Topic: INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigrants | |
as a native american cherokee i agree with ya karma and i m stayin out of this one to much to say
i never said they were fair
i actually insinuated they were not but the fact is using the logic of are you native american (meaning indian or eskamo) amounts to the same as saying all blacks should go back to africa which is also ridiculous are you native american if not maybe you should also go back to the country of your prenorthamerican heritage |
I'm part native yes.
And the term eskimo is incorrect. It's Inuit. |
the times they do a change
very rarely for the better overall and if we were not here someone else would be mankind in general is a conquering species does not make it right but it is the way i see it |
Then it's about time Mankind smartened up.
Thank you Karma, for that corrective bit of information.
![]() By the line of thinking that all that are not Native to this land, the "aboriginal" peoples should likely go back to Asia. Why not just go right back to the cradle of civilisation or even earlier. Let's all be amoebas again! ![]() |
well can not deny that
but you can not turn back time and if you want the world to be one then on with the one world govt ----------------------- karm post I'm part native yes. well only part is allowed to stay then ![]() |
I know how to look up, and c/p too.. I haven't. Nor have I accused anyone of being racist. I have stepped lightly around the word "Emotion" though. Emotion can mean many things I suppose. The emotion I am referring to is FEAR. Statistics can be spun. They are subjective. I do use them in my little diatribes... but I resist the easy way out, of simply copying off pages... Even actual single events can be spun. Two different writers from two different points of view can see the same exact thing, yet still write about two different occurrences. So.. I try to write about my experience as it applies to the subject at hand. is just one man's experience. I could be wrong. I suppose.. My question is.. I have had very little direct contest in this thread. Rather.. I see much contest with a few that agree with me. Why is that? |
Es·ki·mo (sk-m)
n. pl. Eskimo or Es·ki·mos 1. a. A group of peoples inhabiting the Arctic coastal regions of North America and parts of Greenland and northeast Siberia. b. A member of any of these peoples. See Usage Note at Native American. 2. Any of the languages of the Eskimo peoples. ----------------------------- In·u·it also In·nu·it (ny-t) n. pl. Inuit or In·u·its also Innuit or In·nu·its 1. A member of a group of Eskimoan peoples inhabiting the Arctic from northern Alaska eastward to eastern Greenland, particularly those of Canada. 2. a. The family of languages spoken by the Inuit. b. Any of the languages spoken by the Inuit. --------------------------------- A member of a group of Eskimoan peoples |
The term eskimo is still a term taht the white settlers gave them.
They call themselves Inuit or Innu. What would be correct? The name a people have for themselves or the name given by others. |
I have absolutely no clue how this got into historical anthropology..
I've read the thread.. and somehow a few have drawn the argument to a prehistoric point? Sounds like someone is chasing their tail and running out of rational arguments. |
![]() |
experience is a much better teacher under most circumstance but that experience only teaches a small perpective where as to research and put others learning with your experience then your learning goes much deeper thus giving a broader perspective so by all means pass on your experience but broaden your mind with experiences of others |
karmafury is correct.. Inuit is a people. I fished with them when living in Washington. Eskimo could, in some ways.. be understood as slang.
Me bad. The term 'negotiated' just hit the wrong button.
Me hijack thread. Me sorry. Where's that round room so I can sit in the corner. ![]() |
karm post
What would be correct? The name a people have for themselves or the name given by others. ---------------------- it would depend on who is speaking what is the name you have on your official paperwork i may be incorrect but i doubt if it is karmafury and did you legally change your name on said papers or was it given to you at birth |
i do not think it was hijacked
it is relative to the subject of illegal immigration just an earlier event |
But then I am not a 'people', a 'nation'. I a an individual. Who freely choses himself not to use a 'personal' name on a public site unless it be with people that I am in regular communication with. As a national name I am Canadian. That is my 'nation'.
justme post
karmafury is correct.. Inuit is a people. I fished with them when living in Washington. Eskimo could, in some ways.. be understood as slang. ------------------------ again small perspective broaden your perspective def of Innuit 1. A member of a group of Eskimoan peoples inhabiting the Arctic from northern Alaska eastward to eastern Greenland, particularly those of Canada. |
"Eskimoan" Term that they do not refer to themselves by.