Topic: Coffee and single women
Buddyhamilton's photo
Tue 03/21/17 08:02 PM
I'm sorry it took me so long to reply but I had a busy day

Buddyhamilton's photo
Tue 03/21/17 08:09 PM
How was everyone's day

dreamerana's photo
Tue 03/21/17 10:36 PM

Just a follow up on my original post:
After all the kind and (not so kind) reply's, I have decided that the overwhelming opinion is that I should lighten up a little and not present myself so self indulged as not to acknowledge people who are just trying to be friendly. This morning, I actually looked up and said good morning and smiled. The moment was quick and ended as fast as it started but I actually made an effort. Thanks to all for the great advice!


navygirl's photo
Wed 03/22/17 02:00 PM

Love your photo!
Yes, do understand that people are probably just being friendly and yup, no ring on finger does make it appear I am seeking friendship (or more) sitting by myself. Have since though about my original post and realized just how smug it make me sound. Have recently make a positive effort to converse an not be so sullen in the mornings. :smile:

Thanks. I don't think you are smug. There are simply times that a person doesn't want company and people need to respect that. I am cranky first thing in the morning and the last thing I want to do is talk to anyone so I understand you.

Jarsno's photo
Wed 03/22/17 02:11 PM

coffee time drinker

KarenW8's photo
Wed 03/22/17 04:09 PM
Thanks, FINALLY someone understands my point of view.

KarenW8's photo
Wed 03/22/17 04:10 PM
now that's cute!

no photo
Wed 03/22/17 04:14 PM

Luckydhe's photo
Thu 03/30/17 08:41 AM
hallo :blush:

mysticalview21's photo
Thu 03/30/17 09:03 AM
Not Starbucks so much ... but another place...
where I meet my family to do something that day ...
its like the men's club in the morning lol

I just say Hi. and wait ... not to much discussion...
on my part ... since I am not in the club lmao

but know one really bothers me when alone ...
if they do... I am just polite to them ...
and oh look here comes my fam ... happy

no photo
Thu 03/30/17 09:51 AM
Could swear you made a post on here a few days ago again complaining about men, I think it was because they lack conversation skills blah blah blah.
You can't have your cake and eat it sweetheart.

Look in the mirror

KarenW8's photo
Thu 03/30/17 01:13 PM
Never was a complaint about men. It was more of an observation that when guys see a lady sitting alone they feel the need to converse (might be just a guy thing) but at some point it can become annoying. Again, not wanting to offend anyone here, just would like people to respect my private time.
And looking in the mirror just makes me feel more insecure. But that's another

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 10:21 AM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Fri 03/31/17 10:27 AM
18 to 81; if you are female and go out in public alone for coffee, a meal, buying grocery whatever you can just about lay bet on some guy trying to make points chatting you up.

And yes it does get very old.

I am not sure if it is some genetic drive to stalk vulnerable prey or just bad social training or the overwhelming loneliness that seems to be even more pervasive in our world but a decisive yes it would be nice if more often you at least had to smile and nod denoting you actually wanted the unsolicited attention.

no photo
Fri 03/31/17 10:30 AM
Oh, the horror!

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 11:22 AM

Oh, the horror!

Not sure it is a horror for women as much as it is men.

Because until they catch on that being overly aggressive reeks of desperation. Which is what gets them "shot down" more often than not.

Unless they are women who are also so desperate. And they repeat "bad picker" behavior until they get stuck with what they snagged; something like a half dead fish in the net that eventually has to be thrown back.

But having a little self worth and actually being more aloof makes them "watchable" even enticing. Which starts the social dance that actually leads to a date.

KarenW8's photo
Fri 03/31/17 04:22 PM
oh, you are so right about your thoughts on this issue. I do smile and acknowledge people trying to make idle conversation. you said, any woman can tell the difference between just a friendly hello and a poor attempt at a pick up line. Of course, I love attention (who doesn't)
but there is a time and place for it. The grocery store, gas stations, auto repair shops or anywhere where you are alone always feel so vulnerable to overly aggressive men. The wrong signal or look can can turn dangerous very quickly. I really dislike that I have to be so cautious all the time, but that's just the way it is.

DorothySeeley's photo
Fri 03/31/17 04:56 PM
Good day Precious one, How are u doing today..? Well I go by the Name Dorothy Ayisibea and I think u are the sweetest person ever to Live on earth that's if u open your heart to Love and Trust. Many people believe Love doesn't exist, I think that is because they have never found their rightful partners.I am nice, sporty, optimistic and funny young woman. I like to care about my family and friends. I enjoy simple things and always find time to stop and enjoy them. I appreciate honesty and openness in people. So if you are interested in getting to know more about me just email me back
Will be waiting for your email Thank You and Stay Blessed.

DorothySeeley's photo
Fri 03/31/17 04:56 PM
Good day Precious one, How are u doing today..? Well I go by the Name Dorothy Ayisibea and I think u are the sweetest person ever to Live on earth that's if u open your heart to Love and Trust. Many people believe Love doesn't exist, I think that is because they have never found their rightful partners.I am nice, sporty, optimistic and funny young woman. I like to care about my family and friends. I enjoy simple things and always find time to stop and enjoy them. I appreciate honesty and openness in people. So if you are interested in getting to know more about me just email me back
Will be waiting for your email Thank You and Stay Blessed.

RustyKitty's photo
Fri 03/31/17 05:42 PM

oh, you are so right about your thoughts on this issue. I do smile and acknowledge people trying to make idle conversation. you said, any woman can tell the difference between just a friendly hello and a poor attempt at a pick up line. Of course, I love attention (who doesn't)
but there is a time and place for it. The grocery store, gas stations, auto repair shops or anywhere where you are alone always feel so vulnerable to overly aggressive men. The wrong signal or look can can turn dangerous very quickly. I really dislike that I have to be so cautious all the time, but that's just the way it is.

Throughout the course of the day,while we are out and about working or running our errands, we could be interacting with others, whether it is in the waiting room waiting for a tire repair, or yakking with the UPS driver, waiting in line at the bank/store,the person behind the counter..the other person beside or waiting with you, could be the one for you .. why are these not the right place for chatting up with others..??
I am not sure what you mean by 'overly aggressive men'... are they trying to grope you? or verbally persistent in asking for your phone number? some men don't take a hint very well perhaps?
A lady should always be aware of her surroundings, for sure! to be safe!

KarenW8's photo
Fri 03/31/17 07:53 PM
That's one of the main reasons I belong to a couple of singles meetup groups in my area. These are the best place to meet people because you are there for that sole reason. When attending these functions I fully expect and sometimes initiate, conversations. The great thing is that it's my choice to be there and it's understood by all of the intent.
Now, Sitting at a coffee shop in my morning drab, I am not all prepared for a wonderful and witty conversation with someone that I have never meet. The aggressive guys I am referencing to are the one's who make me feel uncomfortable when I don't respond with a "yes!!, here's my phone number and I will be waiting by the phone for you to call me for the rest of the day", instead, when I just smile then look away as polite as I can, I hear the "what a b**** line. Not saying all guys are like that but there are some that take it as a personal insult that you didn't engage fully with their request to converse.