professionalism, to inexperience and unprofessionalism, and I just saw Hilary as the better option on both fronts but I appreciate the respectful discourse in any case to each their own ![]() |
except HiLIARY hasnt accomplished anything really. I mean except for passing the bar and becoming a lawyer what has she really accomplished? Being first lady of Arkansas? well covering up some of the scandals is one accomplishment. Being first lady of America? well she did try and help children at the same time excusing her husband's bad behavior and was pissed enough to exit the white house and make a senate run, and really if she wasn't the wife of a sitting president do you think she would have had a legitimate chance at a senate seat? She ran against a inexperienced politician for the 2008 democrat nomination for U.S.President and smeared Obama pretty bad until she lost to him. As secretary of State what did she accomplish? (notice I said nothing about Benghazi or emails). Yes she has had over 30 years of public life experience but professionalism is stretching it. |
Edited by
Thu 05/10/18 09:35 AM
Ms.Harmony, except HiLIARY hasnt accomplished anything really. I mean except for passing the bar and becoming a lawyer what has she really accomplished? Being first lady of Arkansas? well covering up some of the scandals is one accomplishment. Being first lady of America? well she did try and help children at the same time excusing her husband's bad behavior and was pissed enough to exit the white house and make a senate run, and really if she wasn't the wife of a sitting president do you think she would have had a legitimate chance at a senate seat? She ran against a inexperienced politician for the 2008 democrat nomination for U.S.President and smeared Obama pretty bad until she lost to him. As secretary of State what did she accomplish? (notice I said nothing about Benghazi or emails). Yes she has had over 30 years of public life experience but professionalism is stretching it. hmm. sounds like she is once again being blamed for her husbands affair. And it could easily be argued that the only 'legitimate' chance Trump had was his noteriety as a billionaire. So if we consider lining ones pockets in and of itself an 'accomplishment'. ... But besides that, she exited the white house because her husband was no longer president. And, after winning her first election in NY with 55 percent, she won her second election by 67, so perhaps it was more than her husband that led to her vote? Besides that she has had a lifetime of achievements in the areas of helping others, including families, children, and vets. to date, it seems all Trump has done is be a successful real estate mogul, born into wealth and resource, and doing nothing in 70 years to use it to help anyone else. If we go by the MW definition of professionalism: the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person Id say professional is a good description of Ms. Clinton. |
Correction, She left the white house six months before Bill's term ended. 2) Im not blaming Bill's affairs on her. 3) Trump being a billionaire has nothing to do with HiLIARy. Trump got a million dollar loan from his father and turned it into something. if it was that easy every lotto winner from powerball should be a billionaire yet how many of them are broke after 5 years of winning. My point its not easy to accomplish great feat even with a gift. 4) how do you know what Trump did with his money Ms.Harmony? do you know? does anyone know? how about all those jobs he created? how many jobs has HiLIARy created? If you believe the pundits that says the Clintons net worth is hovering around 110 million dollars, some say 50 million dollars, how is that possible when they claim they were dead broke leaving the white house in 2000 and 30 years of public service? Its funny when Bernie Sanders defender of the poor people has 3 houses Micheal moore defender of the poor and hater of capitalism has a net worth of 50 million dollars, we only found this out because he wife divorced his fat *** and sued him. It seems when the left makes money is fine and dandy, when the right makes money we are scoundrels, thieves, dirtbag greedy and anti liberal. why the double standards Ms.Harmony? |
Ms.Harmony Correction, She left the white house six months before Bill's term ended. 2) Im not blaming Bill's affairs on her. 3) Trump being a billionaire has nothing to do with HiLIARy. Trump got a million dollar loan from his father and turned it into something. if it was that easy every lotto winner from powerball should be a billionaire yet how many of them are broke after 5 years of winning. My point its not easy to accomplish great feat even with a gift. 4) how do you know what Trump did with his money Ms.Harmony? do you know? does anyone know? how about all those jobs he created? how many jobs has HiLIARy created? If you believe the pundits that says the Clintons net worth is hovering around 110 million dollars, some say 50 million dollars, how is that possible when they claim they were dead broke leaving the white house in 2000 and 30 years of public service? Its funny when Bernie Sanders defender of the poor people has 3 houses Micheal moore defender of the poor and hater of capitalism has a net worth of 50 million dollars, we only found this out because he wife divorced his fat *** and sued him. It seems when the left makes money is fine and dandy, when the right makes money we are scoundrels, thieves, dirtbag greedy and anti liberal. why the double standards Ms.Harmony? 1. She left knowing he was done, had served his two terms, not running again. Just like people start looking for new work when an old job is ending. 2. It seemed as if there is blame when she is categorized as 'excusing' the behavior. 3. Trump being a billionaire does have nothing to do with Hilary. It is relevant only because the claim was made that she 'only' got her position because of who's wife she was. It could be argued Trump 'only' got his position because of what his wealth is. Trump not only got a LOAN but he had the connections to help him continue to build and the type of family pressure and expectation and legacy to build upon, unlike 'any lotto winner'. 4. I only know what I have read and seen with my own eyes, just like those who 'know' about Hilary. He created jobs because jobs are a requirement to doing ANY business and make profit. that is for his own bottom line, not for the employees. I dont really care about people's net worth. And 'dead broke' can be just as subjective as a 'small loan'. I dont consider a million small, but thats a matter of individual perception and experience. People in positions of public noteriety make millions much more easily than the rest of us, through speaking engagements, consulting, and books etc ... but thats neither here nor there when I consider my vote for a POTUS. IT isnt what they have but what they DO with what they have. I think its noble that someone who is living the good life STILL cares to stand up for and work for the improvement of the lives of those who aren't. Moore did not run and would not have had my vote. And I think you misunderstood as I never stated or meant to imply that money alone is a predictor of character. Truth is that money is a tool for bartering and making things happen. People need it to help others who need it. But what one DOES with their money is a different matter altogether. At least, to me. If they claim to be 'for the people' I need to see some evidence in their life that supports the claim. No double standard at all. |
Stormy Daniels and President Trump. What will he say ? Damn right I banged her. Or no she just trying to cash in. I think he should tell the truth whatever that is. I think it's nobody's business who cares who he's dipping it in as long as he's doing his job |
not to nit pick but you really dont know Trump's past, and Im not saying the Trump is St.Donald either. Truth is he got a loan from his Dad, his Dad Fred was a big success in queens ,bensonhurst , coney island just to name a few, Donald wanted to tackle Manhattan where the real power is. Fred his dad had no power or connections in Manhattan. The Donald courted powerful women and slept his way to his connection, every new yorker knows this, Donald became more successful than his father, who was successful in his own right. Those are the facts, no family connection or influence actually his dad told him to avoid Manhattan period. But Donald is his own man. While I may not approve of his business tactics that led to his success so there was no family influence, those are the facts. I know all about HiLIARy from the time she was a lawyer on the staff investigating Richard Nixon's watergate to her defending a child molester/rapist to first lady of Arkansas where the average Arkansasian was not a fan of HiLIARy in the beginning because she refused to Drop the Rodham after she was married and Bill became governor and when Bill was defeated and he had to reinvent himself and HiLIARy her self she caved in and ended up taking Clinton's last name to appease the voters, I guess appeasing voters is more important than her principles of a woman doesnt need a man's last name to succeed? shall we talk about the women she tried silencing and smearing because of her husband infidelity problems? |
ms.harmony, not to nit pick but you really dont know Trump's past, and Im not saying the Trump is St.Donald either. Truth is he got a loan from his Dad, his Dad Fred was a big success in queens ,bensonhurst , coney island just to name a few, Donald wanted to tackle Manhattan where the real power is. Fred his dad had no power or connections in Manhattan. The Donald courted powerful women and slept his way to his connection, every new yorker knows this, Donald became more successful than his father, who was successful in his own right. Those are the facts, no family connection or influence actually his dad told him to avoid Manhattan period. But Donald is his own man. While I may not approve of his business tactics that led to his success so there was no family influence, those are the facts. I know all about HiLIARy from the time she was a lawyer on the staff investigating Richard Nixon's watergate to her defending a child molester/rapist to first lady of Arkansas where the average Arkansasian was not a fan of HiLIARy in the beginning because she refused to Drop the Rodham after she was married and Bill became governor and when Bill was defeated and he had to reinvent himself and HiLIARy her self she caved in and ended up taking Clinton's last name to appease the voters, I guess appeasing voters is more important than her principles of a woman doesnt need a man's last name to succeed? shall we talk about the women she tried silencing and smearing because of her husband infidelity problems? no. Not really. If I dont find ones fidelity or infidelity relevant to their qualification for PRESIDENT, why would I be concerned with things like what last name they chose or who they had to defend as a DEFENSE attorney? If someone was lying on my husband I would defend him too, not sure if that is 'smearing' but I guess she is her own woman if she stood up for him AND wanted to keep her own last name at the same time.... |
please tell me you know the difference between smearing and defending? HiLIARy like many spouses defending their spouse accused of infidelity is one thing and generally a noble thing. Smearing isn't. and Bill has had a history of it dating back when he was first governor, so you cant tell me that HiLIARy wasn't aware of the type of man she married. Tell me you give her more credit than that. back to Trump, Im sure Melania was aware of the type of man Donald is, Marla knew it and his first wife Ivanka found out the hard way. If this makes him unfit for Trump being president then what do you say about other president actually doing crap in the Oval office? |
Edited by
Thu 05/10/18 02:19 PM
ms.harmony, please tell me you know the difference between smearing and defending? HiLIARy like many spouses defending their spouse accused of infidelity is one thing and generally a noble thing. Smearing isn't. and Bill has had a history of it dating back when he was first governor, so you cant tell me that HiLIARy wasn't aware of the type of man she married. Tell me you give her more credit than that. back to Trump, Im sure Melania was aware of the type of man Donald is, Marla knew it and his first wife Ivanka found out the hard way. If this makes him unfit for Trump being president then what do you say about other president actually doing crap in the Oval office? I think you misunderstood again as I stated that I DONT CARE about fidelity or infidelity as a qualification for POTUS. as to the difference between defend and smear smear: damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations; slander. defend: resist an attack made on (someone or something); protect from harm or danger. I know she defended her husband, whether she 'smeared' is a matter of perception. |
Clinton..professional really?..Hillary is as irrelevant as Stormy Daniels,but hey they both are professional..professional at screwing people in one form or fashion.One needs to go to jail and the other needs to be put off at the nearest street corner freed to spread whatever form of STD it carries..professional.. ![]() |
Clinton..professional really?..Hillary is as irrelevant as Stormy Daniels,but hey they both are professional..professional at screwing people in one form or fashion.One needs to go to jail and the other needs to be put off at the nearest street corner freed to spread whatever form of STD it carries..professional.. ![]() professional: following a line of conduct as though it were a profession yes, really. |
HiLIARy smeared her husbands accusers here is an article from the New York Times ( A LEFTIST PAPER) in 2016 Discussing HiLIARy's smearing and the way she deals with women involved with her husband. YES , I know infidelity or fidelity isn't qualification for POTUS, but Im just pointing HiLIARY's and the left hypocrisy when it comes to it. What is acceptable for one party isn't acceptable if your name is TRUMP or a Republican or RINO. |
Ms.harmony HiLIARy smeared her husbands accusers here is an article from the New York Times ( A LEFTIST PAPER) in 2016 Discussing HiLIARy's smearing and the way she deals with women involved with her husband. YES , I know infidelity or fidelity isn't qualification for POTUS, but Im just pointing HiLIARY's and the left hypocrisy when it comes to it. What is acceptable for one party isn't acceptable if your name is TRUMP or a Republican or RINO. Thank you. from the article. Mrs. Clinton’s level of involvement in that effort, as described in interviews, internal campaign records and archives, is still the subject of debate. By some accounts, she gave the green light and was a motivating force; by others, her support was no more than tacit assent. The left and right are constantly hypocrites concerning what they admonish in the other candidate but turn a blind eye to or agree with or defend in their own. none of that bears on why I vote for a President though. |
Her involvement is up for debate yes, but it happen and common sense dictates HiLIARy was involved indirectly or directly and yes it may not be a factor for you when voting for POTUS, I assumed you voted for HiLIARy in 2016, it was only a small factor for me along with her dishonesty for other things that made not wanting to vote for her. Dont get me wrong Trump wasnt my first choice, I think he is a terrible candidate and not a great human being but having said that, it was a choice between a dirtbag like Trump and a scumbag like HiLIARy, and I chose the dirtbag. |
Ms.harmony Her involvement is up for debate yes, but it happen and common sense dictates HiLIARy was involved indirectly or directly and yes it may not be a factor for you when voting for POTUS, I assumed you voted for HiLIARy in 2016, it was only a small factor for me along with her dishonesty for other things that made not wanting to vote for her. Dont get me wrong Trump wasnt my first choice, I think he is a terrible candidate and not a great human being but having said that, it was a choice between a dirtbag like Trump and a scumbag like HiLIARy, and I chose the dirtbag. lol, okay. I felt it was between arrogant and inexperienced and out of touch with life outside the wealth bubble like Trump, or someone experienced, civic minded, and very experienced across socio economic realities like Clinton. I chose Clinton. ![]() but on the topic, I really don't care about things like affairs or the spouses' reactions when it comes to who is the person for just about ANY job other than pastor. A CEO should have business training and experience, regardless if he cheats on his spouse. A doctor should have medical training and experience regardless if he cheats on his spouse. A lawyer should have training and experience regardless if he cheats on his spouse. This applies to every job but Pastor as far as I'm concerned, including the presidency. A job which I also think a person should have experience and training in before being in the TOP position. I dont care so much about Stormy. I think it showed little character however to be a cheater and publicly and unprovokedly begrudge other peoples spouses for being with cheating spouses. |