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Topic: How to move on from a heartbreak/breakup?
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Thu 12/07/17 03:31 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Thu 12/07/17 03:31 PM
Find a good friend and spend time!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 12/07/17 03:44 PM

What I'm doing is looking at things I want for me, including future things. Try to keep busy indeed, not wallow in pain, and kick yourself out of the house regularly...
but... it IS imperative that you give yourself time to sit with your grief. You cannot work through it if all you do is distract yourself by being busy. That's similar to drinking, eating or whatever. It doesn't help because when it wears off, you need more. You HAVE to simply work through the pain, all the stages of it if you want to come out whole on the other side of it.

Things you do not do... look at photos, go through the other's FB or other social media sites to check what they are doing, wallow in memories. Steer clear from the past, at least for the first few weeks.
Do not get involved too soon with someone else. Won't ever work out.

When you begin to feel a tad more stable, look at what the breakup brings you instead of what it cost you.
I like your last sentence crystal :heart: waving

Hiya Blondey!
I think it helps to get over things a tad faster as it is the positive approach.
Not necessarily easy to do, because your ego steps in right away as it doesn't want to see the breakup as a potentially good thing while your ego is in so much pain still. But then again, this approach doesn't mean you hanging up bunting and throwing a party because you're so happy over breaking up.
But there's always small things that are better and these are good for starters. I see a few of those things myself as well, even though he was the best match I've ever had in my life, and even though I still love the man to bits. Dang, now I'm in tears again.
But there's always 2 sides to a coin, you just gotta have the guts to see it. Meaning you got to be stronger than your ego.

MissyChe's photo
Thu 12/07/17 11:13 PM
Give yourself a time.. keep yourself busy, chat with friend, meet new people and pray...

Always remeber that everything happens for a reason. Maybe you got separated because you are not meant for each other. Maybe you are destined to meet someone else better than your ex and you won't be alble to do that if you are still with him/her

Maybe those are nudges. At least it happened early than when things take longer time... will be harder for you. Maybe that is protection.. protection from the so much pain thst it will bring if it didn't happened early.

Hugs :hugging:

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Fri 12/08/17 01:04 AM

What I'm doing is looking at things I want for me, including future things. Try to keep busy indeed, not wallow in pain, and kick yourself out of the house regularly...
but... it IS imperative that you give yourself time to sit with your grief. You cannot work through it if all you do is distract yourself by being busy. That's similar to drinking, eating or whatever. It doesn't help because when it wears off, you need more. You HAVE to simply work through the pain, all the stages of it if you want to come out whole on the other side of it.

Things you do not do... look at photos, go through the other's FB or other social media sites to check what they are doing, wallow in memories. Steer clear from the past, at least for the first few weeks.
Do not get involved too soon with someone else. Won't ever work out.

When you begin to feel a tad more stable, look at what the breakup brings you instead of what it cost you.
I like your last sentence crystal :heart: waving

Hiya Blondey!
I think it helps to get over things a tad faster as it is the positive approach.
Not necessarily easy to do, because your ego steps in right away as it doesn't want to see the breakup as a potentially good thing while your ego is in so much pain still. But then again, this approach doesn't mean you hanging up bunting and throwing a party because you're so happy over breaking up.
But there's always small things that are better and these are good for starters. I see a few of those things myself as well, even though he was the best match I've ever had in my life, and even though I still love the man to bits. Dang, now I'm in tears again.
But there's always 2 sides to a coin, you just gotta have the guts to see it. Meaning you got to be stronger than your ego.

Crystal hugs to you wavingflowers I hope all is well dear.:angel::pray:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 12/08/17 04:56 PM

What I'm doing is looking at things I want for me, including future things. Try to keep busy indeed, not wallow in pain, and kick yourself out of the house regularly...
but... it IS imperative that you give yourself time to sit with your grief. You cannot work through it if all you do is distract yourself by being busy. That's similar to drinking, eating or whatever. It doesn't help because when it wears off, you need more. You HAVE to simply work through the pain, all the stages of it if you want to come out whole on the other side of it.

Things you do not do... look at photos, go through the other's FB or other social media sites to check what they are doing, wallow in memories. Steer clear from the past, at least for the first few weeks.
Do not get involved too soon with someone else. Won't ever work out.

When you begin to feel a tad more stable, look at what the breakup brings you instead of what it cost you.
I like your last sentence crystal :heart: waving

Hiya Blondey!
I think it helps to get over things a tad faster as it is the positive approach.
Not necessarily easy to do, because your ego steps in right away as it doesn't want to see the breakup as a potentially good thing while your ego is in so much pain still. But then again, this approach doesn't mean you hanging up bunting and throwing a party because you're so happy over breaking up.
But there's always small things that are better and these are good for starters. I see a few of those things myself as well, even though he was the best match I've ever had in my life, and even though I still love the man to bits. Dang, now I'm in tears again.
But there's always 2 sides to a coin, you just gotta have the guts to see it. Meaning you got to be stronger than your ego.

Crystal hugs to you wavingflowers I hope all is well dear.:angel::pray:

Thank you Sceptical... I'm okayish, but it is going to take time.

no photo
Fri 12/08/17 09:09 PM
All of it shall pass flowersflowersflowers almost everything does :angel::heart:

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Mon 12/11/17 05:36 AM
Closure. After a 10-year relationship it took me 4 years to get closure. Sure I had a few dates in that time but it never felt right. Then I did meet someone that I liked had feelings for, but without the closure from my last relationship, I really didn't realize my faults. Finally when I did get closure, it was too late. The damage was done. The only thing that helped me get over the girl I liked was the childish way she ended it... through a friend ,some real middle school s***. I took a long look at myself , and what I was doing in relationships ,I realized the best teacher was your last mistake. now I'm a better person knowing what I want and what others want from me. I am nowhere close to perfect, it's a challenge everyday to better myself for me.

thimpsonluv's photo
Tue 12/12/17 12:43 AM
Hello room... I need an advice

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