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Topic: Conversation: What do you like to talk about?
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 06/17/17 05:35 PM

What topics interest you?

Do you have tips for people who struggle to make sparkling or interesting conversation?

What are some good icebreakers for starting a conversation with a stranger whether online or offline?

Well... tips, have a life and things you like to do. Then you also have stuff to talk about.
Best is to talk about things you are passionate about. It doesn't matter so much what the subject is, when you're passionate about it you're likely inspiring, appealing, charming etc.
Of course if it's a subject that's of no interest to the other then you don't go on for hours. But it shouldn't be monologue anyways, but dialogue. So you throw in the occasional question. Can be as simple as "What do you think?" or "How do you feel about that?" or "Have you ever done that?"

Topics that interest me, movies/series, spirituality, crystals, painting, writing, nature, music both listening to as well as making music (drums, not in a band). He's into music as well, and plays in a band. I like that :)

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 06/17/17 05:44 PM
If Nietzsche ever told a dick joke, we could talk for hours.

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 06/17/17 05:45 PM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Sat 06/17/17 05:46 PM
Or we could talk about the nuances and hidden meaning of double posting

no photo
Sat 06/17/17 05:55 PM

My mind is alive with curiosity. My interest topics are wide ranging.

Spaces, Capitalization and Spelling.
Proof read, post and reread and edit if needed.

Im gonna deal with your post in fragments Tom since they are actually really good points!

What I would say though , is that alot of people dont speak English as their first language so I try to have some patience with those who dont get the grammar, spelling etc right, including the people who speak English as their first language, but who havent been formally educated.flowerforyou

And what about typing with cellphones?

Between that damn autocorrect that types words you never intended and thst tiny screen that makes it hard to see what you wrote clearly, its a recipe for disaster! Im just sayin...

I am well aware that some people have a language barrier.
I also know very well the communication issues inherent to cell phones.
Both are reasons to try that much harder to have effective communication.

I don't express myself on foreign sites because I am not fluent enough to do so. I don't want my meaning lost in translation.
I don't use my cell phone here because that tool is insufficient for the task at hand. I have a choice, some people don't.

My tips were not directed to foreign people here. They can be relative for them, if they are expressing themselves on a site in their own language.

I just wanted to validate the people reading this, who are struggling with communication challenges because of all the reasons I mentioned .

Its all good :)

no photo
Sat 06/17/17 06:01 PM

Peggy you put lol in your post it must catching,lo, got to admit it's not one of my favourite s as I think thecomment kind of loses some of its humour if you put, it can't of been that funny if you had to put that on that note, lol

Its only a problem when its after every sentence Adam , but some statements definitely call for an lol laugh

no photo
Sat 06/17/17 06:03 PM

Isn't it fathers day tomorrow?
I'm surprised nobody has posted it?

Its not fathers day as yet in some countries Mikey :)

no photo
Sat 06/17/17 06:05 PM

I don't know who my dad is I'm hoping it's someone very rich and he shows his face soon but knowing my luck it will be Jeremy kyle

I plan to hire a dad for the day.

Any takers? :tongue:

no photo
Sat 06/17/17 06:05 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 06/17/17 06:16 PM

Well... tips, have a life and things you like to do. Then you also have stuff to talk about.
Best is to talk about things you are passionate about. It doesn't matter so much what the subject is, when you're passionate about it you're likely inspiring, appealing, charming etc.
Of course if it's a subject that's of no interest to the other then you don't go on for hours. But it shouldn't be monologue anyways, but dialogue. So you throw in the occasional question. Can be as simple as "What do you think?" or "How do you feel about that?" or "Have you ever done that?"

Topics that interest me, movies/series, spirituality, crystals, painting, writing, nature, music both listening to as well as making music (drums, not in a band). He's into music as well, and plays in a band. I like that :)

Good point Crystal, Passion for a topic is important, but if someone is all passionate and droning on about things that dont interest you, it feels like torture!

