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Topic: Why Have Women Gone Feral?
mightymoe's photo
Sun 10/08/17 06:53 AM

Why have western women gone feral? Why do they deface their own bodies with tattoos? Why do so many embrace sluttiness as an exciting lifestyle choice? Why do they buy into gender identity nonsense, given that the whole gender identity/transexual thing is profoundly misogynistic? Why do teenage girls want to mutilate their own bodies?

Why don’t women, especially young women, just enjoy being women?

The answer seems to be that they are driven by anger and bitterness, but why? Partly of course it’s because the schools and the media actively teach them to be angry and bitter. I think there’s a bit more to it than that though.

Immense social changes have taken place in the past fifty years or so (in reality the social changes were already starting to get underway as early as the 1920s). Women were told that they would benefit enormously from these social changes. In practice women are much worse off today than they were half a century ago. They were promised lives of excitement, fulfilment, adventure and endless sexual pleasure. It all went wrong. Women are however reluctant to admit this. It would mean admitting that feminism was wrong from the start. Even women who claim to be sceptical of feminism, or even openly hostile to it, accept most of the feminist agenda.

Women think that being a slut is the path to happiness but of course they want to be treated like Disney princesses as well. Then they discover that if they behave like sluts the desirable men, the high-status males, won’t treat them like Disney princesses. Why bother treating a girl like a princess if she’s going to open her legs for you anyway? Princess treatment is reserved for the girls with high Sexual Market Value. The girls that high-status males might actually consider marrying.

For women at the top of the heap it doesn’t matter. Women with beauty and money will still get those high-status men. For the majority of women it’s a disaster. Not only do they still lose in the competition for the most desirable males, they even have problems snaring the ordinary average men who would probably have made great husbands (possibly better husbands than the alpha males). Traditionally the way to get those decent ordinary men was to use sex as a bargaining counter. If you want to have sex with me that’s fine, but you’ll have to put a ring on my finger first. That strategy worked fine for perfectly ordinary women, women who had average looks but reasonably pleasant personalities. Ordinary men were happy to marry them. Most men have never expected to marry supermodels (or Disney princesses). They’re happy to marry a woman who is reasonably attractive and pleasant to be with.

Now that most women have been persuaded that being sexually liberated means jumping into bed with every man they encounter that strategy no longer works. Why marry a woman in order to sleep with her if there are plenty of other women giving it away for free? That bargaining counter is no longer worth anything. High-status men don’t need to commit to a relationship to get sex. An added complication is that marriage has been made into a very unattractive proposition for men. Women who aren’t lucky enough to be stunningly beautiful (or who don’t have other compensating advantages like wealth and family connections) find that the men who are likely to marry them, or even date them, are not going to be the men of their dreams. And in any case those dreams have become increasingly unrealistic. A princess gets to marry Prince Charming. Non-princesses need to set their sights a bit lower. These days they may need to set their sights a lot lower.

Women respond by being angry and resentful. Many girls choose the option of deliberately making themselves look ugly. They get piercings and tattoos, they get fat, they turn themselves into blue-haired harridans or sexually ambiguous freaks. Then they no longer have to feel bad because men aren’t interested in them. They can claim that men won’t look at them because men are unreasonable enough to have a prejudice against women who make themselves look ugly. But it doesn’t work. These young women are now even less likely to attract male attention. Of course you could argue that their best option would be to try to make themselves more attractive by paying some attention to the way they dress, their makeup, etc. Maybe even try to behave more pleasantly. But feminism tells girls that nothing is their fault and nothing is their responsibility and if they’re unhappy then men must be to blame.

Hence we get feral women.

TMommy's photo
Sun 10/08/17 07:04 AM
well at least you gave credit to the author

....not only young women that are getting piercings, tatts and gages so this blog purposely excludes males from this
I think it is a generational thing more than just girls trying to look 'ugly'
body art is a form of expression whether you like what it expresses or not

the sexual revolution..hmmm
divorce became easier to obtain
no fault came into existence
which meant it was no longer necessary to stay
in an unhappy marriage

yes, it became more common place
for men and women also to have sex outside of marriage
simpy because they want to
no longer was it necessary to marry a girl in white
and publically show the bed sheets as proof
that she was indeed a virgin on the wedding night

men and women still get married though not at the rate it was in the 50's
and yes, women who have slept with their fiances actually trot down the ridiculous to think otherwise

another disgruntled spouting off about the good ole days
good for who I wonder?

mightymoe's photo
Sun 10/08/17 07:21 AM

well at least you gave credit to the author

....not only young women that are getting piercings, tatts and gages so this blog purposely excludes males from this
I think it is a generational thing more than just girls trying to look 'ugly'
body art is a form of expression whether you like what it expresses or not

the sexual revolution..hmmm
divorce became easier to obtain
no fault came into existence
which meant it was no longer necessary to stay
in an unhappy marriage

yes, it became more common place
for men and women also to have sex outside of marriage
simpy because they want to
no longer was it necessary to marry a girl in white
and publically show the bed sheets as proof
that she was indeed a virgin on the wedding night

men and women still get married though not at the rate it was in the 50's
and yes, women who have slept with their fiances actually trot down the ridiculous to think otherwise

another disgruntled spouting off about the good ole days
good for who I wonder?

but i think we can agree on some of the things he says...

"Women think that being a slut is the path to happiness but of course they want to be treated like Disney princesses as well. Then they discover that if they behave like sluts the desirable men, the high-status males, won’t treat them like Disney princesses. Why bother treating a girl like a princess if she’s going to open her legs for you anyway? Princess treatment is reserved for the girls with high Sexual Market Value. The girls that high-status males might actually consider marrying."

seems true enough...

TMommy's photo
Sun 10/08/17 07:26 AM
hmmmm smells like the ole double standard to me

a man is expected to have sexual prowess and experience to make him a better lover
a woman with the same experience is considered a whore or a slut

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/08/17 07:26 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 10/08/17 07:29 AM
As a male, I understand why the op is questioning about females.

As a female, I have similar concerns about men. What happened to chivalry? What happened to the man being the protector and provider?

But to be honest, IMHO, it all stems from a break down in and rebellion against 'family values' and the 'family unit' which had gender and relationship roles that worked TOGETHER as a collective.

we entered into an era where the collective was replaced with the self. IT started in families and spread out into the culture. Personal happiness above all else is the goal, and its hard to make any unit work in a way that each person will be 'happy' all the time, or even enough of the time to keep them from abandoning the unit for one where they are 'happy' more often.

responsibility to others, became a cliche concept, being in any 'box' including that of being a female or a male, became rebelled against with an ideal of everyone being 'the same', and at the same time individualism/'happiness' became the goal

for both men and women. So it is no wonder that both do more and more extreme things to seem individually unique to others, like tats and piercings, and body mutilations, etc...

as far as the 'slut' thing goes, in a culture which has turned sex away from talk of 'family values' or marriage, into a mere entertainment, I see men and women equally 'slutty' in how easily they will 'open their legs' for others. It is like asking why you should treat someone special if they will go to the movies so easily.

the answer is, because they are the one that is special TO YOU, and hopefully vice versa.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 10/08/17 07:37 AM

As a male, I understand why the op is questioning about females.

As a female, I have similar concerns about men. What happened to chivalry? What happened to the man being the protector and provider?

But to be honest, IMHO, it all stems from a break down in and rebellion against 'family values' and the 'family unit' which had gender and relationship roles that worked TOGETHER as a collective.

we entered into an era where the collective was replaced with the self. IT started in families and spread out into the culture. Personal happiness above all else is the goal, and its hard to make any unit work in a way that each person will be 'happy' all the time, or even enough of the time to keep them from abandoning the unit for one where they are 'happy' more often.

responsibility to others, became a cliche concept, being in any 'box' including that of being a female or a male, became rebelled against with an ideal of everyone being 'the same', and at the same time individualism/'happiness' became the goal

for both men and women. So it is no wonder that both do more and more extreme things to seem individually unique to others, like tats and piercings, and body mutilations, etc...

as far as the 'slut' thing goes, in a culture which has turned sex away from talk of 'family values' or marriage, into a mere entertainment, I see men and women equally 'slutty' in how easily they will 'open their legs' for others. It is like asking why you should treat someone special if they will go to the movies so easily.

the answer is, because they are the one that is special TO YOU, and hopefully vice versa.

well, it's a one sided perspective... it was written by a guy and what he notices about women... and i see the same things...most all the "princess's" are for marrige, and the ones that wanna dress like sluts are used accordingly... and yet, the guys get the blame...

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/08/17 07:41 AM

As a male, I understand why the op is questioning about females.

As a female, I have similar concerns about men. What happened to chivalry? What happened to the man being the protector and provider?

But to be honest, IMHO, it all stems from a break down in and rebellion against 'family values' and the 'family unit' which had gender and relationship roles that worked TOGETHER as a collective.

we entered into an era where the collective was replaced with the self. IT started in families and spread out into the culture. Personal happiness above all else is the goal, and its hard to make any unit work in a way that each person will be 'happy' all the time, or even enough of the time to keep them from abandoning the unit for one where they are 'happy' more often.

responsibility to others, became a cliche concept, being in any 'box' including that of being a female or a male, became rebelled against with an ideal of everyone being 'the same', and at the same time individualism/'happiness' became the goal

for both men and women. So it is no wonder that both do more and more extreme things to seem individually unique to others, like tats and piercings, and body mutilations, etc...

as far as the 'slut' thing goes, in a culture which has turned sex away from talk of 'family values' or marriage, into a mere entertainment, I see men and women equally 'slutty' in how easily they will 'open their legs' for others. It is like asking why you should treat someone special if they will go to the movies so easily.

the answer is, because they are the one that is special TO YOU, and hopefully vice versa.

well, it's a one sided perspective... it was written by a guy and what he notices about women... and i see the same things...most all the "princess's" are for marrige, and the ones that wanna dress like sluts are used accordingly... and yet, the guys get the blame...

most perspectives are one sided when they are personal perspectives about ones own experiences, no problems.

I can't relate to the 'blame' game. I feel like people should take RESPONSIBILITY for how they carry themselves, regardless of gender.

I feel that those who carry themselves with integrity and respect, should get the same back, regardless of gender.

I also feel that plenty of guys are prone to acting like 'sluts' and blaming the woman for their choice to do so, whether that be the 'slut' they engage in behavior with or the 'princess' they are betraying to do so...

no photo
Sun 10/08/17 07:45 AM
Yep! Blame it on me, because so many are childish and influential / think for thierselves. Gotta fit in with that in crowd. Nobody gets upstairs and spends any time rewiring that scattered brain. Why? Me, me, me, nothing wrong with me it's everyone and everything else to blame. WOW scared

Stu's photo
Sun 10/08/17 07:50 AM
Sorry, couldn't read it all... bottom line is self expression and not caring how others see you. It's the generation and as old foggies we should just embrace it knowing we probably won't be around to find out what happens.

Stu's photo
Sun 10/08/17 07:52 AM
Oh, p.s.

Don't think it's just the women. J/s

soufiehere's photo
Sun 10/08/17 07:56 AM

Women respond by being angry and resentful. Many girls choose the option of deliberately making themselves look ugly...

Ugly is certainly in the eye of the beholder.

If a man sees ugly in a woman's choice of adornments
he will also find independence and free will ugly.

Ugly is as ugly does.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 10/08/17 08:00 AM

Women respond by being angry and resentful. Many girls choose the option of deliberately making themselves look ugly...

Ugly is certainly in the eye of the beholder.

If a man sees ugly in a woman's choice of adornments
he will also find independence and free will ugly.

Ugly is as ugly does.

one mans trash is anothers gold... i'm surprised he didn't say anything about make up, the biggest lie a woman can do...

Stu's photo
Sun 10/08/17 08:07 AM

Women respond by being angry and resentful. Many girls choose the option of deliberately making themselves look ugly...

Ugly is certainly in the eye of the beholder.

If a man sees ugly in a woman's choice of adornments
he will also find independence and free will ugly.

Ugly is as ugly does.

one mans trash is anothers gold... i'm surprised he didn't say anything about make up, the biggest lie a woman can do...

We have a saying here though.. if she's single, chances are someone else is tired of her $hist... that also goes the other way... btw.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 10/08/17 08:50 AM
I don't really see it as feral. I think woman do thinga because they can. Men get tats, sex, etc. Women can too. Not all men or women chose to but they can.

no photo
Sun 10/08/17 10:35 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 10/08/17 10:40 AM
This article generates more questions than answers for me.

How do we define a slut exactly ? What are men doing differently from the women described in this article that exempts THEM from the "slut" label? And why are the ramifications tor sluttish behavior different for a man than it is for a woman?

Also,arent there many "ordinary men " and even "princes" (referenced in this article) who go behind the backs of their "ordinary women" and "princesses" to partake of the "sluts" that the author so heavily condemns????
So how is it that one gender is forced to assume full responsibiliity for the rise in "sluttiness" if in many cases, the woman is"slutting" with a MAN???

