Topic: IF Hillary gets in... | |
To call the Bush Administration the most corrupt or whatever is beyond ridiculous. There is no evidence to the claims made, there is only PARANOID or pure hateful rhetoric.
The Clinton Administration does have a huge list of scandals, a huge list. And, not only that, but the biggest one has to do with the money and donations back and forth with Chinese citizens, who some are linked to the Chinese government and others were patsies. Remember all those we heard in the news in the '90s about some Chinese citizen who stole stuff from labortories, nuclear research sites, and other very sensitive sites? Chinese Communist Donators Scandal Whitewater Travelgate Marc Rich pardon Those scandals are just the really big, most recognized one. I didn't even cover the stuff surrounding the impeachment. Clinton did lie in court, which is a criminal act and was disbarred because of it. There are so many more scandals. One, that came after the end of the Clinton Administration that interests me as well is when Sandy Berger, former National Security Advisor under Clinton, went into the National Archives and 'accidentally' removed top classified documents surrounding terrorism as he was prepping to go before the 9/11 Commission. He stuffed these documents in his socks, pants, and everywhere he could and walked right out of the building. And then, he 'accidentally' cut up the documents and burned them. Why would he do such a thing, what did those documents detail? And, what has happened to Sandy Berger? Slap on the wrist. So much shady money went to the Clintons over the years, both Presidental runs, Hillary's Senate Run, her current White House run, and money that went to the Clinton library as well. |
Why do conservatives
always point back to Clinton when Bush Jr. is criticized? Like that's some kind of a justification for the actions of the present administration. It's just a redirection of blame and it's a lame excuse. Do two wrongs make a right? And not just two. There is plenty of evidence but you won't find it watching Fox News or listening to the talk radio nuts. John Dean was Counsel to President Nixon and he is a Republican. He wrote a book called 'Worse than Watergate', where he mentions plenty of instances of the abuse of Executive Power by the Bush Jr. Administration, especially by the Vice President, Richard Cheney. |
I got a few scandals.
Stopping the recount in florida. Valerie Plame Illegal wire tapping Prisnor torcher Katrina Firing US attorneys over not being "Bushies" Bill had a few scandals, but nothing like our current de de de in chief. I'd much rather my presidant get a blowjob than permit water boarding and defecating on the Qu'ran;^] |
I got a few scandals. Stopping the recount in florida. Valerie Plame Illegal wire tapping Prisnor torcher Katrina Firing US attorneys over not being "Bushies" Bill had a few scandals, but nothing like our current de de de in chief. I'd much rather my presidant get a blowjob than permit water boarding and defecating on the Qu'ran;^] None of those are even legitimate, illegal scandals, that have been proven by any court of law. All of Clinton's have been proven and tried in court, with evidence laying everything out. Not one of your scandals sticks. Stopping the recount in Florida. Prove it was illegal. It was ridiculous, everytime the count was recounted it came out for Bush. Valerie Plame is a joke, the leak was Richard Armitage, who was anything but an Iraq War supporter. He leaked it by pure mistake, not knowing she was covert. Fitzgerald knew it was Armitage for a loooong time and yet he still went after Cheney because he wanted to make a name for himself and this was a huge political boost or death. He had all credibility on the line and despite knowing Armitage leaked the information he could not end his campaign and in the end got Libby who really screwed up for no reason besides for loyalty. It was all Armitage, but you won't hear the press talk too much about it, notice how the whole thing disappeared now? It's because they know it has no play anymore, they trumped it up enough and got them nowhere. Prove illegal wiretapping. Lawyers have gone over this multiple times and there hasn't been anything to prove a law was broken. Tapping the phone of a FOREIGNER talking to a FOREIGNER, or a FOREIGNER talking to an American citizen is not illegal for there is a non-citizen on one end of the line. It has been proven again and again to be lawabidding, now until the law changes it isn't breaking any law. Prisoner torture? Abu Garab was done by criminals and they were charged, convicted, and imprisoned or discharged. Waterboarding is performed on our own US military and CIA officers. Loud music and sleep deprivation is aggressive interrogation tactics. Giving detainees three course meals by Islamic chefs, a new prayer rug, and new Koran after being picked up on the battlefield shooting at US troops or aiding the enemy is definately some harsh torture. Katrina, all problems go right to Blanco and the dumb Mayor who locked himself in a hotel the whole time and avoided being contacts as Representative Jefferson used National Guards troops to get sensitive materials out of his home because he was under FBI survelliance and he is currently about to be convicted on bribery charges. It all goes to the state, everything was offered, but Blanco wanted to avoid any federal assistance until it was way too late. Those US attorneys were all Clinton appointees, do remember Clinton fired ALL George HW Bush appointees because he wanted his own men in there. George W. Bush gave the appointee attorneys a chance but they were constantly roadblocking him, which is not their job as they are Presidential appointees, so he got rid of them, which is his right to do so. There is nothing there besides rhetoric that is spewed over and over again with no real weight to it, but a whole bunch of great leftie sensationalism to beat the bleeding hearts. |