Best to find things the other person is interested in , and ask interesting questions, like the ones you suggested :)

no photo
Sat 06/17/17 06:14 PM

Or we could talk about the nuances and hidden meaning of double posting

Id prefer to talk about this than the dick jokes. Im just sayin laugh

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 06/17/17 06:33 PM

What topics interest you?

Interstellar travel.

The high cost of processed cheese.

Why when your internet goes down and you look for help does the help section on your computer for your ISP tells you to go on the internet.

Do you have tips for people who struggle to make sparkling or interesting conversation?


What are some good icebreakers for starting a conversation with a stranger whether online or offline?

Not sure what works. But I'm pretty sure, "hey beautiful" , accompanied by a foto of my package, doesn't.

no photo
Sat 06/17/17 06:50 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 06/17/17 06:51 PM
I just thought of something.

There are a few common questions that people use in the beginning of a convo that often sets them up for a series of lame one word answers


1. How are you?/ How's it going? /How was your day?
2. What work you do?
3. where do you live?
4. What are your hobbies?
5. Are you single?

Other ways to ask thosse questions and get meaty answers might be

1. So what were the highlights and challenges of your week? :)

2. Im a teacher. Dealing with young with young people keeps me on the pulse of things , but I hate marking papers. What are some of the ups and down of your job/academic pursuit?

3. What is your country/city known for in terms of food/ festivals etc

4. what are your go -to activities for blowing off steam/unwinding , getting some laughs?

5. Whats happening with you relationship/dating wise these days

They dont have to be asked exactly in that way ofcourse , but it gives a general idea how to open up a question and give it legs to go in way more directions, than one word cookie cutter responses.

no photo
Sat 06/17/17 06:59 PM

What topics interest you?

Interstellar travel.

The high cost of processed cheese.

Why when your internet goes down and you look for help does the help section on your computer for your ISP tells you to go on the internet.

Do you have tips for people who struggle to make sparkling or interesting conversation?


What are some good icebreakers for starting a conversation with a stranger whether online or offline?

Not sure what works. But I'm pretty sure, "hey beautiful" , accompanied by a foto of my package, doesn't.

Listening is crucial for sure Motown, but whoever initiates the convo has more of a responsibility to provide enough stimuli to get the ball a rolling, I think

And you are right . The "hey " opening message with the shirtless or provocative pics are usually an epic failure

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 06/17/17 07:26 PM

What topics interest you?

Interstellar travel.

The high cost of processed cheese.

Why when your internet goes down and you look for help does the help section on your computer for your ISP tells you to go on the internet.

Do you have tips for people who struggle to make sparkling or interesting conversation?


What are some good icebreakers for starting a conversation with a stranger whether online or offline?

Not sure what works. But I'm pretty sure, "hey beautiful" , accompanied by a foto of my package, doesn't.

Listening is crucial for sure Motown, but whoever initiates the convo has more of a responsibility to provide enough stimuli to get the ball a rolling, I think

And you are right . The "hey " opening message with the shirtless or provocative pics are usually an epic failure

If you listen carefully enough, keeping your mind as well as your ears open, and the other person isn't completely shut down, he or she will supply enough stimuli.

I once read about a female journalist who had a conversation with Winston Churchill. She walked away thinking he was the most interesting person in the world.

Some time later she had a meeting with Benjamin Desreli and walked away feeling she herself was the most interesting person in the world.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 06/18/17 02:43 AM

Or we could talk about the nuances and hidden meaning of double posting

Yeah, that would be good, cos you'd also have to explain why you're on a dating site. That could turn into a really good conversation! One worthy of filming and sticking on YouTube, depending on how upset the woman gets of course.
I get imagery of a plate of her standing up, knocking over things on the table, hot soup flying through the air... chicken, leek and mushrooms landing on ppl's heads and faces... vermicelli danging on your nose as you sit there looking up at her in shock.
As she's ranting, you slowly get up, curl your fingers around your wineglass and empty it in her face as you say "There, there, calm down, girl"

Now a great many things could happen after that... she could get turned on as the red wine trickles down her chest and runs over the swell of her breasts toward her nipples...