And why is it assumed by the author that tatoos, piercings , and extreme hair coloring are a reflection of resentment towards men, as opposed to a personal catalyst for self expression ? And why did it not occur to the author that such women may actually be seeking out men who are like-minded , and as non-conventional as they are? Those "blue-haired harridans or sexually ambiguous freaks" referenced in the article, may actally have as much scorn for the "ordinary man" as the author seems to have for supposed "freaks "and "sluts" .

Come on. We are grown ups and that means taking ownership for one's problems. Both genders are screwing up relationships from what I see. Real adults use mirrors on themselves... not magnifying glasses on other people.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 10/08/17 01:24 PM
How do we define a slut exactly ?

Wasn't going to comment till I saw this.

I have heard said: Marry a woman that is a lady in public and a slut in the bedroom.
Also heard: Marry a man that is a saint in public and a maniac in the bedroom.

My impression of a slut is...exactly:
A w hore is a woman that uses sex for gain (money, power, whatever)
A slut is a woman that has sex with anyone she chooses no matter the repercussions of those actions to those who love her.
A slut is driven by sex regardless of money, power or love.

I have met both w hores and sluts in my life. I have no problem telling the difference.

Men can also be w hores and sluts but the nomenclature is changed. Same results and drives tho.

I have seen and heard women refer to other women as both, some accurately and some as an attack or retribution.

The exact distinction is separated by motive.

I have met many women that are neither. Some exhibit tendencies towards one or the other but lack the actual mindset to follow thru.

While all people have the capacity for either most people control themselves.

no photo
Sun 10/08/17 02:28 PM

And most of this can not be said of men? what makes people think that the opposite sex is so much different than us.I mean other than a few different body parts (which as a man I may say I enjoy ) their line of thinking can't be that much different than ours ..after all we are of the same species..

Maybe it's not that they are so different but that our perspectives don't allow us to see the truth..spock

achavasiliev's photo
Sun 10/08/17 03:14 PM
Well I'm OK with seeing girls or guys like tnat around me. Actually I have a couple of friends like that, u know pierced noses and colorful hair and all that but honest, the ones I know are not really into sophisticated stuff like reading a book. I agree with some posters here that both men and women screw up a bit these days in relationships and it's not just females and the author highlights females because it's probably in sharp contrast with what we traditionally think of a woman, you know being super decent, knowing some art and music etc.

Anyway that's a pity to see young people spending all that energy and youth in front of a mirror or doing all those things to their appearance and body. If I became a father some day, I'd always encourage good character and admire my kids on their intelligence, skills, and education first and then I'd pay a compliment on their looks, something like 'That's my smart and kind girl.'

no photo
Sun 10/08/17 03:31 PM
Edited by Naana50 on Sun 10/08/17 03:32 PM
Bottom line men are criticizing women wherever they are whatever they are dressing veiled women are seen as suppressed and forced by men to wear a veil (which btw is completely wrong) they are perceived unable to integrate in the western societies because they are not following western women and here the author is criticizing the feminist free women!!! Men what do you want? Seriously

no photo
Sun 10/08/17 04:18 PM

Logically, there were two people that night when you slept with the girl you now call a 'slut.' Logically, you put your dick in her vagina. Logically, you would have been exhausting your right hand had she not been there. Logically, you thrusted as much as she moaned. Logically, your chest was just as bare as her thighs were open. Logically, YOU slept with her, just as much as she slept with you. So, how, in the name of logic, do you walk away as "pure," while she now sits there wondering what it was that she did that earned her the label of a slut?

Is it because you weren't her first, or last? Was she yours?

Is it because she doesn't want to sleep with you a second time? Where is your "masculinity" now? How fragile are you, for not being able to take rejection gracefully? And isn't a slut supposed to be someone who has sex indiscriminately? So, if she didn't like you enough for another round, isn't she being the opposite of a slut? Isn't she being respectful of her desires? No, right. I apologise. A slut is simply a woman who has sex.

This exactly is where your patriarchal thinking hurts you. The only way you know how to express your grief is with violence.

The truth is, you never respected that girl, or any girl, to begin with. Because if you did, you would know that you were one half of the carnality. You would know that her body is hers alone, and she is free to share it with whoever she wants, however many, or none at all. Especially, not you, if all you will do is demean her, and call her a slut for doing it.

Not yours to demean

men are threatened by a woman's sexuality .. perhaps in the past they were able to oppress.. to define our sexuality .. but that day is gone .. women are becoming more empowered and that will continue . Regardless of shaming attempts by men . .. we will continue to embrace our sexuality and have ultimate control of what is between our legs . Power to women love love :heart: waving

:thumbsup: Amen to that!!! love :heart:

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