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Topic: Why are there so many
msharmony's photo
Sun 09/24/17 07:54 AM

stupid people nowadays? People seemingly cannot tolerate differences of opinion. People have no idea how to interact, meet, and socialize with other people? People who cannot find their a$$ with two hands and a mirror? What the hell is going on?

the education system has dropped the ball on things like reading comprehension and using logic

the instant gratification culture has created lazy thinking

the media has immersed the population in examples of bad behavior, impulsive living, and narcissism

no photo
Sun 09/24/17 09:05 AM

Why are there so many stupid people nowadays?

IMO there aren't.
IMO it would be more appropriate to ask "why are there so many inconsiderate, shallow, and selfish people nowadays?"

People seemingly cannot tolerate differences of opinion

Go back to the beginning of civilization.
What are people doing?
They go around and form groups.
Groups form beliefs, culture.
Then they build walls and tell everyone else to go f themselves.
One tribe against another. One polis against another. One state against another. One country against another. Whatever.
Oh, the wars are so bad. Lets come up with some olympic games to compete and feel superior to those stupid people who aren't as strong, or fast as we are.
Our gods are better than your gods. My Cowboys can beat your Raiders.
My California libtopia is better than your repuklican Texass. My red state is smarter than all the dummies in your blue state.

People have no idea how to interact, meet, and socialize with other people?

People only really interact, meet, and socialize with other people when there is a continuing need and subsequent benefit to doing so. Community. Communal interdependence.

Have to be nice to bob the butcher when he's the only butcher in town, you go to the same events, he has the only eligible son for your daughter in your town, and when those stupid people come by to invade and cause war it's also in his best interest to defend his town which is defending you.

No real need to interact, meet, and socialize with that one guy that lives a couple blocks over whom you may have seen once, and you think may work as a teller at some bank you've never been to and don't have any idea who he's related to or knows and if there's war well just get on the interstate and run away and let those other strangers you've never met in the army deal with it.

If there's no real need to do something, people don't do it.
If there are easier alternatives that lead to fewer or less meaningful consequences, those alternatives will be adopted.

Of course you can go into other cultural changes like single parents, suburbanization, mobile populations, falling wage values and need for both parents to work, compulsory education raising children and indoctrination in producing consumer/production citizens, and things of that nature.

People who cannot find their a$$ with two hands and a mirror?

The American dream doesn't really have anything to do with a wife, 2.5 kids, a house with a white picket fence, and financial independence.
The American dream was always about the individual having the freedom to pursue individual potential.
So a farm boy that finds they're a prodigy with the violin could, with effort and work and will, exploit self generated opportunities to pursue playing the violin.

People may not need or want to be able to "find their a$$ with two hands and a mirror."

Thanks to utilitarianism and bad mothers we get "I just want you to be happy! Pursue your happiness!"

Does sitting around exploring your "a$$" with two hands and a mirror make you happy?

Probably not.

But you may be a genius at the fryolater. Maybe you know the best amperage and ratio of vegetable to peanut oil to produce the crispiest fry.
Or maybe you are the best in the office at correlating TPS report functions with 10-w23's for optimized horizontal integration in supply chain logistics.
Or maybe you found the best sniper rifle in Call of Duty.

If you were born and raised in the U.S.A. you have an implicit bias towards individual specialization and self importance.

That's what happens when you "pursue your bliss" or "joy."
That's what happens when you value individual merit and achievement, possibly based on individual competition.
That's what happens when you pursue a career. Or an education.

You specialize yourself. Your knowledge. Your abilities.

Group interaction requires a lack of specialization and a need for adaptability to different personalities.
The bigger the group or "community" (i.e. big cities with tens of thousands to millions of people, with people coming and going) the greater the need for adaptable flexibility.

Parents (theoretically) offer a consistent example of a successful relationship, an extension of the cultural values of the larger community, by which kids can use as a baseline in the development of their own personality which helps define relationships.