She could throw a wobbler and burst out crying, melting your heart

OR ... or ... Dang, I could write a book about this scenario! I cannot even remember what this topic was about now?

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 06/18/17 02:53 AM

Well... tips, have a life and things you like to do. Then you also have stuff to talk about.
Best is to talk about things you are passionate about. It doesn't matter so much what the subject is, when you're passionate about it you're likely inspiring, appealing, charming etc.
Of course if it's a subject that's of no interest to the other then you don't go on for hours. But it shouldn't be monologue anyways, but dialogue. So you throw in the occasional question. Can be as simple as "What do you think?" or "How do you feel about that?" or "Have you ever done that?"

Topics that interest me, movies/series, spirituality, crystals, painting, writing, nature, music both listening to as well as making music (drums, not in a band). He's into music as well, and plays in a band. I like that :)

Good point Crystal, Passion for a topic is important, but if someone is all passionate and droning on about things that dont interest you, it feels like torture!

Best to find things the other person is interested in , and ask interesting questions, like the ones you suggested :)

I beg to differ on that one, unless you yourself are into that subject too. For the very simple reason that it will become very one-sided if it's all about the other person, you cannot be passionate about something you are not into but is a hobby of the other. So then you'd be trying to have an engaging convo about a subject that doesn't really interest you in the slightest, that you don't know nothing about and aren't passionate about.
You will run out of things concerning that subject, because you know little about it, then likely feel awkward as you got yourself tongue-tied. Whereas when you talk about something you yourself like, you won't run out of material. And you can still steer the convo to involve him in it by asking questions. Then it will begin to flow by itself and he will begin to add to the conversation.
Of course it depends where you are in a relationship, although I don't think this will really change to be honest.
For instance me with him... he's into fishing, I know as good as nothing about that. I cannot hold a conversation about fishing, I'd run out of material within 3 minutes, feeling daft for even raising a subject I cannot talk about.
When we first met I was talking about something, he was glued to my lips, bedazzled. He probably wasn't really listening to what I was saying (anymore), he was completely taken by me and how passionately I was talking about whatever it was. He would never have seen that in me had I been trying to talk about fishing. He would not have gotten smitten, bedazzled.
I think he fell for me right then and there.

If you only talk about what interests the other person, you A) run out of material real fast and B) are trying to please them. Why should you? The other should have an interest in you and what you like, best you find out asap if that's the case.

TravisTit's photo
Sun 06/18/17 04:19 AM
Edited by TravisTit on Sun 06/18/17 04:26 AM
110101011101011110101 forum lollolololololheehehawhaw whadawhadabingbang! The supernatural, why my new update or app on smartphone was developed in 1975 and im just now getting it new in 2017.

no photo
Sun 06/18/17 06:11 AM

What topics interest you?

Interstellar travel.

The high cost of processed cheese.

Why when your internet goes down and you look for help does the help section on your computer for your ISP tells you to go on the internet.

Do you have tips for people who struggle to make sparkling or interesting conversation?


What are some good icebreakers for starting a conversation with a stranger whether online or offline?

Not sure what works. But I'm pretty sure, "hey beautiful" , accompanied by a foto of my package, doesn't.

Listening is crucial for sure Motown, but whoever initiates the convo has more of a responsibility to provide enough stimuli to get the ball a rolling, I think

And you are right . The "hey " opening message with the shirtless or provocative pics are usually an epic failure

If you listen carefully enough, keeping your mind as well as your ears open, and the other person isn't completely shut down, he or she will supply enough stimuli.

I once read about a female journalist who had a conversation with Winston Churchill. She walked away thinking he was the most interesting person in the world.

Some time later she had a meeting with Benjamin Desreli and walked away feeling she herself was the most interesting person in the world.