Oh right, because Bush's lackees "don't remember" or go to jail without giving up their boss. I guess holding prisnors indefinatly without a trial or lawyer isn't a scandal either. In florida, they stopped at like 4 counties. Stand blindly behind this administration if you will, but I thank God the rest of us can at least see the basics. The only good thing this admin. has done so far is give Nasa a push, but wasn't that a clever change of subject. I could continue to argue the points, but anybody with some common sense can see where it's heading. So again, I won't say he's the worst but he's still pretty frickin bad;^]
Oh right, because Bush's lackees "don't remember" or go to jail without giving up their boss. I guess holding prisnors indefinatly without a trial or lawyer isn't a scandal either. In florida, they stopped at like 4 counties. Stand blindly behind this administration if you will, but I thank God the rest of us can at least see the basics. The only good thing this admin. has done so far is give Nasa a push, but wasn't that a clever change of subject. I could continue to argue the points, but anybody with some common sense can see where it's heading. So again, I won't say he's the worst but he's still pretty frickin bad;^] Lackees don't remember? Again, it was RICHARD ARMITAGE who leaked the name of Valerie Plame. This has been proven in a court of law and in the public as well. Where have you been? This is as clear as day. Holding FOREIGNERS indefinately isn't a scandal either, if they were American citizens you'd hear a totally different tune from me. Screw the foreigners caught on a battlefield supplying the enemy in some fashion or shooting at US soldiers. |
That's what I thought, so sad another american who thinks his people are the only people that matter, because anybody captured must automatricaly be guilty by default, afterall they're not american citisens. No wonder half the world hates us;^]
"no wonder half the world hates Us"
How pathetic...what a misguided,statement. I guess too much CNN, MSM that spew such false retoric is permeating the brains of the left so much it is their own sense of reality. I take it you don't get around very much and only believe what you hear and not what you see. |
"no wonder half the world hates Us" How pathetic...what a misguided,statement. I guess too much CNN, MSM that spew such false retoric is permeating the brains of the left so much it is their own sense of reality. I take it you don't get around very much and only believe what you hear and not what you see. Wait, weren't you the guy saying Israel was attacking Iraq & there were no car bombs?;^] ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
you have that wrong too...another misguided there anything factual you can come up with?
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That's what I thought, so sad another american who thinks his people are the only people that matter, because anybody captured must automatricaly be guilty by default, afterall they're not american citisens. No wonder half the world hates us;^] And, terrorists and the enemies of our country are laughing at people that think like you. We are so weak and pathetic to them just because of bleeding hearts and this is what causes greater attacks, they use our own press waiving the white flag, especially Congressmen as recruitment tools for their own cause. The Chinese and Russians are laughing at how weak we are and are taking great offensive chances and practices because they know we have no real bite. We are our own worst enemy. |
you have that wrong too...another misguided there anything factual you can come up with? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Doh, that was somebody else, I get you neo con hardliners mixed Well, let's see, talking about misguided statements, after your previous post, you obviously don't know me very well. But this is gettin' too rude, hard to argue with people who're conservative to the point of stubborness;^] |
Turtle...too bad you can't see the difference between stubborness and factual.....I hope you can get to some of these countries you think hate us so much. In "some" of these countries there are groups that oppose us and often times they get the most public fanfare..just as in this counrty E.G. 86% of Americans favor religious symbols in schools and government buildings...but the few that raise hell and sue to remove God and all aspects of religion from public places get all the attention, does this mean we are an athiest nation?. This is what the media does to promote this anti- american view also. As proof....You go to any country across the globe and I can bet that the US embassy has the longest line of people trying to get visas...been there, seen it.
Turtle..sorry if I seemed "rude" wasn't meant that way...always enjoy good discourse and debate...have to run...have a good nite bud
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