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Topic: Did you fulfill last years' resolutions ?
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Wed 01/03/18 11:28 PM
I don't remember mine, so I will say I did!
I didn't make any this year 2018, but
I did wish upon a star!!!

22jibnxn's photo
Wed 01/03/18 11:45 PM
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Adrianovid's photo
Thu 01/04/18 12:17 AM
hello and happy new year to all, and that the next year end take us all different, make many plans is almost always boring, too demanding, to me it works better to make things easy and spontaneous as they go out without much demands on them, the moment will come that life itself will ask me for a change of speed

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Thu 01/11/18 03:19 AM

I decided to remain celibate, may even become a monk in 2018

Let us know how that goes Joe :smile:

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Thu 01/11/18 03:23 AM
I didn't make any last year but I inadvertertently accomplished resolutions last year that I failed to achieve the year before drinker

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Sat 01/13/18 01:19 PM
Let's not speak of last years resolution noway

So far I'm on track for this years res, No purchasing of bottled water... I'm doing it! smokin

Peggy! That photo of you is delish! waving

mysticalview21's photo
Sat 01/13/18 05:18 PM
I am trying to remember what mine was ... laugh
but I took it from someone else suggestion... which was awhile back ...

something you would do everyday... not just for a resolution ...

it was good ...to bad I can't remember what it was lmao

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