Do kids spend more time with their parents? Or with a bunch of random strangers, anymore? Do kids spend time developing relationships with the same small group of people teaching them the building blocks for new relationships with strangers? Or is there a push for constant diversity and new, novel, entertaining (titillating) experience without any real depth, necessitating a shallow facade? Or are kids pushed towards isolationist pursuits like video games and individual achievement?

There aren't stupid people.
There's just no real incentive (reward for doing so, or risk for not doing so) for them to continually apply their intelligence or specialized knowledge towards considering the sensibilities of strangers.

Wow! All this of the top of your head? I am impressed. Lot of time on your hands. Lot of sense! :thumbsup:

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 09/24/17 09:08 AM
Hell if I could solve that answer I could solve world peace by taking them all out and putting then in one area to figure it out~~~~laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 09/24/17 12:13 PM

I personally think all this whinging about not socializing is total nonsense. I don't go out much, nor socialize a whole lot due to personal circumstances. But I have no problem with mingling, chatting, laughing and socializing when I do go out. If nothing else, I'm better at that than I've ever been before, in spite of spending hours a day on the internet.
Due to internet I now communicate with lots and lots of ppl in other countries, I keep my English up to speed at the same time. I get support from ppl when I need it, ppl I never even met, don't even know their real names. Yet their support is real.
You can learn from other ppl, share, connect, learn about other cultures.
What's wrong with that?

And yes, I see a lot of ppl on their phones when they're out and about, even when they're dining together. So? No skin of my nose. I'm not worried about it either. It's a hype, it'll pass.
What I do know is that if you are so resistant of progress, evolution, new developments, you become a bitter whinging old fart.
You cannot stop it, nor should you. We're not supposed to remain stagnant.

And you know, people said the same thing when we got cars. And planes, radio, tv. It was evil, bad, youngsters would become evil because of it and bladibla.
Are we supposed to go back to being Neanderthals? Granted, being dragged into his man-cave could be quite exciting blushing
I agree with crystal .. I love technology and do not feel it has any impact on my ability to remember or to socialise . I love that any subject I am interested in is just a key press away . I am always reading and researching professionally and personally ..my life is busy .. the internet is a convenience I would not want to be without smitten

Yes!! Isn't it marvelous that you can find out about things in your own comfy chair in your own home?! Sure, I loved the days when you had to go to the library. But in this yokel area the library has none of the books I'm interested in, meaning I have to wait about a week for them to get here from a larger library. Not very convenient.
Besides, I'm a scatterbrain. I was always late returning books, cost me an arm and a leg every time laugh I needn't worry about that with the internet :)
Like you, I couldn't nor wouldn't want to be without internet either! I do everything on my PC/the net. Socializing, learning, reading, sharing, watching movies/series, follow the news, pay bills and so on.
Heck, I wouldn't have met the man of my dreams without the net either surprised :cry:

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 09/24/17 12:20 PM

A bit angry today? But I do agree with you that some people could
take a few lessons in how to be a decent person. Treat someone the
way you also would want to be treated, simple. You would think in this
day and age it would be so much easier to learn new things every day.
But people are too consumed with silly things. Facebook, dating sites,
celebrity gossip, (Who gives a rats *** anyway) I have no respect for
celebrities and all their millions who do nothing but live in their
mansions and do nothing to contribute to society.We are the stupid ones
for glorifying them. Instead of glorifying God. And wasting so much time
on things that do not matter.

