Topic: IF Hillary gets in...
mnhiker's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:18 PM
Man is that guy still alive?

davinci1952's photo
Mon 12/17/07 11:23 PM
I voted for regrets

no photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:57 AM
I agree with you 100%, Hillary is not qualified to be a leader of this country, she only want to prove that she is capable of doing a man's job. Everyone knows that she, and all women are emotional, she is proving it everyday when she and Bill have to attack other candidates. If you are secure and have the qualifications that she claims to have she should be talking about her qualifications every time she's on TV, instead, she and bill are blasting other candiates. Expecially, Obauma. You know americans forget very quickly, we have Bill Clinton to think for outsourcing jobs, closing military bases, etc, Not George Bush. I don't blame Bush for Irack, he had to do something to show those crazies in the Middle East that we were not going to let them attack our country. The only thing I blame Bush for is he did not send enough men to Irack in the beginning. But now things seem to be working out. Her Sorry husband could have stopped those crazies, if he had attack them when they bombed the USS cole, and other U.S. interest around the world instead, he did little to nothing. In my opinion he had no guts. At least, Bush showed those ingrates that he was not afraid of them. If Hillary doest get in, all the work that Bush has done will be reversed, becauce those countries do not RESPECT WOMAN, THAT'S A GIVEN WE READ AND WATCH HOW THEY TRERAT THEIR OWN WOMEN.

yokoke's photo
Tue 12/18/07 01:59 AM

I voted for regrets

Same here......... yes he is 77 now, still busy making the $$$

davinci1952's photo
Tue 12/18/07 11:34 AM
I campaigned for Perot...and jesse ventura...and will do the same for
Ron Paul...
we do not have a 2 party system anymore...people need to realize it's the
same...time for change...

mnhiker's photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:00 PM
davinci, I agree.

A vote for Hillary
or a vote for Rudy
is basically the same

Our troops will be
in Iraq until doomsday.

The oil companies will
still make obscene profits.

The health care industry
will still overcharge.

More greed, corruption,
under the table dealings,


You don't blame Bush for Iraq?

You've got to be kidding me.

There were no weapons of mass destruction.

The U.N. inspectors said so, and none
have ever been found to this date.

The Bush Administration relied
on false British intelligence
and absolutely Bush Jr. started
the Iraq War!!!

The blame lies squarely on him
and his administration.

Saddam Hussein could have been
contained without going to war!!!

Instead we went to war and now
we are paying for it!!!

And will be for a very long time.

yokoke's photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:13 PM

davinci, I agree.

A vote for Hillary
or a vote for Rudy
is basically the same

Our troops will be
in Iraq until doomsday.

The oil companies will
still make obscene profits.

The health care industry
will still overcharge.

More greed, corruption,
under the table dealings,


You don't blame Bush for Iraq?

You've got to be kidding me.

There were no weapons of mass destruction.

The U.N. inspectors said so, and none
have ever been found to this date.

The Bush Administration relied
on false British intelligence
and absolutely Bush Jr. started
the Iraq War!!!

The blame lies squarely on him
and his administration.

Saddam Hussein could have been
contained without going to war!!!

Instead we went to war and now
we are paying for it!!!

And will be for a very long time.

This war was planned many years ago....Bush just happened to be in office.... you want a jaw dropper look at the Bush's family tree and see when GW is in line to the throne....

Just because one runs for President does not mean his allegiance is towards this country.... I am still in favor of dusting off Perot lollaugh

mnhiker's photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:21 PM
Yes, I know all
about the fact
that Paul Wolfowonitwitz,
Bill Kristol and the
other neo-cons
had plans for
a long time
to bring down
Saddam Hussein.

But it was still
George Bush Jr.'s
and he could have
nixed it, but didn't.

But all along **** Cheney
and the neocons were
the puppetmasters.

The most corruption
in the history of
this nation has
occurred during
the Bush Jr.

