Topic: Is Sex Without Marriage a Sin?
Michael's photo
Sat 02/29/20 08:47 AM
Is not, only if the they both agreed to it?

no photo
Sat 02/29/20 09:37 AM
In order to understand WHY it is a sin, consider the effects it has on society.

Many think sex has to do with the people having sex, but it affects just about everything and everyone one way or another. Everything creates and affects the future -sex more than just about anything!

no photo
Sat 02/29/20 09:57 AM

How many million generations of proto-humans were having sex without marriage ?

It was all sex without marriage until only a few thousand years ago, and humanity was not struck by lightning or turned to ashes or salt pillars. We all bred like rabbits willy nilly regardless of any beliefs in higher beings.

You are confounding two different and incompatible paradigms.

One is the evolutionary view with humans slowly evolving from lower life forms over millions of years.

The other is the biblical viewpoint where God created the first two people about 6000 years ago, to populate the newly created world.

Since this discussion is about whether sex outside of marriage is a sin (a religious concept) the evolutionary paradigm is out of place here.

That is actually somewhat incorrect. The bible does not actually say the Earth was created 6,000 years ago -or that Adam was the first humanoid.
The translation of one word -"WAS" -which can also should mean "had become" -allows any amount of time between the completion of the Earth and its BECOMING waste and ruin (formless and void, while not incorrect in regard to potential translation -suggests absolute sterility and lack of structure -but "the deep" was already there as the events of Genesis began -so then was the Earth -and the waters needed to be separated from the dry land, etc., such as might be necessary after our own mismanagement of Earth -though a "war in heaven" could also affect other celestial bodies -requiring that they be again properly juxtaposed) - or destroyed, but to an unspecified degree -which then required it to be repaired in preparation for Adam (likely the reason Satan is also called "destroyer"). Adam was the first man by biblical definition -to be made in the image and likeness of God with the potential to become immortal -not scientific definition.

The bible puts Lucifer and a third of the angels on Earth -who staged a coup and were cast back down -before the events in Eden. Satan -who was perfect in his ways before iniquity was found in him -was already Satan in Eden, remember.
Cain was worried that others who found him would kill him -and also found a wife in Nod., etc., etc.

Humanoids may have had sex all willy nilly, but that is not to say there were not consequences -or that monogamy was not a thing for various reasons -such as natural possessiveness -or people realizing it was a good idea for the sake of offspring -and especially to maintain peace and order when people came together as societies.

no photo
Tue 03/10/20 08:34 PM

What do you think about sex without marriage, is it a sin?

YES, a BIG sin! Just read 1 Conrinthians Chapter 7.

1 Corinthians Chapter 7

8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.
9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

The whole of chapter 7 explains it in every aspect. The KJV bible tells all.

Aoyon khandakar's photo
Tue 03/17/20 04:55 AM

no photo
Wed 03/18/20 05:58 AM
my person. :joy:

no photo
Wed 03/18/20 05:59 AM
Yet every Sin can be forgiven.

no photo
Mon 04/20/20 07:40 PM
Yes it is not only sin but very bad sin which take a human in the sort of dogs

no photo
Mon 04/20/20 09:20 PM

Qaiser Arham's photo
Tue 04/21/20 05:34 AM
Yes it's a sin. Sex was made for married couples

ivegotthegirth's photo
Tue 04/21/20 10:49 AM
That's the answer,now move along.

no photo
Tue 04/21/20 11:40 AM
If you think it’s a sin it’s sin. Pleasure means pleasure

ivegotthegirth's photo
Tue 04/21/20 04:58 PM

That's the answer,now move along.

Nothing more to see here-----go home

Rashed's photo
Sun 04/26/20 12:44 AM
Yes, It's true

ApstJohnson's photo
Sun 04/26/20 11:05 PM
I am impressed at your statement.
Are you God fearing, a Church goer...…?
Prayers & Blessings.,

ApstJohnson's photo
Sun 04/26/20 11:14 PM
Let EVERYONE must know.…
What is the "BIGGEST SIN" in the world...../ at least in your Understanding, Please…?

ukp's photo
Sun 04/26/20 11:21 PM
tis a mortal sin!!!!!!

no photo
Mon 04/27/20 08:27 PM

ctr916's photo
Sat 05/02/20 07:22 AM
It is only a sin if I bear false witness and claim I only want rated PG stuff.

Peter 's photo
Sat 05/02/20 07:40 AM
love is never a sin