To be honest, if youngsters have problems socializing or treating people with respect, I do not see the cause of this in internet / smartphones but in the fact that both parents (have to) work (to make ends meet).
Many young kids get home from school and there's no one there to listen to their stories, no one who truly loves them, lovingly ruffles their hair, gives them a drink and a biscuit, no one who cuddles them when they've fallen and hurt their knees.
How can you expect children to become adults who give a chit when no one gave a chit about them when they needed it?
These days couples get a baby, both parents are cooing over its cot for some 6 weeks, then both have to go back to their careers and poor little 6 week old baby is shoved in the hands of a stranger in a daycare center.
Nice! Then why bother having a baby in the first place? Just rent one for a few days to coo over until you get bored with it.
And yeah, I know many don't have a choice anymore if they want to make ends meet, but that still doesn't make it right. And not healthy for kids to grow up that way.
You can blame modern technique and internet, I don't buy it.

no photo
Sun 09/24/17 12:28 PM
You took care of that one Crystal

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 09/24/17 01:32 PM

You took care of that one Crystal

Lol. Sort of like what Waterloo said, if you need a thread killer... "You rang, Milord?" laugh

LeeFranklin's photo
Sun 09/24/17 03:12 PM

It's global warming. Peoples' brains are becoming overheated and are shutting down.

Hahaha...so the blow frenzy of the eighties caught up and now too hot.

LeeFranklin's photo
Sun 09/24/17 03:14 PM

stupid people nowadays? People seemingly cannot tolerate differences of opinion. People have no idea how to interact, meet, and socialize with other people? People who cannot find their a$$ with two hands and a mirror? What the hell is going on?

the education system has dropped the ball on things like reading comprehension and using logic

the instant gratification culture has created lazy thinking

the media has immersed the population in examples of bad behavior, impulsive living, and narcissism


Dumb school systems produce people that want everything now but the cannot add / subtract nor write intelligibly. Then they want a new sports car. etc...Me Me Me Me kids with not a clue.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 01/26/18 01:27 PM

stupid people nowadays? People seemingly cannot tolerate differences of opinion. People have no idea how to interact, meet, and socialize with other people? People who cannot find their a$$ with two hands and a mirror? What the hell is going on?

laugh laugh

Frhe's photo
Fri 01/26/18 02:08 PM
It’s quiet simple

Reading and comprehension

Two different things in one

People forgot how to write, instead writing they used XD :) :(
Etc etc

How are we going to understand something if we don’t know how to write

English isn’t my mother tongue by the way, if I’m expressing in a very complex way my ideas

no photo
Fri 01/26/18 03:59 PM

stupid people nowadays? People seemingly cannot tolerate differences of opinion. People have no idea how to interact, meet, and socialize with other people? People who cannot find their a$$ with two hands and a mirror? What the hell is going on?

have also noted that a simple act of kindness now is treated as an exception...something that makes headlines...amazing!

Isn't it though - I remember about 10 years ago I went back to school & i was talking to a young guy & I happened to mention the "Golden Rule & he didn't even know what it was - so sad.

motowndowntown's photo
Fri 01/26/18 05:11 PM
I'd be happy if I just could find somebody who knows how to pack a paper grocery bag properly.

newsworthy's photo
Sat 01/27/18 12:53 PM

stupid people nowadays? People seemingly cannot tolerate differences of opinion. People have no idea how to interact, meet, and socialize with other people? People who cannot find their a$$ with two hands and a mirror? What the hell is going on?

I'm tolerating this quote, however this observation may need backing up with statistics and evidence based data in order to analyse changes in society with clarity.

Modern society needs a common aspect of social cohesion. We are aware that there is more diversity in tolerance which has increased the diversity of intolerance. The breakdown in society could be due to many factors such as Globalisation which this article conveys in the following link titles,"The Importance of Tolerance in Society".

The Huffington Post had a good article from 2010 that supports your observation which indicates there is something wrong with todays society in this link:

This article from 2013 suggests the Dutch are the most tolerant nation: http://www.positivelyfilipino.com/magazine/2013/3/how-tolerant-are-the-dutch

This news article has mapped the most and least tolerant countries in the World. It is interesting that this article highlights Europe,America and Australia being the most tolerant. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/maps-and-graphics/mapped-the-most-tolerant-countries/

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