That is why he
gets the dubious
distinction of

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:23 PM
I'm not gonna say the worst ever, Jackson was pretty heartless. I know I may make enemies saying this, but I put Reagan pretty low on the list of good presidants too;^]

yokoke's photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:46 PM

I'm not gonna say the worst ever, Jackson was pretty heartless. I know I may make enemies saying this, but I put Reagan pretty low on the list of good presidants too;^]

Not the Gipper:cry: :cry: sad sad sad sad

huh drinker laugh

mnhiker's photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:49 PM
Reagan was overrated for sure.

As for Jackson, if you wiki
'Andrew Jackson' and read
the history, there doesn't
appear to be anything that
rivals of magnitude of the
corruption in the Bush Administration.

Like Richard Cheney's secret
dealings with corporations.

This administration is the
most secretive in history.

What is that?

yokoke's photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:54 PM

But it was still George Bush Jr.'s administration, and he could have nixed it, but didn't.

But when you have advisors with ulterior motivation, maybe George thought he did have the right information at the time...myself don't believe it.... that gameplan was in the works and some things can't be undone...

Blood is thicker than water.....

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:59 PM

Reagan was overrated for sure.

As for Jackson, if you wiki
'Andrew Jackson' and read
the history, there doesn't
appear to be anything that
rivals of magnitude of the
corruption in the Bush Administration.

Like Richard Cheney's secret
dealings with corporations.

This administration is the
most secretive in history.

What is that?

Except maybe for the indian removal act which killed 1 in 6 eastern american indians. Or abolishing the national bank out of a grudge, or adopting a kid for political purposes after killing his parents, or forcing american indians into unfair treaties which gave away all of their land. Jackson was VERY corrupt;^]

mnhiker's photo
Tue 12/18/07 01:10 PM
That may be so,
but did you know
that a lot of
innocent women
and children
were killed or
horribly maimed
in the Iraq War?

Those are things
the Bush Jr. Administration
doesn't want you to know.

And they also used
white phosphorus
shells in Fallujah.

Whole families,
were incinerated.

Gee, do ya think
white phosphorus
is a chemical weapon?

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/18/07 03:09 PM
I'm not argueing any of that, I'm just saying Jackson was a weee bit more brutal for his time. Of course the fact that he's on the 20 dollar bill is a slap in the face to everyone. But yeah, Bush is still high up there on my list of a- holes, not just in wars but here at home too, I honestly believe the Katrina survivors deserve reperations;^]

Mac60's photo
Tue 12/18/07 03:17 PM
History will bear out that Junior Bush is the absolute worst president this country has ever had. He believes he has absolute power regardless of any petty encumberances, like the Constitution.

Come on January 20, 2009.

no photo
Tue 12/18/07 03:26 PM
If she gets elected I'm moving to Mexico.

yokoke's photo
Tue 12/18/07 04:14 PM
I can see the lines forming now LOLlaugh laugh Ole Felipe will be shyting bricks cause normally they flee out not in...

longshot's photo
Wed 12/19/07 03:21 PM
Edited by longshot on Wed 12/19/07 03:24 PM
Actually I have always read the US Grant had the most corrupt adminestration in far as the gulf war President Clinton referred to the WMD onseveral occasions before he left office so it could be asssumed the he also believed that they existed and in fact the garden virety chemical and biological did exist.Sadam used them on the Kurds.Also I would have to assume that this congress was acting on the same intelligence as Bush and Co. when they voted for this war.Before anyone gets a knot in their shorts let me say I am not a Bush supporter nor did I vote for him.I also would not vote for Clinton.I have been a regestered independent since the 60's and personally I don't believe that there is a dime's worth of diffference between a Damocrat and a Republican where we working people are concerned.If Hillary is elected i wonder how many guys will apply for an interns job.

mnhiker's photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:57 PM
Well if Bush Jr. had
let the U.N. inspectors
finish the job then
we'd have known for
sure and perhaps
war could have
been averted.

I'm an independent
too and know that
both parties have
their problems.

The Democrats
are afraid of
standing up
to Bush Jr.
because they
might be seen
as being weak
on defense and
the Republicans
have just too
much power period.

There needs to
be more checks
and balances.

Too much money
and lobbyists
corrupt the
process as