Topic: Games
shadow_princess's photo
Tue 11/27/07 05:50 AM
Back to the mind games
The hopless lost feelings I know so well
Trust is only an illusion
Hope and love are like a candle flame
Beautiful warm and bright
It dims in time
Giving off less of a glow
Soon all will be dark
A draft will seep through my skin
But this time it won't be from
The cold winter wind
Carrying yet another blanket of snow
Chills that course down my spine
Will be from your voice
Knowing that somewhere
She's wrapped in your arms
Next to a cozy fire
With everything this poor shattered heart once desired
As frost veiled the window
Snowflakes danced gracefully
In a gentle wind
Lost in thoughts of what might have been
I pry myself from the window
And let a raging storm of sadness begin
Time and time again i've played
And yet somehow I lose
Each and everytime
The prize for my efforts
A broken dying heart

peachiegirl28's photo
Tue 11/27/07 05:51 AM
:cry: :cry: :cry: beautifulflowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Tue 11/27/07 06:08 AM
:cry: flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou