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Topic: Dear Diary, a new beginning
purplecat's photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:09 AM
oh oh.......noway

see !! now look what ya gone an done did!!!!!!noway

laugh devil laugh devil laugh

no photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:10 AM
laugh Dear diary.......ummmmmmmm give peas a chance???:wink: devil

no photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:18 AM
Dear diary.......I wonder how long that religion thread will go on????noway laugh laugh laugh laugh

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:28 AM
theres a topic I steer clear off......noway

no photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:31 AM
hahahaaaaaaaa I was bored at 3 am!!!! Hmmmmmmm Im staying out of it too!!!!! laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:34 AM
laugh devil laugh

no photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:35 AM
Dear diary......I cant stop staring at my "white" mini blinds!!!laugh laugh laugh Oh and I washed my windows and you wouldnt believe the brown crap that came off!!!noway noway laugh laugh

Ok I dont do them that often.....this is a mind boggling event!!!laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:36 AM
Hmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmm ok what is purple wearing on her date tonight?????

Is it a jean night??? casual? ummmmmmm ummmmm sexy but casual???? did you buy new underwear???devil laugh devil

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:37 AM
laugh ......
cleaning is magic isnt it !!!!!laugh
my windows need a clean to , while my dish washer does the dishes I can clean other things in here now wow ...wonder if I will ever catch up on the mess..??noway

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:40 AM
laugh I have 2 drawers FULL of pretty panties!!:tongue: laugh
dont know what I am going to wear still , I might take the kids to walmart today , .... the oldest wants to get himself some new shoes and I think I am going to buy my daughter an early xmas present , get her an mp3 or something her discman bit the dust an Bill lent me his IPOD to lend to her but I feel weird an dont want her to wreck it so I think i'm gonna get her the mp3 thing so I can give him back his ipod thinger...theres some awesome tunes on his ipod.....love bigsmile ...but ya...thats the hap.......

no photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:41 AM
Dear diary........YES!!!! Cleaning is magic!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Yaaaaaaaa I may just go ba jonkers today!!!! Mark this on the calendar!!!laugh laugh

Ummmmmmmm ok who is going to empty the dishwasher???noway laugh noway

no photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:42 AM
2 drawers full???? wow I need to go panty shopping!!!noway noway noway noway

Hmmmmmm did your kids deserve those gifts????huh Did they clean the house and or their rooms???? Did they help out mom in any way???huh laugh

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:42 AM
my daughter has jumped right on puttin the dishes away an stickin the dirty ones in ...yay!! she likes her new dishwasher friend...shez the one who is SUPPOSED to be doin the dishes!!MONSTER!!......laugh

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:46 AM
Tyler will buy his own shoes.....bigsmile
Willow needs tunes.....bigsmile an its an early xmas present , I'm gonna make them tidy the sofas .... which are a mess the lil one trashes them a couple times a day , he makes the big mess .....toys every where .gotta crack a whip behind him to get him to pick em up .....devil laugh

no photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:46 AM
Dear diary.......ya that will last a week and then they whine about unloading and loading......but here is a trick!!! The new rule is.....no dishes on the counter....they go directly into the dishwasher....my son is trained quite well with this at my dad's house...except for the last time I seen 4 glasses and bags of chips strewn around the computer room there..grumble grumble grumble Bloody ell that wouldnt happen if it were at my house!!! I am a clean nazi~~!!!!laugh laugh laugh well when my son lives with me....now Im a lazy slob most of the time!!!laugh laugh

uhhhhhhh dear diary......I guess this info wont get me many dates!!!laugh laugh laugh

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:48 AM
oh ya !! I'm on it !! NO DISHES IN THE SINK or oN THE COUNTER !!......devil devil laugh

no photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:51 AM
Dear diary......hmmmmmmm now what are we going to do with such nice clean empty counters????noway laugh noway

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:51 AM
I'd be a bit more of a natzi if they where lazy teens , my daughter is usually doin homework , on the honor role and in the scholarship prep program....bigsmile
and my oldest son works full time AND pays rent his job is to take out the garbage , and they do their own laundry ....bigsmile

no photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:52 AM
Dear diary.....I have no excuse.....maybe I just like telling ppl what to do!!!noway laugh laugh laugh

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/18/07 11:52 AM
OMG !!!!!!!!!!!! bake stuff!! cookies muffins!!
mmmmmm breads , pizzas cinnomon buns.... FOOD !! I LOVE cooking..........:tongue: love bigsmile

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