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Topic: was Comey threatend?
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Mon 11/07/16 04:45 PM

it seems very strange that it took a year plus to examine 55,000 emails, but it took a little over 1 week to examine 650,000 emails. something smells fishy in washington. maybe the clinton cartel got to him.but i really think its to late to put the stink back in the sack, i think she loses the election. after that comes the back stabbing and the throwing under the bus of these sleezy individuals starting at the top with obama down to the loliest liberal.

I don't think he was threatened. I don't think it too smart to threatened the director of the FBI

But I think he was put under a lot of internal and external( NYPD)pressure to reopen the case and investigate the new e mails

I think the info on those e mails and the other stuff found on that computer is soo damning to Clinton and others that he didn't have to really get to far into them to realize that crimes have been committed..

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