Yep. Both people have to be open, have to listen, and have to bring something substantial to the conversation table . Hopefully they both walk away making each other feel that they are the most interesting people in the world . Good point Motown :)

no photo
Sun 06/18/17 06:16 AM

Or we could talk about the nuances and hidden meaning of double posting

Yeah, that would be good, cos you'd also have to explain why you're on a dating site. That could turn into a really good conversation! One worthy of filming and sticking on YouTube, depending on how upset the woman gets of course.
I get imagery of a plate of her standing up, knocking over things on the table, hot soup flying through the air... chicken, leek and mushrooms landing on ppl's heads and faces... vermicelli danging on your nose as you sit there looking up at her in shock.
As she's ranting, you slowly get up, curl your fingers around your wineglass and empty it in her face as you say "There, there, calm down, girl"

Now a great many things could happen after that... she could get turned on as the red wine trickles down her chest and runs over the swell of her breasts toward her nipples...


She could throw a wobbler and burst out crying, melting your heart

OR ... or ... Dang, I could write a book about this scenario! I cannot even remember what this topic was about now?

Exhibit A

This is the incriminating evidence of why your books are being published crystal:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

no photo
Sun 06/18/17 06:48 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 06/18/17 06:49 AM

Well... tips, have a life and things you like to do. Then you also have stuff to talk about.
Best is to talk about things you are passionate about. It doesn't matter so much what the subject is, when you're passionate about it you're likely inspiring, appealing, charming etc.
Of course if it's a subject that's of no interest to the other then you don't go on for hours. But it shouldn't be monologue anyways, but dialogue. So you throw in the occasional question. Can be as simple as "What do you think?" or "How do you feel about that?" or "Have you ever done that?"

Topics that interest me, movies/series, spirituality, crystals, painting, writing, nature, music both listening to as well as making music (drums, not in a band). He's into music as well, and plays in a band. I like that :)

Good point Crystal, Passion for a topic is important, but if someone is all passionate and droning on about things that dont interest you, it feels like torture!

Best to find things the other person is interested in , and ask interesting questions, like the ones you suggested :)

I beg to differ on that one, unless you yourself are into that subject too. For the very simple reason that it will become very one-sided if it's all about the other person, you cannot be passionate about something you are not into but is a hobby of the other. So then you'd be trying to have an engaging convo about a subject that doesn't really interest you in the slightest, that you don't know nothing about and aren't passionate about.
You will run out of things concerning that subject, because you know little about it, then likely feel awkward as you got yourself tongue-tied. Whereas when you talk about something you yourself like, you won't run out of material. And you can still steer the convo to involve him in it by asking questions. Then it will begin to flow by itself and he will begin to add to the conversation.
Of course it depends where you are in a relationship, although I don't think this will really change to be honest.
For instance me with him... he's into fishing, I know as good as nothing about that. I cannot hold a conversation about fishing, I'd run out of material within 3 minutes, feeling daft for even raising a subject I cannot talk about.
When we first met I was talking about something, he was glued to my lips, bedazzled. He probably wasn't really listening to what I was saying (anymore), he was completely taken by me and how passionately I was talking about whatever it was. He would never have seen that in me had I been trying to talk about fishing. He would not have gotten smitten, bedazzled.
I think he fell for me right then and there.

If you only talk about what interests the other person, you A) run out of material real fast and B) are trying to please them. Why should you? The other should have an interest in you and what you like, best you find out asap if that's the case.

I forget how in depth we are required to explain ourselves when posting in a forum.:smile:

I wasnt trying to imply that asking questions about what the other person is interested in, is THE ONLY THING you do to conduct a sparkling conversation, anymore than any of the other tips offered in this post, are the sole requirements for great conversation.

As we both know, conversation is a lot of back and forth, mutual sharing, and hopefully mutual enjoyment, so the tips offered here are flexible and only cover SOME of what constitutes an animated conversation.

Sometimes you can talk about common interests. Sometimes you can both ask each other questions about interests that are not shared but important to the other person. Sometimes you can talk about things neither are currently pursuing but might consider trying in the future.

Nothing written in stone here flowerforyou

Twintidbits24's photo
Tue 06/20/17 08:54 AM

Isn't it fathers day tomorrow?
I'm surprised nobody has posted it?

Happy Father's Day Mikey flowers smile2

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