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Topic: Leave an ANONYMOUS or NOT SO ANONYMOUS MSG - part 38
no photo
Sat 07/01/17 05:13 PM
to self : you cannot lose something you never had

no photo
Sat 07/01/17 05:16 PM

Remember where you post stuff laugh

I try, mikey.. but sometimes my little brain couldn't handle so much bs noway rofl

Sure Rosie...

I think you were distracted by the Magic Mike Show that you had a front row seat for!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 07/02/17 09:36 AM
You know I have a soft spot for you, I've never made it obvious, but I doblushing

soufiehere's photo
Sun 07/02/17 11:19 AM

You know I have a soft spot for you, I've never made it obvious, but I doblushing

Silly, everyone has that soft spot, top, back of the head.

no photo
Sun 07/02/17 05:26 PM
Somehow. I didnt expect to miss you

no photo
Sun 07/02/17 06:08 PM
i guess by this time moving forward meant goodbye sad

no photo
Sun 07/02/17 06:11 PM
to self - you will be ok...you have been there most of the timeslaphead

no1phD's photo
Sun 07/02/17 07:28 PM

Sometimes what is so obvious is overlooked ... or dismissed ... as being insignificant .. when really it is what matters the most between a man and a woman ... .. Here let me wipe those rose tinted glasses for you laugh laugh laugh tongue2 now maybe you can see things as they are .. not as you think spock
.. yeah what she said now has anybody seen my glasses... that is my Rose Colored Glasses..lol.wink. sorry I couldn't help but mess with ya..lolwink

no photo
Sun 07/02/17 08:00 PM
blondey where can i get those glasses i think i need one lol

dreamerana's photo
Mon 07/03/17 12:30 AM
That's what i get for being nice

no photo
Mon 07/03/17 04:48 AM
i saw u liked a photo of me
i think u miss me a bit :)

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Mon 07/03/17 10:51 PM
I should never have let you push me into marrying him when I was completely in love with someone else.

dreamerana's photo
Mon 07/03/17 11:11 PM
Im glad you proved me wrong

no photo
Tue 07/04/17 06:27 PM
if i cant help you i truly wish someone else can. it is never easy letting go but now that i see that you are letting go i just need to accept it and move on any way i can. thank you for loving me even if it was just for a season and letting me know i am worth that much , that no distance is ever too far ,nor race,nor time can hinder a love that is true or was true. god bless you and keep you safe always :pray:

no photo
Tue 07/04/17 07:29 PM
Thanks for allowing me to vent, Houston... Moving forward...

dreamerana's photo
Tue 07/04/17 10:35 PM
Ummm. Learned something new today

no photo
Wed 07/05/17 05:13 AM
I'm sure you had your reasons for deactivating, but I feel really sad that you didn't say anything to me. You will always be a dear friend to me and I hope to see you back someday. If not, I wish you all the best in life.

no photo
Wed 07/05/17 03:35 PM
Friends forever flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 07/05/17 03:42 PM
Friends forever happy flowerforyou

mzrosie's photo
Wed 07/05/17 04:17 PM
Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
your heart is true you're a pal and a confidant

I'm not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way
My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow

And if you threw a party
Invited everyone you knew
You would see, the biggest gift would be from me
and the card attached would say,
Thank you for being a friend

Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a friend

- Andrew Gold

:heart: flowerforyou drinks

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