Topic: KINDNESS | |
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Tue 01/17/17 04:10 PM
a little bit like leaven goes a long way towards having a good or bad day towards having a lasting relationship and a little bit should build to more and more, meaning that not just give a little bit but the first entrance into the relationship should be with a smile, no harsh words or mockery or I love you excuses with mean mixed in, for if we made bread would we also mix in rocks and sand?
if we made bread would we also mix in rocks and sand?
According to the FDA there are acceptable levels of bug parts and fecal matter (not to mention dirt, hair, fingernails, lots of stuff) allowed in foods. And there are both, and more, in pretty much everything you eat. Some people prefer the ignorance is bliss approach, other people just accept certain facts of life and don't make mountains out of molehills. If you don't want blissful ignorance you can either look towards an overbearing authority figure to tell you what tolerance levels you should have, hoping they have your best interests at heart, even though little to none of their behavior matches up with what they say, or figure your own tolerance levels out yourself and be more responsible for what you produce and consume, requiring a million times more effort and curtailing focus in other more pleasurable and/or fulfilling areas. |