Topic: Do guys really want to date women who are older than them? | |
let's face it guys say date which means looking for sex with different women and women let's be honest we say relationship which means we really want to date different men... ![]() |
Well I gotta say Age doesn't define Maturity but your actions and ways does. Some older men and women never grow up regardless of their past experiences. In my opinion a mature person knows how to deal the uncertainties. Maturity starts the minute when a person decides they are in control of their thoughts and actions and how they react in any circumstances
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I have to say.. I'm looking for more than sex. There has to be something more there that I can get comfortable with.
Well I gotta say Age doesn't define Maturity but your actions and ways does. Some older men and women never grow up regardless of their past experiences. In my opinion a mature person knows how to deal the uncertainties. Maturity starts the minute when a person decides they are in control of their thoughts and actions and how they react in any circumstances ![]() ![]() |
Hi u dating
Do guys really want to date women who are older than them?
Guys don't really want to date. "Date" is a social construct meant to limit behavior as to mitigate the consequences of what men want. Guys want to be around desirable women. Guys want to have sex with desirable women. Desirable meaning physically, emotionally, socially, and mentally attractive to them. A natural and socialized set of conditions that represent the easiest, most comfortable, and convenient means a man can perpetually be around a woman, and get to have sex with her. "Society" set conditions for that. Traditionally speaking it was marriage. Through negotiation with parents, having to focus on something other than the pleasure and wonders of being around a woman to come up with a dowry, rigid codes of interpersonal behavior. Men didn't really like those conditions. In comes the industrial revolution and people flooding to cities where family's and small communities cannot control the individual as much through social pressure, forced marriages. This leads to the creation of dating. Where before it was "in order to be around and have sex with a woman, you have to marry her, or no women for you," as the spectrum, it then became "you must date, follow the dictates of dating, or no women for you." So men dated. Marriage has fallen even more out of favor. With more people in their prime mating years forgoing marriage to be single. Men do not want to date. Now instead of the spectrum being "marriage, or no women for you," or, "date in public and act appropriate, or no women for you," it's "hangout, just be around each other, have sex if you want to, or no women for you." Now the burden is more on the individual woman than it is on social constructs and social rules enforced by society (as opposed to government or the individual alone). Men do not want to date women who are older than them. Men do not want to date. Men want to be around women to elicit the mating chemical highs, and have sex with women in order to release the stress those mating chemical and hormonal highs create. Just as always. For some men, "older women" represent the easiest, most comfortable, most potential for long term satisfaction compared to alternatives, than other women. Men want women. Men separate women into labeled categories depending on potential fulfillment, effort, compatibility. Older, younger, hotter, butterface, supermodel, 10, Ohio 6, girl next door, take home to mom, freak in the sheets, nice girl, bad girl, slut, virgin, church lady. Whatever. How can you tell if they are sincere or not.
By how well they listen to what you say, pick up on what you aren't saying, and respect and validate what you do, especially things you might not even realize or recognize you're saying, aren't saying, or doing. The more focused, cognizant, and observant on what you do and who you are, than what you can do, or are doing, for them. A related danger is if you are the type of person who thinks "I know who I am, and what I want!" then the less likely you are going to be able to spot actual sincerity on their part, as it's not going to validate who you think you know yourself to be, or what you think you want. . I personally don't believe whatever they say
That's the irony of online forums. You shouldn't really trust anything where all you have is what they say. What an intense lecture and quite an exposure about men perspective towards responsibilities in relationship.....but the thing is that men opinion differs with dating older women which depends on their mental flexibility in seeing life from different perspective |
i find myself asking this question as they really want to date or just want to get some?
Depends on the person I suppose.
They r mature and give 100% pleasure and satisfaction while having SEx |
I like mature lady's because they easily understand you better than just a little unmatured girl
You should change men to I, so that when you are speaking for yourself, people don't mistakenly think you speak for all of us!
I'd love to find a woman to date. To get to know, to know what she's about, to learn who she is and what is going on. I DON'T want a casual encounter or a one night stand, because there are things I like to do [sexually] that you need STI tests, trust and honesty to do. I've often thought how nice it must be to be with a woman who would inspire me to make such a strong commitment as to propose, marry and be with for the rest of my life... I'd LOVE to meet that woman. I love dating women of all ages (as long as they are adults) as I've also learned that age has NOTHING to do with maturity. I've met 20-somethings who were more mature than 60-somethings and vice versa. My last girlfriend was a woman whom I believed [at the time] to be... maybe 8 years older than me. She was a very tight, very slim and slender woman. When I first saw her, she moved so gracefully, so determined and so sexy that I fell for her immediately. I pursued her, got to know her, and enjoyed spending time with her. She was an awesome woman and at times she had the pure innocence of a wee lass. One of our first dates was to go looking for wildflowers. We found Lady's Slippers and she just jumped out of my truck, kicked off her shoes and ran through the watery ditch to see those flowers. She had the stature of a young girl and the adventurous heart to match. She was amazing. She, as it happened, was 19 years older than me, but so full of life and so beautiful, her age was not at all reflected in her. She was such a wonderful woman, and so much fun to get to know... to date! |
im raphael from Trinidad and Tobago
You know if a guy is sincere if he doesn't talk about sex or tries to get in the bed with you right away. If he really interested in you he'll wait and not go elsewhere .
Let's keep it 100, of course men want to get some lol, it's the nature of the beast and men don't like to open their hearts and expose feelings but every man wants a woman to love and call their own.
it depends to the Man if he really want it
I personally know many guys including me likes women older than us,we see some sence of maturity in them
That's rare!
I prefer old women